Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun no longer suppress their breath after entering the stronghold of the supreme magic capital.

The strong breath rose like smoke, and was released unscrupulously. The senior generals of the expeditionary army were surprised at how two powerful men came to their side.

Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming are superior to the ordinary demigod level, which makes those semi gods under Mo ganna surprised and extremely welcome them.

After seeing Li Xingyun, their faces became more complicated.

As the subordinates conquered by mogana, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming, the two small followers who have been following moganna, are unfamiliar.

However, it has not been seen for many years. The breath of Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun has been greatly improved. Although their fighting power was not so good at the level of demigods, the limitation of their cultivation made it difficult for them to fight against the real demigods for a long time.

However, when Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming successfully emerged from the dimensional gap, this defect was obviously made up.

It seems that Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun have not changed much in the realm of cultivation, but after being charged by the source of the waster world, Li Xingyun's lack of sufficient energy has also been made up for.

What's more troublesome is that after consuming the energy in their bodies, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming have to return to the wasteland to "recharge" again.

In any case, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming are the real demigods.

So their arrival gave the expeditionary army a shot in the arm.

After that, Morgana solemnly appointed Li Xingyun as the head of the pioneer corps, while Chen Xiaoming became the head of the rear Logistics Corps.

After getting familiar with the situation and affairs of the expeditionary force, Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming took office.

The two commanders of the original vanguard army and the logistics army became the deputy of Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming, helping them to lead the two armies.

For no reason, the two military commanders who were demoted one level were naturally unconvinced. They were both demigods. Why did Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming become commanders of the first army when they had just arrived and had no achievements.

And they fought hard for so many years, but in the end they became deputies.

It's a tone that most people can't swallow, let alone a proud demigod.

After hitting a few soft nails in the vanguard army, Li Xingyun also knows that if he doesn't surrender his deputy first, then the contradiction will deepen with the passage of time.

In the army, which is based on the supremacy of force, it is also very simple to conquer his subordinates, as long as he is convinced.

Therefore, Li did not make an appointment to a remote place of the Second World War.

In the thunder and fire rising from the sky, most of the creatures in the mysterious world of Xingyu sensed the powerful force that could destroy the world.

Under the absolute violence, Li Xingyun's deputy quickly succumbed... No way. At this moment, Li Xingyun's combat effectiveness has completely surpassed the ordinary demigod strongmen. Even the demigod's top level characters have to let him score three points when facing Li Xingyun.

Li Xingyun can really fight back and forth with only pseudo God super strong.

After conquering his subordinates, Li Xingyun didn't stop at this point, but went directly to the semi God level strong men of Xuan Yiyan's hands.

With a banter tone repeatedly assured that they would not take their lives, Xuan Yiyan's semi God strong also could not stand Li Xingyun's method of urging him to fight one after another.

Finally, Li Xingyun, with full firepower, opened up the form of Jiulong Guiyi. With one enemy and four hard lines, he beat the four semi divine strongmen of Xuan Yiyan into pig heads, and announced his arrival to the world with his most powerful achievements.

Li Xingyun's move has greatly strengthened the morale of the expeditionary army. In the case that the gods' fighting power is not available, now Li Xingyun has stood in the front of a number of semi gods.

Unless Xuan Yiyan can take out the forces of the puppet God, otherwise, Li Xingyun can run rampant in the secret world of Xingyu forest.

After Li Xingyun became the leader of the vanguard army, Chen Xiaoming also made his deputy obedient to him through various "reasoning".

Although there is no decisive violence like Li Xingyun, don't forget that Chen Xiaoming still has the money ability that Li Xingyun does not have.

In the later period, the commander of the regiment was not a semi God strong man with strong fighting power. Under the deterrent of Chen Xiaoming's banknote ability and fist, he could only face his face and "admit defeat".

It can be said that the leader of the Logistics Corps is the most suitable person to be the richest man in the world.

Others may find it difficult to cook without rice, but Chen Xiaoming can directly move out a rice warehouse for you to cook.

There is such a rich and willful big man in front of the shoulder, Chen Xiaoming's deputy is not jubilant even if good, where will be with Chen Xiaoming to sing against each other.

You know, before Chen Xiaoming was the head of the logistics army, his deputy had a lot of quarrels with other regiments' commanders every day for the limited military supplies and funds. A semi God strong man became a shrew happily.Now with such a local tyrant in front of the VAT, Chen Xiaoming's deputy is almost crying.

With sufficient logistics resources and Li Xingyun's morale, it is time for the long-standing war to continue to burn.

At this time, the star language spirits in the secret world can't sit still.

It's said that we should stop fighting. How can we call our help when we turn our faces? And we are still such fierce helpers. We just want to destroy the secret world of Xingyu forest.

"Ha ha, now we can say why we have to force the demigod elders of Xingyu spirit to appear"

Mo ganna played with this strange pearl and looked at Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming in front of her.

Li Xingyun glances at the Pearl at will, and finds that there are flashes of lightning, thunder, snow floating, tsunami, etc. all kinds of visions are flashing. If you feel carefully, you will find that the pearl that Mo ganna is playing with is actually a powerful magic weapon of demigod level.

Today's moganna is not the witch who worked for Xuanyuan Qiming for a semi divine magic weapon. After conquering six secret worlds, mogana's wealth has reached the level that Li Xingyun and Chen Xiaoming envy.

Before, a complete set of semi divine level magic weapon equipment was directly given to Li Xingyun as the ultimate reward for defending the world's first martial arts convention.

Now, I have taken out a demigod magic weapon as a plaything.

It can be said that apart from the real artifact, few foreign objects can enter the eye of mogana. , the fastest update of the webnovel!