"Is the headmaster trying to kill us? After sealing the strength, he threw us into the enemy camp." Chen Xiaoming, the most unbearable, felt dizzy under the pressure. If it had not been for his amazing willpower, he would have fainted.

"Sure enough, I didn't expect that the legendary old man was really powerful, at least he was a demigod, or how could he rob people in the hands of the headmaster with great powers?" Morgana looked at the angel with a smile and muttered.

After seeing that moganna ignored his pressure, the angel could not help but become angry: "bold thief, break into heaven mountain and die"

after that, the angel pulled out a shining sword from the void.

The cross composed of the two holy lights of "cross cutting" flew out from the sword. The light had not been cut to Li Xingyun and others, and the strong wind pressure almost made them breathe.

Li Xingyun gritted her teeth against Chen Xiaoming. At this time, Chen Xiaoming and Mo shaocong, who became an ordinary person, would have been killed by wind pressure before Li Xingyun took care of him.

"Ha ha, even your boss doesn't dare to attack us directly. What are you?" moganna did not have a look of panic, and looked at the angel with a sarcastic face.

With the flying of the cross, an invisible shield appears in front of the four of Li Xingyun across time and space.

After the cross cut hit the shield, it disappeared immediately. At the same time, the angel who cut out the cross cut also disappeared in the scream of panic.

"Come out, I know you're watching in the dark. It's not like asking this little guy to test who's behind us?" After the mocking look of Morgana disappeared, she looked at the sky solemnly.

After appearing here, Morgana observed the headmaster's reaction. After half ring without the headmaster's prompt tone, Morgana knew that they should have been intercepted on the way to transmission.

The object of jiehu is naturally the omnipotent God in the legend.

"The existence of you has destroyed the order of the heaven's death world, and nian'er'er is also under the control of others. This time I will bypass you, and if you dare to commit any crime, you will fall into the abyss of hell forever"

"now I demote you into the human world and never go to heaven"

mogana did not wait for God's real body to appear, but waited for a magnificent voice to ring through the heaven and earth.

In Morgana's slightly disappointed eyes, a mysterious and strange force intruded into their bodies, which ignored the magic shield of the headmaster.

Chen Xiaoming and Mo shaocong didn't feel anything, but Mo ganna and Li Xingyun changed their faces because they found that their extraordinary power was rapidly fading away.

"We detected the intervention of external forces, started the emergency mode, and the difficulty of this trial task has changed"

before Li Xingyun and his colleagues made any response, the headmaster's icy voice appeared again.

After a dazzling light filled the eyes, Li Xingyun and others disappeared in the paradise mountain again.

All this was seen by a group of angels not far away, but they had no chance to think about it.

Because with the departure of Li Xingyun and others, a light column suddenly shot down from the sky, wiping out all the angels who have seen Li Xingyun and others.

In an American style villa, Li Xingyun stretches and wakes up tired.

After waking up, Li Xingyun suddenly remembered something. She couldn't help turning over and sitting up. After seeing the familiar and unfamiliar decoration in the room, Li Xingyun knocked her head and went back again.

"Has the headmaster helped us get rid of the so-called God"

"according to the headmaster's final prompt tone, our task difficulty should be adjusted and lowered a lot. After all, now our strength is sealed by God"

lying down on the bed, Li Xingyun quietly closed his eyes for a few minutes and began to read the school in his mind Long implanted memory.

"This time, we entered the world of" new ghost Street ", and our identity was arranged as high school students in the small town, a high school classmate with the protagonist and others"

"the main task of" living "has not changed. The branch task no longer requires us to solve the mystery of the world and find the secret agent behind the scenes. Instead, we become the protection of the protagonist and others from death and kill Fu Laidi three times "

" for us, the difficulty of this level is indeed reduced a lot "

" although Freddy's dream killing skills are powerful, there are many flaws. In addition, when he can be pulled into the real world, he will lose his super ability. As long as he has a good plan, it is not difficult to deal with it. "

after Li Xingyun has sorted out the information implanted by the headmaster, we can sort out the present situation The timeliness of.

"Xingyun, get up quickly, do you remember what you're going to do today"

after a soft female voice sounded outside the door, Li Xingyun raised her voice and roared: "know Mom, I'm going to get up now"

"OK, pay attention to the time, breakfast is on the table, I'll go out first." after the soft female voice, there is a clear and crisp door closing sound.The good thing about American families is that they have a high degree of freedom, especially for high school students like Li Xingyun. As long as they say hello and contact each other for a few days and nights, they won't make much noise.

After washing and eating the suggested breakfast, Li Xingyun went out in a black suit.

"Today is the third day after Dean's" suicide "of the first death in" new ghost Street ", and it is also Dean's funeral. Where will Chen Xiaoming and his supporting roles appear?

" the rest of the supporting roles in the new ghost Street will also appear, and then Freddy starts to hunt wildly in his dream "

Li Xingyun finds his garage and drives a car The half old car drove towards the cemetery.

The memory directly implanted by the headmaster is very convenient, so that Li Xingyun, a guy who came to this world for the first time, can find the right way quickly.

After coming to the cemetery, Li Xingyun saw Chen Xiaoming three people get together and talk about something.

Li Xingyun came to the three people before he had time to say anything, the funeral began.

Father: "tragedy can't make us more sad, it will turn grief into strength"

"today we gather and unite for the sake of this young man who passed away and his pain before his life"


"God, you can turn the shadow of death into light and enter a new beginning"

"we gather together to entrust Dean in your hand It helps us look up to you with repentance "

" and remind us that his death is our existence... "

With the priest's prayer, Li Xingyun faintly felt a cold power slowly covering the people, and then gathered around a girl in the front row.

After Li Xingyun realized something strange, she couldn't help but look up at Mo Gana. Now she turned around and winked at him mischievously.

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