"It's a place left by the gods, and it can recover our injuries and consumption so quickly"

Chen Xiaoming felt the vital energy in his body and sighed.

After Li Xingyun smiles, she walks out of the room in a happy mood,

sure enough, Mo ganna also wakes up and is looking at the scene in the memorial temple with her face just waking up.

"It's time for you to wake up. How can you sleep comfortably in the former residence of the gods"

Mo ganna looks at Li Xingyun with a smile on her face.

At the moment, Li Xingyun, who is very relaxed and relaxed, makes a burst of firecrackers on her body.

"I haven't been so comfortable for a long time. It seems that all the shackles on my body have been removed. It's really amazing"

Chen Xiaoming walked out of the room with Li Xingyun's steps and said with a smile.

The ability of offering sacrifices to the temple is really magical. It not only restores their physical injuries, but also relieves the various pressures of depression in their hearts.

As soon as they wake up, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming feel that they have learned a lot about their ideas. Now they also want to understand the problems that they didn't think about clearly in the past. The difficulties encountered in the past cultivation are naturally solved.

This spiritual sublimation, let Li Xingyun two people comfortable almost groan.

"You two practice too fast. Your spiritual accomplishments and your own accomplishments are not at the same level. As time goes by, you will feel stressed and tired. If you don't pay attention, you may run away because you can't control your power"

"in short, you will be possessed by demons"

"the former residence of the gods has a washing heart The ability of spirit can help you to improve your spiritual cultivation and strengthen your mood. After living here for a period of time, you will find that although your cultivation has not been greatly improved, you will have a higher level of control over power.

after explaining this with a smile, Mo ganna said in a straight voice: "during your sleeping period, I tortured the twilight organization After arousing Li Xingyun's curiosity, Mo ganna stopped talking and walked into the main room with a sly face.

Li Xingyun looks at that likes to tease people's Mo ganna to come back again, wryly smile to follow Mo ganna to walk into the main room.

"My good sister, don't sell the key, tell us quickly"

with Li Xingyun's tender face pleading, Mo ganna finally said: "the big leader of Twilight organization is not a person in a strict sense, but exists in general with the president"

"more accurately, it is the spirit of the remnant thoughts left over by the former president"

"here It involves some Xin Mi in the black prison colleges and universities "

" from the death omen, I know that there have been three presidents in the black prison University "

" the first president is the big leader of the twilight organization, and all the people under his leadership are the dead students in the black prison University "

" in that place, the big leader of the twilight organization, the death prison The warden successfully revived the dead black prison College members "

" and put them into a more dangerous world, allowing them to experience more cruel trials "

" under such high pressure, the warden quickly harvested a large number of talented and powerful dead men "

" for this former president, the biggest goal is naturally to Therefore, the real goal of Twilight organization is naturally to kill the current president.

hearing this kind of Xin Mi, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming can't help but get confused again.

"How come there's another death prison? I'll go. Do you dare to make a mess in the University of black prison"

Li Xingyun looks constipated and looks up at the sky in silence.

"Ha ha, you little guy, crow's mouth is very effective"

"in addition, I'm telling you one thing, that is, the recent big action of the death prison"

"that is, this guy intends to unite with the black prison to make trouble for the president"

"now the prohibition between colleges and universities and the black prison should be almost destroyed by them. It is estimated that we will go back soon Can see that group of neurotic black prison walkers wandering in Colleges and universities "

with a smile, Mo ganna continued to mend the knife:" by the way, I forgot to tell you that the will of the black prison is actually the last president, that is, the unfortunate ghost killed by Mr. Luo Xia "

" to be exact, both the dead prison and the black prison are demons transformed from a residual spirit of resentment It's just that these monsters are too fierce in front of them, so this has become a thorny problem nowadays "

after Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming heard that Mo ganna had finished the gratitude and resentment of the principals, their faces were as black as the bottom of a pot.

A headmaster has tormented them. Now, there are two more. And it seems that these two principals are more abnormal and crazy. The people trained are either abnormal or dead men. They are all neurotic players who don't accept life and death."Now the black prison colleges and universities are in a state of chaos. On the face of it, several major organizations are fighting for power and profits, and many secret worlds are trapped in boundless wars"

"in the dark, all sorts of evil guys are doing things around again, even the psychosis of Baiqi who intends to kill the president has come out. Now what are the two former schools of" black prison "and" death prison " The soul of the long-term disability idea also came out "

" I don't know what kind of ghosts and ghosts will appear in the future "

Li Xingyun sighs and feels powerless.

Originally, he thought his strength was strong enough, and the semi God level combat effectiveness in the black prison colleges and universities belonged to the real high-end combat power.

Such power does not say what dominates the black prison colleges and universities, but self-protection should be no problem.

But now his idea seems so ridiculous. In front of the existence of the black prison and the death prison, his power is so humble that they can crush him without using their own hands.

"Xingyun is right. The current black prison universities are in chaos, but this kind of chaos has not reached its peak yet"

"you have forgotten the existence of a force"

"that is, those who are strong at the spirit level in the mission world"

"so far, in addition to Xuanyuan Qiming's world, the strong ones at the spirit level are extremely active In the world of other tasks, the God level strongmen are either missing or have left the original world to explore other worlds "

" if those supernatural level strongmen unite, this is a completely invincible force for the students in the black prison University "

" although the president usually looks very cold and heartless, he really loses it With his protection, you will find out how dangerous the outside world is "

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