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perhaps the one who saw Li's mother's powerful face in Xingyun's prison didn't even think that she was the same as her mother's He said: "the moment I saw Yao Guang angel again, I felt the blood of Yao Guang angel was the same as mine"

"excluding the option that I and Yaoguang angel were born by the same father, there was only one possibility, that is, my short-lived mother was the biological mother of Yaoguang angel"

"originally, I couldn't understand why the mother Angel family was It was not until I came to this temple and learned about the origin of my mother from Mo Ziyan. My mother's original blood contained the blood of gods, which gave birth to me "

" let me become the unique great demon king in the world of the song of swords and magic "

" the blood power from the gods " , so that I have far beyond the ordinary demon clan's strong talent, at a young age, I stood at the top of the world. If I hadn't met you, I might have played some games like destroying the world, or maybe even "

Mo ganna said with a smile that she found a chair to lean on lazily.

She has been recognized as the God by artifact. Now she is a real God level strong one, not only standing at the top of the world.

Even in the black prison universities, it is rare that she can surpass her. Only the leaders of the seven organizations and Luo Xia, a super strong person hidden in the black prison colleges and universities, can be sure to defeat Morgana.

It can be said that after returning to the black prison University, it is only a matter of time before mogana becomes a fourth grade student.

"Well, the rest is over. Let's talk about what to do next"

"after conquering the world, the black prison universities have actually incorporated the world into the whole of the black prison universities"

"it can be said that if we control the world, then it is equivalent to controlling a branch of the black prison colleges and universities However, it is not easy to control a world. We should not only conquer the vast majority of the living creatures in the world, but also go to the origin of the world and brand our soul origin brand on it.

"this kind of operation is very difficult for other people except the experts at the level of gods, that is to say, I am the only one among the three of us It is very difficult for you two to touch the origin of the world even if you want to touch the origin of the world.

"of course, this is not an impossible thing.

" according to the information left by Mr. Luo Xia, if you two get the help of most of the world's living beings, you will be able to weaken the world "The repulsion of the origin to you..."

"that is to say, the next thing you need to do is to help me rule the world, and finally use the will of all living beings as protection and my assistance to successfully brand your soul origin brand in the world origin..."

said Mo ganna, after a big yawn, she leaned back lazily Sleep on the table, before the continuous seal so many people, even Morgana also felt tired.

Looking at Mo Gana, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming look at each other, but they can't help crying and laughing.

"Two distinguished guests, please follow me. It seems that the Lord won't wake up for a moment and a half." Mo Ziyan, seeing Mo Gana in a deep sleep, smiles at Li Xingyun and erhen.

"Let's have a rest, anyway, we are not in a hurry for this moment"

after Li Xingyun and Mo Ziyan nodded, they walked into the side room.

The previous battle also made them both tired. Especially for Li Xingyun, it was a challenge for Li Xingyun to fight two demigods or one enemy.

In this state, Li Xingyun was even too lazy to practice. After relaxing, she immediately fell into a deep sleep.

After both Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming fell asleep, they did not find that the seemingly ordinary wooden house was full of energy full of healing and life atmosphere, which covered the two people.

Under the nourishment of these large amounts of energy, their fatigue and many minor injuries are rapidly recovering.

This is one of the reasons why Morgana brought them into the sacrificial temple. If their current accomplishments are in the outside world, if they want to recover to the period of full victory, they can't even think about it if they don't have half a year's cultivation.

In this memorial temple, it is much simpler. Under the influence of immortal power, the wooden house automatically absorbs a lot of energy beneficial to Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun from the void to help them recover their existing injuries and losses.

As far as this function is concerned, the value of this wooden house is incalculable.For the demigod level strong, the treatment after each injury is a very hard thing.

Li Xingyun and moganna were injured in Tiantangshan before they recovered to their full strength after ten years of silence.

This is the case when the injuries on both of them are not serious.

If it's the kind of serious injury that is on the verge of death, Li Xingyun and they may not be able to recover even if they spend thousands of years healing.

With the rapid improvement of the realm of cultivation, for Li Xingyun, time is becoming more and more worthless.

Most of the time, just a few years of time flies away.

In this way, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming are still a little weak for those who are really strong in the demigod realm.

although their combat effectiveness has reached that level, their mood and endurance are still lacking.

Despite the fact that Li Xingyun had one enemy and two fierce horses before, he would have to fight back to the original shape before long.

As long as the two demigods hold on for about half an hour, Li Xingyun will be left to be slaughtered by them.

For their own defects, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming are quite well known, so in general, they only fight lightning.

After some fierce hostility to the enemy, he turned his head and ran decisively.

At the speed of the two of them now, it is not easy for the general opponent to catch up with them.

But soon they won't have to.

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming wake up to find that their injuries and consumption have not only recovered.

Moreover, the physique has been improved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!