Finally, under the influence of greed and survival desire, the four ethnic leaders decided to agree with the black robed man's proposal.

He sacrificed a lot of death and killing to the God behind the black robed man, and opened up a channel for the mysterious God to send a large army to protect them, while the four clans offered the whole nation's strength to which God in exchange for peace.

At the beginning, everything was very good and smooth. With the help of the black robed men, the high-level leaders of the four major races and their leaders showed a leap forward increase in strength. In less than half a year, four demigods and many stars were born.

This also deepened their commitment to the black robed men. At last, with the help of the members of the twilight organization, they formed the alliance of the wasters with confidence, and planned to expedition to the dungeon valley.

And they wanted to sacrifice hell Valley to replace the death toll of their four clans.

However, later progress was not so "beautiful". First, the transformation of the great devil made them feel the absolute gap in power level.

Then there is the soul of chaos released by the black robed human spy, and the nearly self explosion of the four demigods, which makes them fully feel the evil mind of the black robed man.

It was not until Chen Xiaoming's appearance and the relief of the crisis that they had time to think.

At this time, most of them found that the black robed people had a sinister and vicious heart. Those guys probably didn't fight the people in the United Army of the wasters from the beginning. The alliance they formed was a perfect sacrifice, a sacrifice to the gods.

On the other hand, after killing a large number of low-level demons, Li Xingyun revealed his real body in the void and looked at the horizon with grave eyes. Where two demigod level demons of hell refining with their men are flying towards this side at a very fast speed.

The real crisis has not been completely lifted. The powerful people of the demon refining clan in hell, who were fooled by the black robed people, still intend to fulfill their promise to sacrifice the dungeon Valley, and completely cut off the back road of the hell demon refining clan.

In fact, the actual situation of hell refining is similar to that of the waster alliance, but the twilight organization is more concerned about the hell refining demons group whose strength is obviously stronger than the waster Alliance Army.

The sincerity of cooperation is also much higher. It not only gives them many treasures that are not available in the world of survival of the desolate, but also helps many already powerful demons to break through the existing state and complete the transformation that was impossible.

It is also because of the substantial increase in cultivation that the demons' ambition is stimulated, hoping to obtain more benefits by overthrowing the rule of the great devil.

Compared with those in the wasteland alliance, the demons in hell are more selfish and hope to get out of this cage like world.

Guarding this world for countless years has already bored the fiery demons in hell. Usually, there are angels who can "kill" their time with them. After the dungeon valley was closed, they realized how boring the world was. Instead of living here, they were more willing to spread the fear of demons in the broad world.

Destruction and killing are the indispensable first part of the life of the demons, although they will not focus on all the meaning of life like the soul of chaos.

However, the demonic nature engraved in the soul makes these guys never intend to be honest.

In fact, what they don't know is that there is the most primitive power of the demon clan in the source of generating the soul of chaos, which is the power of chaos.

The reason why the twilight organization has been able to breed so many chaotic souls in the world of survival of the desolate in such a short period of time is due to the help of the demons refining clan in hell.

In contrast, those powerful people of the demon refining clan in hell benefited a lot. With the help of the members of the twilight organization, they will develop the forces belonging to the demon clan more thoroughly. This is also the fundamental reason why the demons of Hengyang realm can keep up with one enemy and four.

"Two demigods, five peaks of Hengyang realm, and more than ten demons of Hengyang realm"

"the power is really strong and makes people feel headache"

after sensing the number of powerful people in hell refining demons, Li Xingyun's eyes are fixed, and Li Xingyun still has a deep understanding of the demons.

These guys are much more cunning than most of the Terrans in terms of cunning. They are famous for their cunning in many universes.

From this point of view, Morgana, the great demon king, can know a little bit about it. They are all masters who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles.

However, one track mind of the demons is enough to make people headache, especially when it comes to "doing bad things", they are stubborn in not bumping into the south wall and not turning back.

It's obviously useless to persuade these guys by talking. If they don't use their fists, they won't listen to you.

Li Xingyun, who realized this, did not intend to talk nonsense with these demons.

After many demons were close to a certain degree, Li Xingyun broke out the mode of endless swords to meet them.

In an instant, a complete world of swords came to the dungeon Valley, which made those demons stop in surprise.In the fierce enough to cut the whole dungeon Valley sword world in front of these bad hearted devil finally began to fear.

"A man with weak talent even broke out the strength of the demigod peak level with the cultivation of the yaoyang realm. The outside world is really wonderful"

the bone devil and the nightmare demon lord hold up a field to protect their people, and their eyes are full of longing to see the sword world.

They are inspired by the nature of demons, but they don't think that their talent is inferior to that of a human race. In other words, if they can get out of the cage of the world of "survival of the wilderness", they are likely to gain more powerful power than Li Xingyun.

This idea happens to appear in the heart of every devil.

It can be said that Li Xingyun's ultimate model has thoroughly inspired the ambitions of these demons, making them more determined to go out.

"Little ones, in the shortest possible time, blood washed the four clans, sacrificed to the dungeon Valley, and paved the way for the rise of the demons"

the bone devil and the nightmare demon opened their own real demons with a grin. A hundred Zhang tall "Gu Ao Tian" and an equally tall ox headed monster appeared in Li Xingyun's sword world.

After the two devils opened their doors, they tore a gap in the world of swords that Li Xingyun had made with all his strength, and sent all of them out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!