"In the remaining five worlds, limestone secret world, Ji Han secret world and Ziwu secret world belong to the secret world rich in soldiers. In the three worlds dominated by human race, most of these clans are integrated into the blood of other races, and their talents become quite powerful"

"while the mysterious world of winter is a secret world dominated by elemental life and rich in ice attribute Although there are many shortcomings in the life of these ice elements, they are good choices for both the Auxiliary Corps and the remote mage corps "

" the final kongxuan secret world is quite special. So far, the expeditionary army for zhimogana is not really conquering the secret world, but just conquering it It's just a large demon tribe and the territory near the tribe "

" but the tribe only of the demon clan provided a huge amount of monster mount and a large number of demon animal materials that can be refined into magic weapons for the expeditionary army, which can be regarded as a great contribution "

" unfortunately, the powerful demon clan is not easy to control by nature, and often fights back before the battle The expeditionary army did not dare to recruit too many demon strongmen to serve, otherwise the war would not enter the Stalemate Stage as it is now "


before coming to the secret world of Xingyu forest, Chen Xiaoming took the trouble to tell Li Xingyun the intelligence one by one,

Li Xingyun, who has been addicted to and unable to extricate herself from the martial arts field for years, has not had any outside information Concerned about, in order to avoid Li Xingyun in the later action to make a joke, Chen Xiaoming also had to make up for him.

After listening to Chen Xiaoming's detailed information, Li Xingyun smiles with embarrassment.

In order to pursue her dream power, Li Xingyun has indeed become a young shopkeeper. If Chen Xiaoming didn't take over the pot, the world of the wilderness might have been in trouble.

After Chen Xiaoming explained the matter almost, Li Xingyun finally met the legendary Star Language spirit.

Looking at those little creatures like forest spirits in fairy tales, Li Xingyun can't help but marvel at the wonder of nature's creation.

"The birth mode of Xingyu goblins is very special. They have both the characteristics of demon clan and the special characteristics of elemental life, which can be said to be a very special life body. Lord moganna estimated that this might be the biological experiment of a certain God"

"of course, the social form and three outlooks of Xingyu demons are also very different from human beings"

"“ For these little guys, as long as their accompanying spirits are not destroyed, it is very difficult for them to really die. Even if their souls are crushed, they can be born again with the help of accompanying spirits "

" however, the newly born star language spirit will lose most of the previous memories and become a brand-new life body "

" it is precisely because of this feature that the star language spirit will be born again The fighting power is not strong, but it is extremely difficult to entangle, and is not afraid of death. When mogana came to this world, even if she released the divine level pressure, there were still forces of Star Language demons who dared to charge her head-on "

" but their shortcomings were also obvious. As a kind of parasite like life body, after the parasitic items or creatures were destroyed, they would not be afraid of death It's very difficult to survive "

" so when the expeditionary army and Xuan Yiyan's Legion were fighting, the star language spirit chose to surrender, and said that they would be loyal to the strongest force "

" these little guys are also smart, they know that they have great attraction for the legions on both sides, so they use themselves as chips to save their world.

Chen Xiaoming Afraid that Li Xingyun is not clear about the racial characteristics of the star language goblin, he took the trouble to say a few words.

Just as Chen Xiaoming was talking, a star language spirit, which was about to become a little meatball, came unsteadily towards Li Xingyun.

"The star language goblin in the state of early Yang is a powerful one among them, but it seems that the danger level is not high"

Li Xingyun smiles at the cute and exaggerated Star Language spirit, and reaches out a hand to catch it.

The little fat guy seemed to be tired of flying. He stopped in the palm of Li Xingyun's palm, staring at Li Xingyun curiously with big black eyes: "two distinguished guests, but they are from the wasteland world. Are there really many people, more people than the expeditionary army? Are there any deserts? What kind of desert is it ”

the chubby Star Language spirit is like a very familiar one, and "chatters" with Li Xingyun, without any fear of strangers.

Li Xingyun looked at the lovely star language spirit, a glimmer of light flashed in the depths of her eyes, and then laughed and went back to the past one by one.

Fortunately, the questions asked by the little fat man are not confidential. As long as the people who come out of the wilderness world know it, Li Xingyun is not afraid to leak secrets. It can be said that he knows everything and says everything without saying anything. He has a good time talking with the little guy who came up on his own initiative.

Full half an hour later, the star language spirit just a face satisfied, once again stagger leisurely fly away.

Looking at the far away Star Language spirit, the smile on Li Xingyun's face gradually disappeared.

"Ha ha, it's really interesting. I found something unusual when I came here."Li Xingyun's whispering voice makes Chen Xiaoming curious. This star language spirit is not very popular among many star language spirits. It's hard for Li Xingyun to find something unusual.

However, in public, Chen Xiaoming did not ask more questions, and walked into the base camp of the expeditionary army with Li Xingyun.

As an army that can fight across the world, the expeditionary force at the moment has become more and more mature. Now, it has established its own base camp and dozens of bridgeheads in the secret world of Xingyu forest.

These high as the mountain demons are like a nail nail in the secret world of Xingyu forest, and their ruling areas vaguely radiate most of the residence of Star Language spirits.

Within the ruling area of Mordor, the combat effectiveness of Morgana's army will also be greatly improved. Not to mention the star language spirits with weak combat power, even the legions under Xuan Yiyan dare not attack mordu easily.

The same with the expeditionary army's demons are opposite, and Xuan Yiyan's men built the heaven praying hall.

Within the scope of the heaven praying hall, Xuan Yiyan can also summon mysterious Dharma Masters with strong combat effectiveness to assist, greatly improving the combat effectiveness of the Legion itself.

It can be said that the two forces face each other face to face in the secret world of Xingyu forest.

In the dark, however, the life and death of the star language spirit is firmly controlled in the palm of the hand.

If the two forces were not equally matched and worried about each other, the star language goblin would have ushered in the "conquered moment" in ethnic history.

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