"Compared with the yellow sand on earth, where zombies are rampant, this is the real paradise. What is hateful is that such a paradise has become the dependence of the Red Queen to exterminate mankind." looking at the Space Fortress full of science and technology, King ADA couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

Alpha wesk's intelligence source is the super spies like King IDA. In order to get the real coordinates of the Battlestar and all the information, these super spies have paid the price of blood over the years.

By now, the original umbrella company's super spy has died, leaving only one person, ADA Wang.

"After killing the Red Queen, this place will become the origin of the rise of mankind. I believe we can do it." Lyon is also a human warrior with a strong belief. For the sake of human survival, he has experienced many wars in recent years.

After watching his comrades fall down countless times, this strong man has already carried all the heavy burden on himself. For the sake of human survival, he doesn't mind sacrificing himself, just like his comrades in arms who have already sacrificed.

"We'll do it. The Red Queen will pay the price for what she's done over the years." Alice took a strand of wrapped green silk from her pocket and put it on her forehead. Her eyes turned from hatred to tenderness.

This is Becky's hair. It was taken off by Alice after she killed her. If nothing happened, the green silk would accompany her until she died.

This time, whether it is for Becky who has died or for herself, Alice will come to a complete end of the cloud Red Queen.

"I have entered the vicinity of the Space Fortress, ready to fight. Although I have modified the anti detection system, I can't guarantee that I can escape the Red Queen's detection." Chen Xiaoming carefully drove the space shuttle under the sky fortress, and everyone held their breath.

As the last survival place of the Red Queen, just take a look at those ferocious cannon tubes to know that the protection force of the sky fortress is not bad.

They're really risking their lives in this space shuttle approach to Battlestar.

Once discovered in advance by the Red Queen, they will become one of the space junk along with the space shuttle.

When the space shuttle is attached to the corner of the space shuttle, it will be put down.

"The next step is to fight on the side. Be ready to fight"

"in addition to Chen Xiaoming, who is in charge of guarding the space shuttle, the rest of us will follow me"

with Morgana's words, eight men armed with mechanical warfare armour entered the Space Fortress along the incision.

After entering the Space Fortress, they were immediately discovered by the Red Queen.

The shrill sirens rang all over the space fortress.

"How can you appear here? I order you to give up resistance, or you will all die here"

the projection of the Red Queen appeared in front of and behind Alice's face. Alice sneered and said, "are you not bored with this sentence? Naturally, we come here to repay you for what you have done over the years"

after Alice shot the projector with one shot In addition to Chen Xiaoming, who was guarding the retreat in situ, the others immediately ran to the depths of the fortress in the sky.

"There is a perfect air circulation system and gravity system inside the space fortress"

"the Red Queen is purely mechanical, and does not need these things"

"that only shows that the Red Queen's servants are free to live in this place, otherwise the red queen does not need to waste resources to build these unnecessary facilities." Lyon uses mechanical armor After analyzing the environment, he came to a conclusion.

That's the Red Queen and really controls her strongest people like a puppet.

"It seems that the strongest biochemical soldiers under the red queen have their own consciousness. In this way, things may turn around"

after hearing Lyon's analysis, Li Xingyun and others kept flashing their eyes.

As long as we can communicate, many things don't have to be solved by force.

It would be very beneficial for them if they could actually turn back one or two biochemical fighters.

"To go to the Red Queen's core computer room, we have to go through five large areas"

"in these five areas, the Red Queen will definitely deploy heavy guards"

"in order to prevent the red queen from escaping into space, we must kill these five areas as quickly as possible to see the Red Queen's core host"

"the best way I can think of is rocket type ladder After Lyon played out his rich adventure experience, he was unanimously agreed by all the people.

Soon after the tactics were decided, they met the biochemical corps of the Red Queen.

This time, the appearance of the bio chemical Corps in front of them has become even more "unrestrained". Many variants have completely lost the appearance of human beings and become completely monsters.

For example, what appears to them now is a kind of snake like creature with a strange mouth of circular chrysanthemum.

This kind of monster is not only extremely dexterous in action, but also has the ability to fly over eaves and walls. As soon as Fang appeared, he surrounded them with three layers inside and three outside. This dense formation made Li Xingyun think of the zombie rat tide before."It's hard to swim out again." looking at those disgusting guys, Li Xingyun is not willing to.

"The mucus secreted by these guys is very corrosive, even if the super alloy of the mech armor can't resist for too long. We have to find a way to quickly break out of the encirclement." Lyon said, let the rest of the people look more dignified.

"I'll do it." King ADA was the first to stand up, and a huge fireball appeared in his flat hands.

With the strength of ADA Wang, the temperature of the fireball between her hands became higher and higher. At the end of the day, even though she was separated from the mechanical armor, Li Xingyun and others felt a burst of sultry heat.

"Burning the sky and flame" in Ada Wang's delicate drink, the extremely high temperature fireball was thrown out by her.

Before the fireball approached, those strange snakes were scorched one after another, and the rest became shriveled under the residual temperature. Not only did they move much slower, but also they lost their ability to climb the wall.

For a time, Li Xingyun's passage in front of them fell a strange snake rain. After a large number of strange snakes fell on the ground, they were completely ignited by passing high-temperature fireballs and turned into flames, which continued to raise the surrounding temperature.


after the fireball of King ADA's burning sky was cleared out of a passage, Li Xingyun and others immediately rushed through the flame.

When they arrived at a spacious hall, they found that all the strange snakes that pursued them disappeared.

Instead, there was a mutant Zombie King that he had never seen before.

This mutant Zombie King's upper body is a human body that is strong enough to be the executioner's leader, while the lower body has completely lost its human appearance and become a giant scorpion body.

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