"The second way is meditation, which is popular in Oriental countries"

"meditation is also a way of rest instead of sleeping in Oriental countries. It is said that experts in this field can even use meditation to completely replace sleep and achieve the level of never sleeping for life"

"it's just that it's difficult to learn meditation, and I'm not sure I'm in deep meditation Can we still be pulled into his dream world by Freddy "

after mogana said two ways to deal with it, Nancy's pale faces were much better.

Although Mo ganna's methods have not been verified, but it is better than waiting for death without a head.

"That's it. First, use drugs to keep awake, and then learn to meditate. Try to see if Freddy can be drawn into the dream. The last time is that Quentin's necklace can wake up the dreamers"

after the final discussion, Nancy and others agreed with Li Xingyun's proposal, and planned to study meditation while maintaining consciousness with drugs.

After Li Xingyun and the eight of them worked out a detailed plan and how to deal with Freddy, the time was more than 7 p.m.

This point for high school students, they obviously have to go home for dinner.

But in order to be able to care for each other, they decided to have dinner and live in Chris's house tonight.

It happened that Chris's mother was on a flight tonight, and there was no one at home.

After dinner, everyone made excuses to leave home, and then they met at Chris's.

As soon as she entered Chris's house, Li Xingyun felt a strong and cold atmosphere enveloping them.

Li Xingyun's face changed slightly and said in a low voice: "I didn't expect that after changing the plot, Freddy still chose to attack Chris, and I'm afraid I won't have time tonight"

moganna nodded and said, "I'm responsible for watching Chris. You're responsible for watching other characters in the plot to prevent Freddy from bypassing Chris and attacking other people"

Li Xingyun's three people are not available Point a bit, each found their responsible for tracking the plot characters.

Because Li Xingyun has a strong sense of perception, she naturally chooses Nancy, who is most vulnerable to Freddie's attack. Chen Xiaoming and Mo shaocong are responsible for watching the other two big boys.

One night, Li Xingyun and they naturally did not waste. They found out the cases that had been attacked by Freddy in the past and analyzed them one by one.

This time, the drugs were maintained, and no one felt sleepy until three o'clock in the middle of the night.

It's just after 3:00, and the cold breath gets worse again, and Chris is the first one who can't bear the drowsiness.

"The drug should not only have this effect, is Freddy here?" Nancy, who was very careful, was shocked and almost broke out in a cold sweat after perceiving Chris's sleepiness.

By Nancy's words, Chris is also scared, sleepy, scared around.

After the public vigilance, the sleepiness dissipated a lot.

However, this spirit did not maintain for too long, half an hour to sleepiness again.

This time I took the medicine and it didn't work.

"If you go on like this, you will fall asleep sooner or later. Try meditation." mogana immediately proposed to replace sleep with meditation.

"Chris, your sleepiness is the most serious, but let me help you into meditation, or it will be bad when you really fall asleep." mogana's words made Chris unable to refuse.

After half a sound, with the help of mogana, Chris slowly entered the state of meditation, breathing gradually became regular.

Li Xingyun also noticed that the cold breath in the room began to gather on Chris's head, like a dark cloud around Chris's head for a long time.

Li Xingyun felt the breath of yin and cold, and became more and more intense than ever before. Her heart beat faster, and she felt a sense of fear in her heart.

At the same time, Chris's breathing became more rapid.

"Wake her up quickly." mogana, struggling with sleepiness at the moment, rushed up and slapped Chris on the cheek.

Chris did not wake up under the beat of mogana, but became more frightened. A shrill scream came out of Chris' mouth.

Li Xingyun saw this, without saying a word, directly poured a glass of water on Chris's face, and Chris woke up in horror.

Chris, still with tears in the corner of her eye, grabbed Morgana's arm and said in panic: "I see him. He's in this room, and he's here"

mogana patted Chris on the back and comforted him: "OK, it's past, it's all over"

it's not easy to comfort Chris's panic. After calming down, mogana looks at Chris's boyfriend Jesse was stunned.

Li Xingyun saw Mo ganna's dazed eyes, and her heart suddenly gushed out a bad premonition.

After looking at the past along moganna's eyes, she found that Jesse was staring at the front with her eyes wide open, but there was no brilliance in her eyes.

At this time, Chen Xiaoming, who had been guarding Jesse's side, also realized that it was not good, and quickly patted Jesse.Who knows that in such a fear, Jesse's head rolled down, a blood arrow directly sprayed on the ceiling.


This kind of horrible picture directly scared the two girls to scream. Quentin, who had never been attacked, was also scared to be soft and pale.

It was then that Quentin realized the horror of Freddy.

Li Xingyun went up to inspect the wound on Jesse's neck, and said with an ugly face: "he was killed by sneaking attack from the back. He cut his head with a knife. The method is clean and neat without any trace of muddling. This technique is different from that of Freddy in the past."

"Deal with the body, after the police found out, we all have bad luck." mogana also ignored the soft means, one hand one of the two girls' mouths covered up.

Li Xingyun three people take advantage of this period of time, quickly will Jesse's body has been chaotic scene to clean up.

In less than 10 minutes, the room returned to its original state. Except for one person missing, it was impossible to see that this was the scene of the murder.

"Who are you on earth?" Nancy saw Li Xingyun's three people with sharp hands and feet, and realized that Li Xingyun was extraordinary.

Faced with the death of a person, Li Xingyun is too cold and quiet.

Calm down like a cold robot with no emotion, this performance is obviously not what ordinary high school students can have.

Not to mention later, Li Xingyun was so skilled that they couldn't use the skillful method of corpse burial. It didn't look like a normal person, even if it was a legendary killer.

Morgana released the two little girls, a sad face began to deduce.

"You don't have to panic. We don't have any malice. Please believe us in this point"

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