"The black jailers are also hierarchical. This time, in order to gain control of the world, the great will of the black prison has given me great authority. Now I am quite like the senior black jailers, and can freely summon the power of the black prison to help me"

"I'm afraid that you who live a happy life in Colleges and universities have not experienced the infinite terror of the black prison. Now let's make it up Feel the terror of the power of the black prison "

in Xiu Liyun's strange smile, some twisted and ferocious figures in the shadow of the black prison gradually become solid.

A giant without half a head, a red dragon without half a chest, and an angel without a lower body...

many incomplete corpses of strange races that Chen Xiaoming had never seen before appeared in front of him.

These corpses are like zombies infected by the ghost virus. They seem to be dead and can't be dead, but they still act like wind. Moreover, there is a very strong force in one move. The worst one has the combat power of yaoyang state.

Chen Xiaoming, who was besieged by a large number of uncanny biological corpses with the same strength, also felt unprecedented pressure.

The most important thing is that there is a beautiful cloud waiting for him to show his fatal flaw.

"Damn it, the headmaster, as the opponent of the will of the black prison, doesn't have this kind of welfare, and how these black jailers are like their own sons in the black prison one by one, and all kinds of benefits are free of money."

after taking out the matchless mode of cutting the ship with a chopper for half a minute, Chen Xiaoming found that the strange biological bodies condensed from the black prison did not decrease And more.

"Even the headmaster doesn't have such great magical power when he uses his own power so recklessly. The power projected by the will of the black prison into the world must be relied on and will not be unlimited"

after Chen Xiaoming wants to clear the pass, he will not be entangled with those strange biological corpses, but the muzzle of the gun floating behind him flashes slightly, which is to say, he comes to the surrounding space 360 degree fire coverage without dead angle.

Under the powerful fire, the space is distorted.

As the sun came down, the dazzling flame burst out from the praying star, and the intense energy aftershocks burst into the sky, tearing the atmosphere in the sky, and smothering the desperate fighters in the sky.

In the glare of the burning light, Chen Xiaoming also found what he was looking for, that is, a corpse as big as a mountain.

This corpse was hidden in the space by xiuliyun by special means. If it was not for the strong people who were extremely sensitive to the force of space, it would be very difficult to find the difference.

Chen Xiaoming also can not rely on his own perception to find out.

But Chen Xiaoming also knows that things of this level will not be hidden too far, otherwise the power of the black prison will not come to him so soon.

So Chen Xiaoming simply came to a force down ten, with a map gun like attack, let the hidden rely on the surface of the water.

His decision is obviously right, in this kind of asteroid explosion, even beautiful clouds can not hide the power of the black prison.

"Found you" Chen Xiaoming looked at the corpse with obvious fluctuation of Hengyang realm peak power, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This level of master can be said to be the strongest under the demigod, even if they fight with today's they will not fall into the underdog.

The body of a strong man of this level has become the collection of xiuliyun. I don't know how she did it.

"I'm afraid this is xiuliyun's original body, and I don't know what kind of bad luck xiuliyun has taken in succession. She not only obtained the body of such a strong man, but also succeeded in taking over the body of a demigod level corpse king, which has become so difficult to deal with"

Chen Xiaoming sensed the smell of xiuliyun left on the huge corpse, and decisively guessed the origin of the corpse.

At that time, there was no soft hand. There was a shot at the huge corpse, and the bright light column lit up the sky again.

"You dare"

xiuliyun felt bad when she saw that the strength of the black prison fell out of the space gap. When she saw Chen Xiaoming's hand, she immediately became angry.

The body of the strong man at the peak of Hengyang realm is also the top treasure for xiuliyun. If it is destroyed in this way, she will have heartache for many years.

Without thinking about it, xiuliyun subconsciously put her candle dragon body in front of the huge corpse, and wanted to resist Chen Xiaoming's gunfire with the strong defense of the corpse king.

However, xiuliyun immediately found that she had been cheated. Chen Xiaoming's thick light column did not have much strength at all, but looked at the gorgeous and abnormal.


after not realizing the expected strong blow, xiuliyun immediately felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

Once again, xiuliyun was almost mad.

At this time, Chen Xiaoming did not know what means to bypass xiuliyun's candle dragon body and appeared behind the huge body.

In the flash of the metal destroyer's hand, the huge mountain like corpse gradually disappeared between the heaven and the earth, and was successfully collected by Chen Xiaoming.After the loss of dependence, the shadow of the power of the black prison also disappeared in a series of bleak howls.

Beautiful cloud also seems to be the force of the black prison to bite back, the expression of pain to twist on her face.

"It's really the elite trained by the headmaster, and the means are really fierce, but it's a pity that your failure is doomed"

in xiuliyun's painful and ferocious smile, Chen Xiaoming suddenly felt a feeling of palpitation.

Before Chen Xiaoming had time to do anything, a god of death, surrounded by countless angry spirits, appeared behind him.

"After sacrificing so many ghosts of the black prison, the spirit of death is finally summoned out. Chen Xiaoming will die." after a series of obscure and gloomy words spewed out by xiuliyun, the spirit of death on Chen Xiaoming's back began to act.

The black sickle with a frightening roar slashed at Chen Xiaoming's metal destroyer FA Xiang.

Before the scythe of death was actually cut down on Chen Xiaoming's head, the residual power contained in it would tear apart the atmosphere on the praying star.

Chen Xiaoming's face changed for the first time after he saw the appearance of the God of death.

It's short enough for him to survive.

"Godkiller armor, change form, basaltic mode" in Chen Xiaoming's roar, the God killer armor on the metal destroyer instantly decomposes into basic particles smaller than quarks, and after reassembling again, a piece of armor with basaltic back appears.

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