"Good to come" Li Xingyun looks at the nine star corpse and ghost strong man, and her face shows an excited look.

This is not the first corpse in the nine star realm he faced.

The last ghost in the nine star realm killed all his teammates before Li Xingyun could help him.

Although the furious Li Xingyun exploded the ghost into slag, it could not save the heroes who died for the human race.

"Die, you cosmic cockroach." the one horned corpse ghost glared angrily at Li Xingyun. The previous corpse mound gave birth to his "home.".

With the fury of the unicorn ghost, the vision of the wind and the clouds turned into a tornado.

Nine giant tornadoes, like the pillars of heaven, appeared around Li Xingyun, and he was completely trapped in it. The disordered vigorous wind was shooting towards Li Yun Yun.

"It's a good virtual sky method, which can attack the battlefield in groups, strangle strong enemies alone, and trap opponents"

"it's a pity that the power is not good enough." Li Xingyun sneered, and the explosion sound of thunder burst on her body.

The next second, the strong force of thunder burst out from Li Xingyun's body.

Under the blinding thunder and lightning, Li Xingyun gradually formed a set of armor constructed by thunder and lightning, and a sword composed of electric light also appeared in his hand.

Compared with Heiyan Jiaolong's virtual sky Dharma form, Li Xingyun's virtual sky Dharma form evolved from the spirit root of Lei system is more powerful.

This set of Thor armor not only provides strong defense capability, but also greatly increases Li Xingyun's armor breaking ability and speed.

Unfortunately, the thunder god battle armor's empty sky method and the thunder cut secret skill, Li Xingyun can't use the Thor battle armor and the rhinoceros flash together.

In the roar of "war", Li Xingyun strides across the whole human body into a ray of lightning and disappears in place.

At the time of its appearance, Li Xingyun has broken the blockade of jiulongjuan and appeared in front of the unicorn ghost.

Furious thunder as if do not want money, like spilled out, a small piece of thunder appeared in the head of the unicorn ghost.

In the face of Li Xingyun's violent attack, the unicorn ghost did not panic.

In fact, as early as the moment Li Xingyun was discovered, this one horned corpse knew that Li Xingyun was a strong Terran who killed another corpse ghost in the nine star realm a few months ago.

Since he dares to Hang Li Xingyun in such a blatant way, he naturally has his confidence.

The rays on the body of the one horned corpse were suddenly in full bloom, and the appearance of the one horned corpse had a thorough change in the full glow.

After the one horned ghost gnashing his teeth, a force that made Li Xingyun feel a little palpitating came out of his body.

Then Li Xingyun saw that the body of the unicorn ghost was coated with a porcelain like glaze.

Even smoother than the jade glaze, the mysterious runes were constructed, and the breath of Unicorn ghost became more powerful than ever after the transformation.

The next second, Leihai fell.

From a distance, Li Xingyun and the unicorn ghost fight each other like a little sun burst by thunder.

"It's really a good move. Every thunder contains mysterious sword power, but it's a pity that it's not powerful enough." after walking out of the thunder covered area, the unicorn ghost sneered at Li Xingyun and said the words that Li Xingyun hated him before.

"Star level combat effectiveness?" Li Xingyun looks at the one horned corpse after complete transformation, and her eyes gradually become more and more dignified.

Although Li Xingyun didn't open a flash, at this stage, he has the cultivation of the eight star peak plus the physical strength of the eight star peak.

Even a light blow is enough to threaten the practitioners of the nine star realm.

After all-out efforts to open the Thor battle armor, Li Xingyun's real combat effectiveness has approached the nine star peak level.

In addition to the physical strength and real cultivation of the nine star realm of the nine star peak master, I am afraid no one dares to look down on Li Xingyun in this state.

Before the nine star realm ghost is because of looking down on Li Xingyun, which was Li Xingyun with the Raytheon armor mode burst into slag.

The one horned Ghoul in front of me is obviously different from the previous one.

Only from the perspective of energy response, the cultivation of the unicorn corpse ghost is also a nine star state, and even can not reach the peak level.

Body strength is the most, that is, eight star level, and before Li Xingyun killed the ghost strong man on half.

However, after this transformation, there is a difference between the two.

The corpse, covered with porcelain like armor, has crossed the limit of the planetary realm and reached the star state at the level of life. The combat effectiveness of this ghost has only been a few blocks away from the previous one.

"Just now I was thinking about looking for a ghost in the stellar realm to practice, so I've come to the door."

Li Xingyun is getting excited at the sight of the one-man ghostly ghosts with star fighting power. It's hard to find such an opponent, and most of them are reluctant to come out of the star battlefield."It's good to be brave, and have leisure to get excited." the porcelain Unicorn ghost looked at Li Xingyun coldly, and gently drew his hand toward the nine tornadoes nearby.

After Li Xingyun's death, the nine tornadoes immediately merged under the control of the porcelain Unicorn ghost, and quickly reduced and condensed. Finally, it turned into a wind whip and appeared in the hands of the porcelain Unicorn ghost.

"Feel the fear, cosmic cockroach" porcelain one horned corpse Ghost won't talk to Li Xingyun any more after obtaining the weapon. The silence before was just to adapt to a new body. Now, after adapting to the new body, the full of anger can no longer be suppressed.

The arm of the porcelain Unicorn ghost trembled, and the wind whipped his horse into a virtual shadow all over the sky and drew to Li Xingyun.

Before the whip was drawn to Li Xingyun's face, the powerful force emptied the air of dozens of miles around, turning this battlefield into a vacuum.

The eye of "Lai Hao" Li Xingyun's blood curse opened, and the Thor armor changed into a more aggressive new form again. The lightning lightsaber in his hand also showed a series of special thunder power full of destructive power.

"Thunder sword? Qi"

Li Xingyun held up the lightning lightsaber in her hand and cut it towards the virtual shadow of the wind whip in the sky. Hundreds of millions of thunder surged out and turned into a huge lightning sword with hundreds of meters to meet the virtual shadow of wind whip all over the sky.

At this time, Li Xingyun, Kendo cultivation has really entered the realm of transcendence.

Although there is still no way to fuse the secret skills such as thunder into a flash.

However, it is not a problem to develop some sword moves beyond the limit of the esoteric skill according to the secret skill of thunder.

This is one of the results of Li Xingyun's painstaking cultivation. Its power is comparable to that of the new version of the flying dragon flash. Even if it is an opponent facing the star state, it can circle for one or two times.

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