After Alfa Weske finished, he looked at Li Xingyun and others.

Obviously, he also has great expectations for Li Xingyun's powerful assistance. Although he doesn't think that Li Xingyun alone can turn the situation around, the existence of moganna gives him great hope.

"I think we've got an eye on the means to control ordinary zombies." Li Xingyun smiles at alpha wesk, then introduces the G-virus mutant zombie G? J, which has been cut into a stick.

After learning that G. J. is the "culprit" who can control ordinary zombies by the Red Queen, Alfa Wisker's eyes glowed with horror.

"Well, well, I didn't expect that as soon as you came back, I ordered my research team to pay close attention to the mysteries of this mutant zombie"

Alfa Wisker was overjoyed to look at g? J like a stick, and his eyes were as happy as Dr. William saw G? J at the beginning.

"If you want to study him, count me. At the beginning, I did an in-depth study on him with Dr. William, and I believe I can help you a lot." mogana smiles sweetly and looks at Alfa Wisker innocently.

Alfa Weske frowned and finally agreed.

For mogana, who seems to be a weak woman, he does not want to be provoked. If it were not for an extraordinary period, Alfa Wisker would not allow mogana to appear in front of him, let alone join their most secret biochemical research institute.

After setting up mogana, alpha wesk took Li Xingyun and other people to the city wall and looked at the vast number of zombies. Alfa Wisk made a detailed introduction to Li Xingyun and others in the current form.

According to alpha Wisker, human beings are really in danger.

Not counting the ordinary zombies whose numbers are not clear.

Other variant zombies, the Red Queen mobilized more than a million.

Among them, the biggest threat is the army of giant lickers and the army of zombie flying dragons.

These two mutant zombies, day by day, pose a huge threat to their defense.

In addition to these two zombie legions, the executioners who led ordinary zombies like tanks were a headache for Alfa Wisker.

These indomitable large zombies are difficult to kill without the use of large firepower weapons such as tanks. In addition, the large number of these zombies makes the soldiers in the front line feel more pressure.

"In such a big battlefield, we can't play a decisive role. Although we are fierce, it's already the limit to face thousands of mutant zombies by one person. It's just like a fool to talk about a million zombies if we want to stop the army of millions of zombies." Alice looked at the vast number of zombies, and her face was terrible.

She had never seen so many zombies before when she was on her own.

"I know, so your main battlefield is not here, but in the sky," Alfa Wisker pointed to the sky with an unpredictable smile.

"Heaven?" Chen Xiaoming asked with a confused face.

"Yes, the sky, to be exact, it should be in the low earth orbit outside the atmosphere"

"according to the exact information, the Red Queen has moved her main body to a space station, and has continuously transformed the space station for several years"

"with the modification of the Red Queen, the scale of the space station has been expanded dozens of times, "The most powerful mutant zombies under the Red Queen are all hit where they are, waiting for us to show our fatigue and then give us a devastating blow"

"so as long as you can destroy the Battlestar, the rest of the people will be safe. No matter how many zombies are on the ground, without the commander-in-chief, it is just that It's just some powerful beasts "

the words of Alfa Weske let Li Xingyun understand it completely. No wonder the Red Queen doesn't care what the earth will become.

For an AI, it doesn't matter if the earth is destroyed completely, because she and her people are not on earth at all.

Even if the earth really becomes the garbage in space, the red queen can escape from other planets and continue to develop her unique civilization system.

"Is it space this time? Let's fight." Alice looked firmly at the dark night sky. This time, she would completely end the gratitude and resentment with the red queen over the years.

You can't go into space if you want to. All kinds of preparations are essential.

Although the R & D team under Alfa Wisker has made perfect equipment, for Chen Xiaoming, those so-called equipment are just scum.

Chen Xiaoming had no choice but to go back to his old business, leading only a few engineers under Alfa Wisker to build his mechanical armor and further refit the space shuttle.

With the efforts of Chen Xiaoming, one month later, the equipment and vehicles of all the people were transformed.It is worth mentioning that the R & D team led by Morgana has successfully solved the mystery that G? J can control ordinary zombies.

Through the reverse control of the ordinary zombie army, the White House base lasted an extra month.

After all the preparations, Alice, Li Xingyun, Chen Xiaoming, mogana, Jill, alpha wesk clone, IDA king and Lyon flew into the sky in the space shuttle which was about to be converted into a space saucer.

"Good luck" Alfa Wisker looks at the shuttle as it goes straight into the sky.

Alice and other eight are the best team Alfa Weske has been able to send so far. If they fail, then the last hope of mankind will be dashed.

With the current equipment and personnel of the White House, it is no longer possible to organize a second group of commandos to visit the Red Queen space fortress.

After the magic transformation of the space shuttle broke through the ozone layer and came into space, Chen Xiaoming piloted the space shuttle directly toward a coordinate.

Where is the real base camp of the Red Queen and the real foundation for the Red Queen to rule the earth.

Shortly after, Li Xingyun and others saw a huge space fortress suspended in earth orbit through the window of the space shuttle.

The real space fortress is four or five times bigger than the umbrella company's Tokyo headquarters.

If it is used for human survival, it can at least accommodate more than one million people to live safely here. , the fastest update of the webnovel!