The Xuanwu mode of deicide armor obviously raised the defense of metal destroyer to the limit. Under the strong dark yellow light, even the black sickle of death could not break through Chen Xiaoming's defense.

Xiuliyun obviously doesn't plan to go to the theater like this.

When Chen Xiaoming and the God of death are entangled, she knead her body.

Strong dragon shaped body with endless wind and blood thunder also hit Chen Xiaoming's metal destroyer.

Chen Xiaoming, who was attacked by two powerful Existentials, fell into a passive situation in an instant. Although the defense of the Xuanwu mode of the deinocide armor was extremely strong, it sacrificed the attack power.

In this mode, Chen Xiaoming can not make an effective counterattack at all.

Chen Xiaoming, who was beaten to the southeast and northwest, simply gave up his intention to fight back. All his energy was injected into the light of Xuanwu, making him extremely hard.

Chen Xiaoming defends with all his strength, but it is xiuliyuntou's turn to hurt.

In the case of Xuanyuan Qiming eyeing, xiuliyun's most wanted to do was to make a quick decision. As for the son of heaven selected in the world of revelation, xiuliyun had no confidence at all.

In fact, if it wasn't for xiuliyun with a black prison, she would not even have the idea of fighting against Xuanyuan Qiming.

Under the protection of the whole world's luck, that guy is really as abnormal as a plug-in. All kinds of trumps emerge in endlessly.

Xiuliyun was once severely punished when she was fighting for the treasure with Xuanyuan Qiming. If she had not been protected by the black prison, she would have been the ghost of Xuanyuan Qiming's men.

"Damn it, how can this deicide armor be so hard that even the sickle of death can't break his defense force"

xiuliyun was a little discouraged after penetrating another continental shelf with a piece of blood lightning. Chen Xiaoming, who gave up the counterattack completely, relying on the defense ability of the deinocide armor basaltic mode, has steadily surpassed the ordinary semi God strongmen in terms of defense.

It is estimated that only the strong at the divine level can be sure to break through the light of Xuanwu with one blow.

Finally, xiuliyun decided to take the risk again.

"Corpse deification, corpse king, if you scum don't want to die here, you can give me some help." xiuliyun grinned grimly and looked at the twisted and painful face beside her.

Under Xiu Liyun's gaze, the closed eyes on that face gradually open.

Circles of blood light like a wave of surging out, just under the action of blood light, the space around the candle dragon is so twisted and folded up.

"Little girl, I told you, you can't do anything without my help. Jie Jie Jie, give me what you promised, and I'll try my best to do it once."

after the corpse King opened his bloody eyes, his painful expression turned into a strange and twisted smile.

Under the corpse King's gaze, xiuliyun can't help feeling creepy. Now, for the first time, she regrets why she chose the corpse king to take over the house.

"Old man, kill this guy in front of me, I will fulfill my promise. Otherwise, we will wait here to die together. Before long, Xuanyuan Qiming will come to take your dog's life in person"

xiuliyun tries to endure the panic in her heart and roars at the corpse king.

After hearing Xuanyuan Qiming's name, the corpse king also changed slightly.

He inherited the inheritance of the corpse king. Naturally, he also inherited part of the memory of the corpse king, including the memory of being killed by Xuanyuan Qiming.

Xuanyuan Qiming's strong power left a very deep impression on these ghost strongmen. The oppression almost faced the gods made all the people's ghost strongmen turn pale.

"Did Xuanyuan Qiming come in person?" The corpse King's blood colored eyes gaze at the battlefield opposite the planet through space. After seeing the extremely strong posture of Xuanyuan Qiming's split body projection, his pupils can't help shrinking slightly.

"It turned out that there was only a body, but also just a projection of strength. What's so terrible about Xuanyuan Qiming? Do you think I'm the one who can't be attacked by Ghost Head"

after seeing the state of Xuanyuan Qiming, the corpse King laughed again.

As the leader and initiator of the turmoil, the newly appointed ghost leader should be regarded as the final boos.

In fact, if there was no adventure brought by xiuliyun, the new corpse king could not compete with the new ghost head.

However, with the help of total strange brought by Xiu Liyun, the strength of the corpse king of this term has increased explosively. So far, it has surpassed previous corpse kings and become the strongest one.

The skyrocketing fighting capacity also makes the king corpse's ambition extremely increase. Now he is not willing to be a dog under the hand of hell.

So at the critical moment, the corpse king made a deal with xiuliyun, or the black prison behind xiuliyun, and handed over all his strength and the corpse king who had been cultivated for countless years.

Its purpose is to exchange for the help of the black prison and get rid of the manipulation of the hell.

As for the final goal of the corpse king, I'm afraid he still wants to impact a higher level and become a true God, a ghost God no less than the eternal hell.Of course, the king corpse's ambition has been fully utilized by xiuliyun.

Xiuliyun didn't want to fulfill the previous agreement after taking the house. Instead, she planned to get rid of the consciousness of the corpse king at the first time, and completely occupied the magpie's nest and became a new demigod.

But xiuliyun didn't expect that the corpse King's will was so strong that even under the pressure of the black prison, he did not die completely, but was suppressed.

This situation also led to Xiu Liyun's inability to give full play to the great power of the corpse King's real body, and became a semi God level defensive half barrel water player, but his attack power was not up to half god.

Now forced to be helpless, xiuliyun can only take the risk to relax the body's suppression of the corpse King's consciousness, and strive to kill Chen Xiaoming completely with the help of the king corpse's power.

However, the appearance of the corpse king made xiuliyun panic in her heart. This calm attitude made xiuliyun feel that the current situation was what the corpse King expected. That kind of panic filled xiuliyun's mind.

"You old bastard, do you think Xuanyuan Qiming will let you leave the Terran territory like this? I'm afraid it's very difficult for you to get away without paying a heavy price. Now there is the ghost head who helps us drag his steps. If the ghost head is ambushed, we will definitely die here"

in xiuliyun's fierce roar, the corpse King laughs again: "death is originally It's our destiny, isn't it? No matter whether the immortal Yanjun can come to the Terran territory smoothly or not, our Ghoul clan and spirit ghost clan will all die. This is a fixed ending from the moment we invade the Terran "

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