After the collision of two powerful and exaggerated forces, no sound came out.

There's no sound coming from the battlefield in the vacuum zone.

There are only violent to the limit of the shock wave and more dazzling than the sun's column of light.

The beam of light broke through the atmosphere and shot into space.

As if more than one hundred super nuclear bombs have continuously ravaged the battle field, there is an invisible pit.

If someone looked down from high altitude, they would find that the ripples around the explosion site spread out.

And the components of these ripples are the earth that rises from the sky.

Li Xingyun and the porcelain Unicorn ghost duel, the battle aftershock produced by the entire continental plate has produced a significant earthquake.

The result of the duel between the two movements is no different, so the two continental plates fiercely fight each other at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

After this move, Li Xingyun and the porcelain Unicorn corpse ghost have suffered a considerable degree of impact.

In the face of this level of violent power, Li Xingyun and the porcelain Unicorn ghost can not keep intact.

When the two figures reappear, the Thor armor on Li Xingyun's body has become dilapidated.

The arm with the sword also disappeared completely. In many places, we can even see the internal organs that continue to wriggle and recover.

The only place that can still be considered intact is the eyes of the blood curse.

As for the porcelain Unicorn ghost, the wound looks much better than Li Xingyun.

In addition to a large number of cracks on the porcelain surface all over the body, no obvious trauma can be seen on the porcelain Unicorn ghost. In fact, the injury of the porcelain Unicorn ghost is not lighter than that of Li Xingyun.

The porcelain armor on the surface of the porcelain Unicorn ghost is not only his defense armor, but also the crystallization of the vitality of the porcelain Unicorn ghost. If the porcelain armor is completely damaged, half of the life of the porcelain Unicorn ghost will be lost.

"You're defeated" the porcelain Unicorn ghost coldly looks at the miserable Li Xingyun and raises his right hand again.

This time, a small wind whip appeared in his hand. The next blow he took would take Li Xingyun's life.

In the face of the porcelain Unicorn ghost's strength, Li Xingyun coughs up blood and then laughs wildly.

"Ha ha ha ha, it's always a ghost in the realm of false Chu Yang, but his eyesight is still a little poor"

with Li Xingyun's wild laughter, he suddenly burns a layer of blood red flame.

Under this blood red flame, Li Xingyun's terrible wounds recovered at the speed of naked eyes. In a blink of an eye, Li Xingyun recovered as before.

"The ability of super regeneration combined with the secret of burning vitality can easily break the energy you left on my wound, and you want to solve me once and for all. I'm afraid you're dreaming."

Li Xingyun shakes slightly, and his thunder armor recovers as before. The terrible sword of thunder and lightning appears in the hand. It's better than the porcelain Unicorn corpse Some.

Seeing Li Xingyun, the porcelain one horned corpse returns to her peak state in a blink of an eye. She can't help but get angry, and the wind whip in her hand is pulled out again.

This time, the porcelain one horned corpse also shot a sharp wind attribute energy into the wind whip shadow, which made his attack more sharp.

Li Xingyun naturally did not show weakness. Under the package of blood inflammation, leiche's Secret sword was condensed again.

This time, the more violent force of thunder converged in the thunder secret sword, which made the power of the thunder secret sword become more powerful than ever.

However, to the surprise of Li Xingyun and the porcelain Unicorn ghost, this time the two people's attacks did not collide.

At the moment when the two people's moves are about to collide, where are the two forces tens of times more powerful than the two of them in the void.

The strength of the two of them, which was enough to make the whole continent tremble, was thus cancelled out.

"Not bad, not bad. I didn't expect that a young man could cultivate this level of kendo. It's really promising." a giant man with a height of five meters appeared in front of Li Xingyun.

Just now, it was the strong man who made light of it and crushed the porcelain Unicorn corpse wind whip with one hand.

On the other side of the giant man, there is a small, malnutrition like Ghoul strongman.

It is also that thin, like a monkey like Ghoul clan strong, gently under the Li Xingyun's leiche sword offset in the air.

"The real strong Star State?" Li Xingyun's eyes flashed slightly when he saw the appearance of a corpse.

Then he lifted the Thor armor and honestly flew to the giant man.

"Hateful Terran, you have violated the agreement and even let the star level strong enter our territory to destroy. Do you want to extend the star battlefield to this planet?" Li Xingyun felt uncomfortable all over because of the thin and strong Ghoul clan. The voice was introduced into the ears of all the people.

This star realm Ghoul clan strong person looks small and insignificant.However, Li Xingyun was deeply impressed by this opening, which was also the language of soul. But after coming out of his mouth, it was like the wind howling.

It's just that Li Xingyun feels like she's going to be out of her body.

"Clown, don't do this. If I remember correctly, it's the idiot behind you who first used the power of star level, and then our Terran soldiers had to respond"

"if your people are willing to maintain their combat power to the planetary level, they will not be able to do so. They are not strong enough to use foul moves, but they have met with a rebuff I don't know the so-called "

" do you think the ghost people are smart, and the others are all fools "

the voice of the giant strong man is so loud that it can counteract the strange power between the words of the strong people of the thin and small corpses.

Not only that, with the words of the giant strong man, one after another of the golden lotus flowers began to emerge between heaven and earth, and the strange fragrance diffused.

Li Xingyun is also the first time to see this kind of magical vision, which is really like the legendary Buddha's magic power of spitting Golden Lotus.

"Hum, if you want to make a fool of yourself, do you want to pass the test if you want to talk? In any case, it happened early in our territory. The star level strong men of your people entered our territory without saying a word and killed wantonly. Do you want to leave? You have to ask us whether the upper and lower levels of the ghost clan don't agree. "With the words of the strong man of the thin corpse ghost family, one strong breath after another casts his shadow behind him.

For a time, the shadow of the strong was full of stars. Dozens of strong stars superimposed their breath. Even the sun in the sky became dim at this moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!