As the first meteorite disintegrated, so did the next eight meteorites.

A meteorite collision that should have destroyed the earth and the sky turned into a drizzle like "stone rain.".

And Li Xingyun's thunder flash afterwave did not last long in the gray aperture.

Under the influence of this strange force, the golden glow quickly faded down, revealing the shadow of Li nebula and the flaming stone monster.

At the moment, Li Xingyun and the burning stone monster are not in good condition.

In order to be able to kill, Li Xingyun forced the use time of Lei Jishan to be pushed back by one thousandth of a second.

In this one thousandth of a second, Li Xingyun's body was almost burnt by his own force of Lei Ji.

If the gray field had not helped Li Xingyun weaken the power of Lei Ji in time, he would have lost half of his life.

The burning stone monster was even more miserable. Li Xingyun went all out to burst out of Lei Jishan. The power of Li Xingyun was beyond his expectation.

Besides, he didn't have any idea to avoid it at all. It was hard.

Lei Ji's sword completely destroyed his stone armor, and successfully penetrated into his core. The core of the element which was made of earth element and fire element was electric and tender inside.

For the first time in his life, the flaming stone monster realized what electric shock is like.

At the moment, the burning stone monster is in a worse state than ever before. With a strong defense, Shi Kai is scattered. The core of fire element of fire attribute is destroyed by Lei Ji's sword.

The only thing that's good is that the earth's native earth element's core has not been damaged much. It's just burnt by electricity. It's hard to agglomerate the powerful Shikai armor for a while.

It can be said that the flame stone monster lost half of its life by Li Xingyun.

But on the whole, the flame stone monster won the battle between Li Xingyun and the burning stone monster.

Although it seems that the injury of the burning stone monster is far more serious than that of Li Xingyun, if the nine stars have not been smashed down, the flame stone monster can recover more than half of its injury with the help of the homologous force of the meteorite explosion.

However, Li Xingyun will die in the collision of meteorites.

Under the intervention of the gray aperture, Li Xingyun won the victory of the battle by luck.

After winning, Li Xingyun did not have a sense of joy.

The appearance of the gray aperture resolved the crisis of meteorite collision, and also gave Li Xingyun a new round of danger.

Shrouded in the gray aperture, Li Xingyun feels a corrosive energy squeezing into his body.

This is only half a second without time, Li Xingyun felt that his body was about to decay, even the hair on his head and the teeth in his mouth loosened.

"Damn it, there are stellar level elemental life lurking in the ground." after realizing this, Li Yun Yun did not dare to hide his clumsiness any more. The sky flying dragon flash mode was turned on in an instant, and the strong and concise sword spirit forced a gap in the gray aperture.

Along this gap, Li Xingyun escaped with her own speed.

Fortunately, after Li Xingyun broke the defense and damaged the core, the 100 times gravity field was canceled. Otherwise, Li Yun Yun would not be able to escape from the sky.

The flying dragon flash, which is 32 times as fast, is one of Li Xingyun's unique skills in pressing the bottom of the box. Even the practitioners in the early Yang state can also catch up with it.

This burst out suddenly, so that the double headed Python did not respond, let Li Xingyun escape successfully.

"Big brother, run a prey"

"second brother, don't worry about that guy. We can't catch up with him. Now we can solve the stinky stone monster in our mouth first"

the double headed Python breaks through the soil, and the corrosion field becomes more powerful, and the area of corrosion is completely corroded into poisonous gas all over the sky.

Burning stone monster also knew that he was in a life and death moment, and hastened to activate the earth element core.

The strong earth element reveals a sense of ancient vitality, which dispels the paralysis left by Li Xingyun and Lei Jishan.

However, when the flaming stone monster wants to burst out its own earth fire dual core, the whole huge body is stunned.

Because he found the core of his fire element missing.

At this time, the double headed Python had already swam above his head, and the air ban had no effect in the corrosion field of the double headed python, and the shadow of death really shrouded the flame stone monster.

In a cave 5000 meters high in Tianzhu Mountain.

Li Xingyun sat on the ground with a tired face, and a crystal stone rolling out of her hand.

"Hahaha, fortunately, at the last moment, she brought out the core of fire element with skillful force, otherwise this battle would be really a white battle"

after taking a rest, Li Xingyun grabbed the core of fire element and laughed.

The core of the fire element is far inferior to that of the earth element.

The earth element core of pyroxene should already have the power of star state.However, the core of fire element is still at the top of the planet, which makes the fiery stone monster have the combat effectiveness no less than that of Chu Yang, but fails to break through the life limit and become a star level element elder.

This is a cheap Li Xingyun. After getting this fire element core, Li Xingyun is confident that his cultivation will really break through the peak of eight planets and enter the realm of nine planets.

Maybe his black inflammation will become a strange flame with more powerful power.

After thinking about the dangers of the secret realm of elements, as well as the life of elements in the stellar realm, Li took a deep breath and suppressed the ecstasy in her heart.

Li Xingyun began to lay out concealed arrays and magic instruments step by step. After several hours, Li Xingyun was relieved to practice in the cave.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye in Li Xingyun's practice.

When Li Xingyun wakes up again, the powerful breath belonging to the nine star realm breaks out of his body.

Under the core of the nine star peak of the flaming stone monster, Li Yun Yun broke through the original bottleneck and finally entered the planetary nine star realm.

Unfortunately, the core was badly damaged by Li Xingyun's thunder flash, and most of its power was lost.

Otherwise, maybe even the physical strength of Li Yun Yun can be upgraded to nine star level by using this fire element core.

"It's not perfect, but it's not bad. It's good to upgrade my cultivation level to a higher level before meeting the ghost troops. Moreover, my Heiyan has changed, and the success rate of this mission has also increased a lot"

after Li Xingyun condenses a black flame, he feels that obvious changes have taken place on the black flame, which makes it even hotter Heat is also more irascible in the strength of the black inflammation revealed.

After absorbing the core of the burning stone monster, Li Xingyun's black inflammation has also undergone great changes, and its power has been enhanced by more than one chip.

Today's Heiyan, even if it doesn't use any secret arts, its power is comparable to that of Leiji after the peak of leiche. , the fastest update of the webnovel!