"This gift is OK. At the last moment of God's old man's hands, I helped you resist a little seal. Although all your strength has been weakened to the level of ordinary people, your perception has not been completely erased"

through lip language, Li Xingyun understood the words of moganna, and then her face was overjoyed.

If we can sense Freddy's dream time, it will obviously greatly improve their situation.

At the end of the priest's prayer, the cold power was scattered from the girl.

Then, the people who attended the funeral left one after another. They were very surprised and grieved at Dean's death, but they did not pay too much attention to Dean's abnormality.

Everyone thinks Dean committed suicide in public after he had a mental problem.

Only Chris, the number two woman in new ghost street, the girl Freddy had been staring at before, felt something was wrong.

Then Chris talked to her boyfriend Jesse, and then Nancy joined in.

After some conversation, the three people parted in displeasure.

Li Xingyun's four decided not to wait and see, but to get involved in the plot immediately. According to the movie, Freddy's power at the beginning was not very strong.

But as the protagonist and others become more and more sleepy and fall into a deeper dream, Freddy is powerful to the extent that he is difficult to deal with.

So it's obviously best to get involved at the beginning.

After Li Xingyun's four people split up, Li Xingyun finds Nancy, the heroine who was dreamt for a moment by Freddy that night. However, Nancy at this time returns home accompanied by her mother. Li Xingyun can only wait for their dinner, and then there is a gap to make an appointment with Nancy.

"Li Xingyun, haven't seen you for a long time, what's the matter?" Nancy was very reluctant to smile at Li Xingyun. In her memory, although Li Xingyun was the same high school classmate as her, she didn't talk too much, so she was just a familiar person.

After calling Nancy, Li Xingyun looked into her eyes with dignity and said, "Nancy, although it's a little presumptuous, now I have to confirm one thing to you"

"did you see something strange when Dean committed suicide"

after hearing Li Xingyun's inquiry, Nancy's face became more ugly: "Why are you doing this Do you ask? "

"Because of this", Li Xingyun raised her hand and let Nancy see the gauze wrapped in his palm. The scarlet blood on the gauze confirmed the freshness of the wound on Li Xingyun's palm.

This is Li Xingyun's disguised wound in order to gain Nancy's trust.

"After Dean died, I saw a strange guy in my sleep, and he left me this"

"what's really weird is that after the injury in my dream, I wake up with the same wound on my hand"

Li Xingyun's words made Nancy's face white.

Nancy was Freddy's second target. She had a brief horror dream before Dean died.

It's just that Nancy didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until Dean committed suicide in front of her that Nancy realized the seriousness of the problem.

She was the first to believe in Freddy's existence.

This kind of strange terrorist incident, she can not explain to others.

Originally, at today's funeral, Nancy was hoping to get the affirmation of Chris, but it was strongly rejected by Chris's boyfriend Jesse, which made Nancy a little frustrated.

Just when she was going to face her fear alone, Li Xingyun came.

And tell her for sure that what she fears is real, not her own fantasy.

This makes Nancy feel that she has found her "bosom friend" all of a sudden, but then comes greater fear.

"You've seen him, too. He's burned to death, his right hand Nancy, who has "claws" on her right hand, looks at Li Xingyun in horror.

Li Xingyun shook her head and said, "I didn't really see him, but the" claw ", to be exact, was that finger was the blade right hand. I saw it"

"it was that right hand that left this" memorial "

although Li Xingyun did not directly say that she had met Freddy, the same right hand made Nancy believe more firmly, They dream of the same monster.

After Li Xingyun's strategy of retreating to advance achieved remarkable effect, she finally got all the trust of Nancy.

Next, Li Xingyun revealed that there were still several people who had the same experience with him. After class, Li Xingyun agreed with Nancy to have a small meeting after class the next day to discuss the weird things that they met at present.

After Li Xingyun's success.

Mogana's side has also successfully convinced the female number two Chris that Freddy exists.

It is that Chen Xiaoming and Mo shaocong are not making good progress.

Chris's boyfriend Jessie seems to be scared by Freddy, stubbornly does not believe that Freddy is really there, that it is only his own illusion.

Under American education, these young people are more independent and more self-sufficient. Even if the facts are in front of them, there are also many people who do not want to believe.For those people, there are always excuses for their ignorance.

So Chen Xiaoming's persuasion did not work.

As for Mo shaocong, it is even worse. Quentin, the man who has not been attacked by Freddy, said nothing and believed that Mo shaocong had other intentions. They almost fought.

After all the preparations that could be done, the four of Li Xingyun could only go back to their respective homes.

The four of them are still ordinary high school students. In order not to let their parents doubt each other and interfere with their later actions, they can only abide by the schedule of ordinary high school students.

Fortunately, high school in the United States is relatively loose, and the time given to them is still free.

If we change to exam oriented education mode, the four of them want to have free time to do tasks, unless they skip class or there is no other way.

But to Li Xingyun's surprise, he was attacked by Freddy that night.

"It's really coming" Li Xingyun looks at the dilapidated buildings in front of her, which is covered with snow. Her eyes reveal a cold and sharp look.

In order to get enough information at tomorrow's party, Li Xingyun's four decided to test whether they would be attacked by Freddy that night.

According to the movie, Freddy would only attack a few children in the kindergarten where he worked.

Li Xingyun's four people obviously did not read in that kindergarten.

If Freddy only attacks those targets, the four of them will not be dreamt of by Freddy.

Now, with this bizarre dream, it is clear that the previous inference has been overturned.

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