It is the limit of Li Xingyun to entangle two half gods. Now, he has no extra energy to manage the remaining powerful demons.

"Jiandao heaven and earth"

Li Xingyun, after sensing the power of the two half gods and demons, no longer kept his hands. The endless sword ideas in the world of swords began to condense. Not to mention two giant swords with the character of "Jian Dao" appeared in the hell.

After the giant sword appeared, without saying a word to the two demons who showed the real devil's body was a burst of hatred.

In an instant, the terrifying sword will tear the sky and the earth of the dungeon valley. In the dungeon valley with the three men fighting as the center, there is a huge space broken area. In this area, all things are completely crushed by the destructive force, and then swallowed by the space cracks.

Even Chen Xiaoming and others, who are tens of thousands of miles away, have heard that the dungeon Valley is making a crash like sound under the battle of Li Xingyun.

"The power of the nebula has been enhanced. It is incredible to think that it is possible to fight against two demigods with one enemy and two frontiers over so many realms."

Chen Xiaoming felt the power that could destroy the earth and the sky at a very far distance.

From the main universe, he is also well-informed. He knows a little about the achievements of many legendary strong men under the gods.

However, he had never heard of the legendary level of the strong in the yaoyang realm when the semi God level of the strong man's achievements.

It's a fight against two, not to mention.

It's a miracle.

If he had not seen it with his own eyes, he would not have imagined the existence of such characters.

In fact, Chen Xiaoming himself is exaggerating enough.

The same yaoyang realm of him, after going all out, his combat effectiveness is approaching the peak of Hengyang realm.

With the help of deinocide armor, which is comparable to the magical equipment, Chen Xiaoming successfully made his combat effectiveness cross domain to the semi God level.

Although he has a little water in this demigod, after crossing that gap, it is not the ordinary existence of Hengyang realm that can overcome.

It's like now, Chen Xiaoming has resisted the siege of five demons at the top of Hengyang realm with the power of one person, and has not fallen into the downwind.

It can be said that Chen Xiaoming alone has resisted most of the demon troops for the wasters.

As for the rest of the devil, he can't control it.

After more than a dozen demons of Hengyang state separated to fight against the waster alliance, the war between the hellish demons refining clan and the waster Alliance Army broke out irresistibly.

Fortunately, the four leaders of the Alliance Army of the wasters, who were awakened by Chen Xiaoming, had experienced the special existence of the demigod realm power.

Although it was in a special state of blood and blue deficiency, it still resisted a large part of the pressure for the United forces of the famine.

The last one was separated by the powerful men of the hidden world, and the rest was handed over to the United Army of the desolate.

It can be imagined that after the battle is completely over, even if the United forces of the wasters win, they will pay a heavy price.

The demons in the realm of stars are not compatible. How can we defeat them without paying a price.

Especially after these demons are inspired by the original magic, their combat effectiveness is more powerful than ever before. The United Army of the wasters is plunged into a real hard battle. At every moment, countless ordinary soldiers are affected by the aftershocks of the demon level battle and die.

In the face of this kind of battle that can cause natural disasters, the soldiers below the star realm really have to obey the fate in the military array.

As far as most of them are concerned, there will not be enough power for them to fight together at least.

The total war in dungeon Valley broke out as planned by twilight.

If the power of death is strong enough for them to use the power of death as a lever of destruction in the world.

"Using death as a lever to pry the destruction of the world is our most powerful ability. This is the most proud power of Twilight organization. Hahaha"

the leader of the black robed man used his magic crystal ball to watch the "live broadcast" in the dungeon Valley and laughed wildly.

The ability of Twilight organization is extremely mysterious and powerful, even for most students in the black prison University, it is difficult to understand the existence, because of this, all black robed talents have the idea of dominating the black prison University.

Originally, with their current strength, let alone the whole organization in the black prison, there was no chance of winning even the most powerful one. However, if they collected enough secret world, they were confident that they would kill all the seven masters in the black prison University.

The laughter of the black robed man did not last long, but was interrupted by a sweet female voice full of extreme temptation.

"So this is your purpose"

Mo ganna did not know when she appeared beside the leader of the black robed man with a smile and looked at the crystal ball in his hand curiously.Looking at Morgana as a ghost, the leader of the black robed man felt a chill behind his back, and the unspeakable fear diffused from his heart.

"You... You... How can you be here? It's impossible. Aren't you fighting with the great devil in the temple of sacrifice, and it's a space hidden between life and death. Unless you're a strong one at the level of gods, you can't find it."

the leader of the black robed man was scared by mogana, and looked at Morgana with a ghost face.

There is a fundamental change in the appearance of moganna and the previous one. Her breath is so thin that it is almost inaudible. Even ordinary people belong to the kind of weak sense of existence.

However, all fools know that mogana, who appears here, can not become an ordinary person. Now, mogana has obviously become more powerful, so powerful that the leaders of the black robed people in the demigod realm can not see through.

"The members of your organization are really hidden. It took me a long time to find out here"

Mo Gana's sweet voice suddenly became lazy, and her smile on her face became like a beautiful school. Her charming expression made the heart of the black robed leader jump wildly.

"Is this the feeling of heart beating? No, this is the precursor of heart bursting"

the leader of the black robed man covered his chest, and the corners of his mouth flowed blood. Now he has confirmed that mogana has crossed the gap between demigods and gods, and has become a real God level strongman.

Otherwise, Morgana can't hurt him with one look. Even if he has some water from his semidivine cultivation, he is also a demigod. Without absolute strength, how can he be hurt so easily.

"In such a short period of time, you have actually completed the qualitative transformation. Are the students in the black prison universities so terrible" , the fastest update of the webnovel!