Ma'am, it's not polite for you to let go of what you said before the disturbance.

The strong body separated Jesse from Chris.

Seeing that she couldn't take Chris away, Jesse decided to leave angrily.

Morgana stopped Jesse: "I know you think what we're doing is ridiculous, but if you think about it, it's hard to explain this kind of thing with common sense when a strange person appears in several people's dreams at the same time."

"besides, the connection between you has been clearly set here. Even if you don't want to admit it, the fact is the fact."

"Not for yourself, but for Chris, you have to find out, don't you? Or do you prefer to choose to ignore the escape, rather than have the courage to investigate the truth of the matter"

Mo ganna's words made Jesse hesitant. Finally, in Chris's eyes of expectation, Jesse forced down her agitation and fear, so she joined Li Xingyun's research Group.

But after Jesse's trouble, the library couldn't stay.

Li Xingyun and others had to change places. This time, they chose the restaurant where Nancy worked.

At the same time, Nancy uses heart to heart talk as a reason to make an appointment with Quentin, the only one in the photo who has not been attacked by Freddy.

After the whole group gathered together, the research conference began again.

In the face of a lot of evidence and the truth, the two boys who joined later couldn't find a good excuse to refute.

Although the two boys in the heart some diaphragm should, but finally can accept the explanation of Li Xingyun and others.

"Why were they all attacked by Freddy, but I didn't?" Quentin's query also made the other three confused.

Before, they compared the time and found that all three of them had seen Freddy intermittently in the nightmare in the past few days.

And after each meeting, the next will become more breathtaking.

It's like Freddy's been following them with hunters.

The fear of death getting closer and closer made all three of them feel that their spirits were breaking down.

At this time, they found that Quentin had not been attacked by Freddy, and a different mood could not help but flow into their hearts.

"Maybe there is something different between Quentin and US"

with the words of mogana, everyone's eyes are focused on this little introverted big boy.

"Me? I don't feel that I'm different. "Quentin looked at everyone at a loss and felt at a loss.

The big boy obviously hasn't "enjoyed" this kind of attention so far.

At this time, Quentin was at a loss. The ornament hanging from his neck slipped out of his collar.

At the moment of seeing the ornament, Li Xingyun's eyes were strange and said: "I may know why, Quentin, you are religious, right"

Quentin held the Religious Jewelry and said thoughtfully: "yes, my whole family are Christians"

"this necklace is a gift given to me by my father when I was six years old, and I have been wearing it so far"

" Quentin took off the necklace and put it on the table in the middle of the crowd.

After Li Xingyun picked up the necklace, she immediately felt a warm force into her body, leaving her body with a faint cold feeling in the hidden corner of her body.

"This necklace may be the reason why Quentin is sheltered. If anyone falls into a dream and can't be awakened in time, this necklace is likely to save our lives," Li Xingyun said, handing the necklace to Nancy.

When Nancy held the necklace, she felt inexplicable peace of mind, as if the shadow over her soul had been broken by the sunshine.

After all the people who Freddy watched played with the necklace, they all agreed that the necklace was the magic weapon between them.

Li Xingyun and others also know that Quentin also took the initiative to take off the necklace twice in the film, which was chased by Freddy in his dream.

Now the question for several of them is how a necklace can protect so many of them.

"This necklace can only cure the symptoms, not the root cause. If you want to defeat Freddy thoroughly, you have to find another way"

"moreover, if you don't have enough pious belief, how long this necklace can protect is also a problem." mogana pretended to look at the necklace and gave it back to Quentin.

In less than a few minutes, the old boy, who was still in good spirits, looked sleepy as if he could sleep at any time.

After getting the necklace, Quentin's sleepiness dissipated.

At this time, Quentin is no longer silly to realize that it is not appropriate, and the previous half faith completely disappeared.

"I'll analyze Freddy's ability first," Li Xingyun said solemnly after seeing that everyone had no doubt about Freddy's existence."Freddy has shown two transcendental abilities so far"

"the first is to be able to transform the damage in our dreams into real ones, and also to interfere with the reality in a small extent"

"for example, in the last class this afternoon, I noticed that a wisp of her hair was somehow cut off by a sharp weapon after Chris fell asleep After Freddy's strange hand was cut, his palm was really hurt. For example, Dean committed suicide in public under Freddy's control "

after talking about Dean, Li Xingyun pauses for a moment, and gives the dead the final respect with his painful expression.

Then Li Xingyun went on: "second, I found that Freddy seems to have a hypnotic ability, especially when people feel tired, it is very easy to fall into a deep sleep"

"after the two abilities are added together, Freddy's pursuit of dreams is faster and faster"

"if he sleeps, he will inevitably be called by Freddy"


"But if we don't rest, we will become more and more tired. Freddy's second ability will take advantage of it, let us fall into deep sleep, and kill us once and for all"

"this is like a vicious circle. If we don't find a solution, we will eventually be doomed"

Li Xingyun's words make Nancy four feel a sense of fear of standing on their feet On my mind.

This is almost an unsolved situation.

Looking at Nancy's frightened expression, Morgana added, "in the face of this vicious circle, we have found an emergency solution and a real solution to the problem. However, we have not tried either of them."

"let me talk about the emergency solution first." mogana took out a bag of medicine and put it on the table.

"It's a drug that can keep people awake for a short time. It can keep ordinary people from sleeping for five days, but it's not clear whether it can really resist Freddy's hypnosis ability"

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