However, the pair of black dragon wings behind Li Yun Yun is obviously not the effect of the first flash.

After a short stay in the air, Li Xing Yunlong's wings were flying out with the whole person spinning against the ground.

At the moment of Li Xingyun's appearance, the executioner's axe was almost cut off against Li Xingyun's scalp.

"Boom..." The axe fell to the ground.

There was a huge crack in the ground.

At the end of the hole is the ground that has collapsed.

After the ground completely split, the mutant zombie who dug the tunnel climbed out.

Compared with those mutant zombies in the movie, the mutant zombie in front of Li Xingyun and others is obviously more severe.

Out of a strange opening that can crack like a chrysanthemum, the palm of the mutant zombie has turned into a pangolin like claw.

At the same time, a strong exoskeleton was formed on the bald head, and the body size was several times larger than that of the ordinary zombie. Although it was not as strong as the executioner leader, it was not much smaller than the general executioner.

Most importantly, these highly variable zombies are more than one.

In the cracks in the ground, one by one, strong mutant zombies crawled out of the hole they had dug before, more than a dozen of them stopped.

Not only that, there are a lot of noise coming out of the ground, and obviously there are a lot of mutant zombies that don't come out under the ground.

"Alice, you can dig the mutant zombie, I'll deal with that big guy." Li Xingyun's back born dragon wings, an unprecedented force filled his whole body, he felt that he was not venting, I was afraid he would have to blow up.

Alice nodded after hearing Li Xingyun's words, and then she ran up on the wall. The desert eagle in her hand also fired wildly at the mutant zombies who had joined the battlefield.

When Alice attracts the attention that can help the mutated zombie, Li Xingyun rises from the sky again with her wings.

The leader of the executioner also waved the Tomahawk to Li Xingyun to chop Huashan, and the axe was also shining with red light.

The sound of breaking into the sky with the axe is like the roar of a dragon, but what attracts more attention is Li Xingyun.

After Li Xingyun was suspended in the sky, she was wrapped in a layer of pale silver light and whirled wildly. The sword in her hand turned into a shadow like the propeller of a helicopter.

"Serial chop"

there is no escape, Li Xingyun's fast rotating sword against the giant axe in the hands of the executioner's leader.

Like the sharp noise of a chainsaw and steel, rings of air spread from Li Xingyun and the leader of the executioner.

The whirling sword and the chopping axe all of a sudden froze together.

"Break it for me"

as Li Xingyun roared, a burst of light broke out on the sword again, and the executioner's axe could not hold back the sword's cutting into two parts.

After cutting off the axe, the light of the sword spread out. In the blink of an eye, it wiped the neck of the executioner leader, and then disappeared in the zombie group.

The next second, the head of the executioner, who was still stiff, rolled down, and his tall body fell down.

In the zombie group, a large number of zombies that were affected also turned into disabled bodies and fell down.

On the other side, after bypassing the executioner leader, there was also a problem with the flat armored vehicle.

When the flat riot armored vehicle bypassed the leader of the executioner, several large pits collapsed on the road.

Chen Xiaoming suddenly did not respond, directly flat storm armored car driving into a big pit.

Under the huge impact, I almost didn't let the people inside knock out.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Morgana used her own strength to offset the kinetic energy of the forward rush for the people, which saved everyone from the end of being head broken and bleeding.

When the front of the car got stuck in a hole, it couldn't be driven.

Chen Xiaoming swears and pushes open the top movable door of the flat riot armored vehicle and leaps out. Facing the dense zombies outside, it is a burst of shooting.

The second one is going out with Chris.

Armed by Chen Xiaoming, the two men were armed to the teeth, and their bodies were covered with all kinds of guns.

In addition, the courage and strength of the two men were good. As soon as they were out of the flat riot armored vehicle, they raised their guns to shoot the nearby zombies.

The last one came out was mogana. As soon as the big boss appeared, it was obvious that the zombies nearby seemed to panic for a moment.

The mutant zombies, who had been out of the ground to attack them, suddenly stayed in the cave, as if their brains were short circuited.

These zombies have naturally become the living targets of Chen Xiaoming and others.

After a fierce fire, most of the zombies close to them were killed, and the few remaining were no longer a threat.

But there were more zombies in the distance.Now they turn over the car at the edge of the zombie tide, but they have not really come out of the zombie tide, so Chen Xiaoming and others at a glance, all around the front and back are full of zombies.

If the psychological quality is not good, I'm afraid to see this picture will be paralyzed, even if the courage of Luther and Chris see this situation also feel a little weak leg.

"Kill in the northeast direction, where the zombies are the least." moganna also pretended to take out a submachine gun to play, while reminding them of Chen Xiaoming.

Then the four killed them in the northeast.

After Li Xingyun and Alice have solved their opponents, they also quickly catch up with Chen Xiaoming and others.

In that direction, more zombies have surrounded the past.

If the break out time is not good, Chen Xiaoming and his team are likely to be flooded by the endless zombie tide.

When Chen Xiaoming broke through the encirclement, the ground also subsided from time to time. Some common ground digging zombies climbed out of the pit and tried to stop Chen Xiaoming and others from escaping.

It's just that Chen Xiaoming's shooting method is too abnormal.

The effect of two special submachine guns turned into heavy machine guns in his hands. Under intensive straying, zombies fall in pieces. Almost one bullet can solve a zombie.

Most of the earth digging zombies were shot dead by Chen Xiaoming before they could climb out.

After Chen Xiaoming, Mo ganna and others become more relaxed.

Especially Morgana, after relaxing, even didn't want to put on. She put away her guns, took out a lollipop and ate it. She looked as relaxed as a girl out shopping.

Do not know the truth of Luther two people are also Mo Gana's audacious behavior scared, hastily played the role of flower protector.

Originally, Luther had to reprimand Morgana, but after Mo Gana looked at her, the man, who was two meters tall, felt a palpitation. She swallowed the words in her mouth, and acted as a guard honestly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!