Chen Xiaoming said his guess with a wry smile. He had been paying attention to the numerous legendary gods who had no trace.

In many mission worlds, even many people with low accomplishments can consciously or unconsciously detect the existence of black prison universities. The gods who have survived for many years do not know how they don't know.

A strong man of two divine levels, the students in the black prison college may not be in the eye, but if most of the gods in the mission world join hands.

Then it is only a matter of time before all the students in the black prison universities are destroyed.

"After sleeping for a while, Xiao Ming's thinking has become sharper."

Mo ganna teased Chen Xiaoming with a little surprise, and then solemnly said, "Chen Xiaoming is right. The power in the task world is the most powerful force. No one can know how many mission worlds have been connected by the black prison universities and how many of them have been born in those worlds God "

" once this power is united, it is really hard to imagine "

" however, at present, I don't need to worry too much. I am also a "native" from the mission world, and now I have become an existence with God's fighting power. If there is any news of the alliance, I believe I can receive one or two "

after Mo ganna finished, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming did It suddenly dawned on them that after spending a long time with Morgana, they almost forgot that the witch in front of them was also the big devil coming out of the task world.

The relationship between the task world and the black prison universities is also complex. After each task world is discovered, it means that the students of the black prison University will enter into it to experience.

This kind of experience will greatly change the original historical track of the mission world. As for whether the change is good or bad, it is the benevolent people who see the benevolence and the wise see the wisdom.

However, it is certain that as long as the students of the black prison University come into contact with the "aborigines" in the task world, it will have a great impact on them.

For example, Li Xingyun, they met the most powerful task world character Xuanyuan Qiming.

The appearance of Li Xingyun and others made Xuanyuan Qiming suffer a lot of calamities that he should not have suffered, but with the help of Li Xingyun, Xuanyuan Qiming saved these calamities one after another.

So for Xuanyuan Qiming, a strong man of this level, the existence of Li Xingyun and others really makes him feel contradictory.

On the face of it, Li Xingyun's intervention has greatly helped him, but knowing the original historical track and the black prison University, he also knows that what Li Xingyun and others have done is not only not good for their world, but also has many disadvantages.

Li Xingyun returned to the black prison college after finishing the task.

However, he has to face the remaining problems alone. For example, xiuliyun was a big trouble before.

If Xuanyuan Qiming had not kept an eye on it and designed some beautiful clouds, he said that the crazy girl would not be passed on by the unknown civilization.

Such strong men as Xuanyuan Qiming can be found everywhere in the task world. With the help of the black prison college, in the end, they find that their troubles are getting worse and they have to face many unknown enemies.

The current president of the black prison University also belongs to the kind of existence of killing regardless of burying. He does not care how much pain the sentient beings in the task world have experienced. For the president, the numerous task world is just a treasure chest that has not been opened.

The only purpose of the headmaster is to get the treasure he wants from these treasure boxes. Therefore, he does not hesitate to destroy the treasure chest itself, and even takes the treasure chest home to become a part of himself.

That's how the 999 secret places of the black prison college come from.

It is precisely because of plundering so many tasks that the headmaster has become a powerful existence, so powerful that even the real God dare not jump in front of him.

If we really want to use a metaphor, the president of the black prison university is just like the heaven in the immortal knight errant novels. The strength of the black prison university is precisely because of the result of the big heaven devouring the small Tiandao of other world one by one.

So, like a parasite in the plural universe, the black prison university constantly strengthens itself by swallowing the nutrition of other worlds.

And Li Xingyun, the students of these black prison universities, are one by one sucking nutrition straws.

If the strong in the mission world want to join hands to kill the black prison college, they will be the first to be cleared.

However, Li Xingyun and other people's worries are obviously a little superfluous. Since the black prison university has been standing for so many years, it is obviously not a vegetarian. If it was really so fragile, it would have been eliminated 800 years earlier.

After a brief conversation with mogana, Li Xingyun and Morgana walked out of the temple. Outside the temple, the stone statues of the rebellious demons knelt down in front of the temple.

Looking at the various shapes of the devil, mogana's mouth showed a satisfied smile. Although these guys are not good at brain, they have high fighting power. It is undeniable that the extremely powerful existence in the world can control these guys, and it can be said that they have the power to subvert the world.In the next three months, under the guidance of mogana, she began to cultivate herself in the former residence of the gods, trying to make up for the deficiency in spiritual cultivation.

The effect of the former residence of the gods is really extraordinary. The self-cultivation of Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun in the past three months is equivalent to decades of cultivation in the outside world, and they have taken their mood to a higher level.

Now, although it is not perfect to match the power of the demigod realm, it is better than before. I don't know how much. At least in a short time, I don't have to worry about the crisis of being possessed by the devil.

Three months later, Li Xingyun followed Mo ganna to the highest peak in the world of survival of the desolate.

The mountains that should have been covered with wind and snow have been cleaned up, and arranged to block the wind and snow, keep the temperature array, and planted a lot of rare vegetation and trees, arranged rockery and canals.

The world's highest mountain, ten thousand meters above sea level, has been transformed into a paradise.

For the gallantry of the high-level of the United Army of the famine, mogana was obviously more helpful and nodded with satisfaction.

But when she saw that there was no angel in the crowd, Morgana frowned.

She purposely set the meeting place here, because it is the closest place to the angel gate of heaven mountain, and the purpose is to frighten the angel family.

"You still don't want to surrender, ha ha, it's really a kind of mortal race"

mogana took a cold look at the direction of the angel gate, and then walked straight to the crystal throne which had been prepared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!