MAG looked at the situation in front of him, and had a headache. So far, the number of cards that the burning army took out was very few. It can be said that the means of playing now are funded by the pig teammates of demon clan.

MAG was not polite, and immediately ordered the star cannon and the star killing gun to start to attack.

At the same time, the vanguard Legion can carry out long-range attack, and the magic army will also throw out all kinds of magic that have been prepared.

And the demon clan side saw that the burning fire Legion used the means of their own side of the general, but also embarrassed.

All kinds of demon clan generals and soldiers who can carry out long-range attack have asked for battle. There are all kinds of demon clans standing on the top of the city. It shows that the demon clan is no different from those demon beasts.

However, the most important feature of the demon clan is advanced wisdom, so these demon clans also connect their peers with the same attribute by secret method. The magic power that erupts out is obviously more powerful after the power of the companion is added.

For a time, the battlefield between the burning burning army and the demon army and the vanguard army was full of thunder and lightning. There were all kinds of ice guns, earth spears, poisonous fog and mud bog, and all kinds of magic powers were entangled in one after another.

The burning fire army, which belongs to the attacking side, is still unable to move even though it has a strong commander in the semi divine realm, and the Dharma forms formed for them to resist most of the attacks.

Without forced one step, the corpse puppet army on the side of the burning burning legion is paying the price of bleeding. A corpse puppet whose energy has been drained becomes a real corpse, abandoned in the battlefield, and then swallowed up by the light of various magic powers.

In this way, the burning army came to the front of the demon tribe tribe with the fierce bombardment of the demon army and the vanguard army step by step.

The demon tribe, which had already been transformed into a war fortress, also sprouted countless strange weapons from the wall, aiming at those corpse puppet Dharma ministers who were close at hand, and then more severe attacks covered them.

At the moment, even the head of the burning fire Legion in the semi divine realm retreated again and again under the continuous attack. Even he was not willing to resist the magic power which was more intensive than the rain.

But he's done what he needs to do before he steps back.

In the place where they stood before them, a dazzling light suddenly appeared on the earth. A strange transmission array did not know when they were implanted into the earth.

As the transmission of light rises, teams of heavily armed friars rush out.

As soon as the warriors of the ninth order of the planet appeared, they communicated the energy of all people, and then they sacrificed one magic weapon piece by piece under the leadership of the general.

These parts in an instant in front of them constitute a powerful and abnormal defense magic weapon.

With these war magic weapons in front of them, the pressure of the corpse puppet Dharma form has been reduced a lot. Although the corpse puppet Dharma has been nearly disabled at the moment, the remaining strength is still enough to launch another death charge.

After the war magic weapon helped the soldiers of the burning fire army to stabilize their positions, ten corpse puppet FA Xiang launched a death attack on the outer defense array of the demon tribe.

After ten "fireworks" burst into the sky like a split sun, the outer defense array of the demon tribe was broken countless times, and the remaining dozens were also swaying, which would be extinguished at any time like a candle in the wind.

For the first time, the demon tribe's defenses were severely damaged.

So far, the real cards of the burning army have not been played.

"Magic brigade, quickly repair the defense array, bombard the sky artillery camp for Laozi to aim at those tortoise shells..."

in the roar of MAG, all the vanguard regiments moved up, and the star cannon and the sky cannon roared at one time.

One after another of the bright gun light aimed at the "in front of" the burning burning legion mercilessly bombarded up.

At the same time, the demon clan army was not idle. Many tall demon clans showed their own forms one after another. One giant beast climbed on the wall and bombed the burning fire army.

Under a series of crazy attacks, its power is not inferior to the instant explosive power of the strong man in the demigod realm.

In the explosion covering the sky, those magic weapons of the burning army also began to crumble.

The most difficult thing for the burning army is not so. With the bombing of the vanguard army and demon army, their stable space transmission channel has become extremely unstable.

In the twinkling space transmission array, one by one, the soldiers of the burning army stumbled out.

Many hapless spots even have a part of the body through the transmission array and appear in the middle of the battlefield. Other bodies have been transmitted to other places by twisted space forces.

In just a few minutes of "beach landing" operations, the soldiers of the burning army suffered heavy losses, and thousands of soldiers lost their lives for no reason because of the instability of the transmission array.

After making such a great sacrifice, the burning fire army finally completed the most dangerous stage of "landing on the beach". Hundreds of thousands of troops successfully assembled in front of the wall of the demon tribe, avoiding the death radius area of long-range attacks such as stars and cannons."The number is almost the same. It's easy to close the net at any time."

Ma Ge's eyes flashed a fierce smile as he watched the burning army's battlefield gradually stabilized.

This time, without mag's command, the special units already prepared in the vanguard Corps launched the cards belonging to the vanguard Corps.

A series of pale silver lights began to flash on the soldiers of the vanguard corps, and then a strange scene appeared, and the figures of these people gradually disappeared in the dense light silver.

With large areas of electricity and light connected together, a super life composed of lightning appeared.

With the birth of this living body, another group of officers and soldiers threw the demon beast Neidan which had been prepared in their hands to the lightning life body.

Neidan burst, the huge evil spirit was also absorbed by lightning life.

Then the life form of the newly born life body also began to undergo fundamental changes? A spirit belonging to the spirit appeared on the life body.

However, different from the flame spirit, the thunder spirit is much more powerful, and with the number of absorbed demons, the thunder spirit's breath is also constantly expanding.

In the end, the spirit of thunder has broken through to the peak of Hengyang realm, which is only one step away from the semi divine realm.

The Legion of thunder and lightning came into being. , the fastest update of the webnovel!