So the burning stone monster was staring at Li Xingyun. Li Xingyun was the chance that he finally met. The next time he wanted to meet a flame of this level, I don't know how long it will take.

However, it's not surprising that Li Shixing's intention is to restrain his opponents.

However, this is exactly the pressure that Li Xingyun needs. Without pressure, there will be no power.

Li Xingyun's bottleneck, which has not been loosened for a long time, has begun to have some reaction in the battle with the burning stone monster.

"Success or failure is in one fell swoop." Li Xingyun bit her teeth and ignited the bloody flame with vitality again. The originally withered breath rose again.

This time, Li Xingyun did not condense the Thor armor, but gathered all the power of thunder to the electric light sword.

After the concentrated force of thunder was concentrated, Li Xingyun's electric light sword changed dramatically.

in the dazzling blue and white electric arc, the golden arc appeared, and a strong and strong breath which was different from the past began to burst out from it.

"Lei Ji's sword? Qi"

Li Xingyun's eyes shed two scarlet tears of blood. With the help of the eye pupil power of the blood curse, the electric light sword has finally undergone a fundamental change, becoming the golden arc of Lei Ji's sword.

After the essential change of thunder attribute, the black flame dragon at the foot of Li Xingyun also disappeared quickly.

after concentrating on Lei Ji's sword, Li Xingyun did not have any spare power to maintain the existence of the virtual sky Dharma form of Heiyan Jiaolong.

After seeing the black flame dragon disappear, the burning stone monster growls anxiously. For him who has the fire attribute.

Heiyan Jiaolong represents the key to his evolution. In order to maintain the integrity of Heiyan Jiaolong, he did not go all out to attack Li Xingyun.

But now that Li Xingyun can't see it, the flaming stone monster is completely furious.

"Meteorite falling from the sky"

in the roar of the beholder, the fire and soil properties of the strong energy burst into the sky and condensed between the clouds.

In the twinkling of an eye, the blue sky and white clouds turned into lead burning clouds, and a force that made the earth tremble came from it.

Li Xingyun looked at the sky like a volcanic ash accumulation of strange clouds, his eyelids jump straight, just before he thought of a way to deal with it, a meteorite as big as a hill broke open and the lead cloud appeared in his eyes.

As the first meteorite broke through the cloud, the second also flew out along the broken cloud channel.

Then there were the third and the fourth...

Li Xingyun was shocked and took a breath of cold air after nine meteorites fell down in a row.

"If it were on an ordinary planet, these nine meteorites would be enough to sink a continental plate." Li Xingyun felt the tyrannical atmosphere on the meteorite and the extraordinary powerful flame on it. Her face was black.

He did not expect that the burning stone monster would use this exaggerated map gun to make people's scalp numb after becoming angry.

"You can't hide even if you step on the air shoes. You have to kill the meteorite before it lands"

looking at the coverage of the meteorite, Li Xingyun simply turns his heart out, ignoring the threat on his head, and turns his eyes to the flaming stone monster. Lei Ji's sword in his hand is shining with dazzling gold.

At the critical moment, Li Xingyun's spirit and spirit have reached the limit.

Li Xingyun felt that the bottleneck of her realm had never been so loose that it seemed to be broken in the next second.

But now Li Xingyun can't wait for a second. Holding Lei Ji's sword, he has turned into a golden lightning and burst into front of the burning stone monster.

Burning stone monster in the release of the big move, the body's breath also withered many, even the flame giant face also changed dim down.

But after seeing Li Xingyun's intrepid death coming to him, she was still happy and laughed wildly.

"As long as you want to kill me, dream"

in the roaring laughter of the flaming stone monster, the soil under his feet rolled like a wave, and then the solid sand and stone at the depth of many meters under the ground rushed up his body like water.

In front of Li Xingyun's face, the flaming stone monster once again raised its defense by a large part in an instant.

"Thunder flash"

at this moment, Li Xingyun has no way out. Facing the flaming stone monster who has strengthened his defense again, he uses a sword move with the strongest thunder attribute.

It can be said that this sword move is the highest sword move of Li Xingyun except for the strongest mode of the twinkling of the soul.

The most important feature is the integration of the initial limit state lightning and the basic mode of the first flash.

After using the lightning flash, the speed of Li nebula is 32 times faster than that of the Dragon flash.

If the simple destructive force, thunder flash is better than the sky flying dragon flash, it can be said to be the best sword move to attack the difficulties.

But this sword move has a great disadvantage, that is, the duration is very short, only one hundredth of a second.Once the time limit of one hundredth of a second has passed, if Li Xingyun still has to force this sword move, the powerful thunder attribute energy on Lei Ji's sword will eat him back.

As soon as Lei Ji flashed out, Li Xingyun immediately appeared a royal God robe full of golden thunder.

The eye of the scarlet blood curse has also turned into a golden electric eye with four colors of electric light. A destructive energy powerful enough to make Li Xingyun feel frightened surges out of her body.

Dare not have slightest slightest neglect, Li Xingyun controls these destructive energies to pour into the sword of Lei Ji in the hand, and cuts out the sword in the hand.

The golden electric light burst out dazzling rays, and the figures of Li Xingyun and flaming stone monsters were completely submerged by the rays.

At the moment, the nine star falling meteorite also came to the top of their heads, and the collision of destroying heaven and earth will come in the next second.

"Corrosion field duet, corroding the sky and eroding the earth"

just before the fierce collision between heaven and earth, the sound of two Yin measurements came out from the depths of the earth.

With the sound of these two negative measurements, a gray circle of light diffused out from the ground, covering the location of Li Xingyun and the sky above them.

The first meteorite was naturally shrouded in the gray aperture. The huge meteorite that was about to hit the ground was covered by the gray aperture, and then it began to melt strangely.

Just in a blink of an eye, the huge meteorite became smaller several times, and even the flame on it became dim and incomparable.

By the time it landed on Li Xingyun's head, it was less than one tenth of its original size.

The meteorite of this size has no deterrent effect on Li Yun Yun and Yan Shi monster. Even the afterwave of Li Yun Yun's thunder flash can't break through, and it turns into rock fragments flying out all over the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!