Fifteen thunder demons at the peak of Hengyang realm appeared on the stage, spewing out a tsunami like plasma to the defense magic weapon of the burning army without saying a word.

In the glare of electric light, those war magic weapons that had been devastated were finally turned into ashes and disappeared in front of the burning army.

Without the protection of the magic weapon of war, hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the burning army Army are just like lambs with bright fur and can only be slaughtered by others.

Fortunately, one of the soldiers of the burning fire army still has a semi divine army commander sitting in charge. In the face of the thunderbolt of plasma caused by the tsunami, the commander of the demigod army, who had already made the French seal, sacrificed his magic weapon in his hand.

The magic weapon, which obviously shines the energy fluctuation of demigod level, will make a light barrier and appear in front of the soldiers of the burning burning army after it makes a circle in the air, which can resist the terrorist attack in front of them.

Seeing that the cards of the vanguard army didn't work, the demon army couldn't sit still. Now the defense array of the demon tribe's foreign objects has been broken. If you don't strive for some time to repair it for the mage group of the vanguard army, their hometown will be directly hit.

So when the head of the semi God army of the burning fire army made a move, another demigod elder of the demon clan also made a move.

The half god elder with a single horn appeared in the middle of his forehead, crushed his arm severely, and fed the flesh and blood full of divine power to the remnant body of the demon beast God.

After swallowing the flesh and blood, the remnant body, which looks like a broken bee pupa, emerged numerous tiny roots. After entangled with a large number of tiny roots, the outer layer of the bee pupa was wrapped up again.

Less than a second later, the roots were broken from the inside by a huge force, and a Black Unicorn with its head raised and stepped out.

As soon as the Black Unicorn appeared, the surrounding space seemed to be in fear of him. As the ripples spread, the figure of the Black Unicorn began to blur.

After the Black Unicorn disappeared completely, the head of the semi God army of the burning army suddenly changed his face and looked behind him in horror.

Where is a Black Unicorn? I don't know how it appears.

As soon as this strange Black Unicorn appeared, it released an ominous breath, and the black water under his feet turned into mist and dispersed.

The soldiers of the burning army, like blind men, turned a blind eye to the Black Unicorn that appeared on their heads. They just looked warily at the light barrier in front of them, for fear that the barrier would also be destroyed by the surging sea of plasma thunder.

"Evil beast, dare you"

when the head of the burning army saw the black at the unicorn's feet dissipated, his foreboding became more intense, and he could not help staring at the Black Unicorn and roaring.

Those soldiers of the burning burning army saw their big men roaring at them, and they were suddenly confused. Some clever people used their own means to protect their lives without saying a word.

But it was late.

At the moment when the commander of the burning army roared, a few ink marks appeared on the body surface of most of the soldiers.

In less than one thousandth of a second, the ink will spread out, and the clever soldiers of the burning army will have time to use their unique skills to protect their lives, and the ink has spread to their whole body.

Then hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the burning army turned into black water and suspended in the air like ink washed by water. These unfortunate guys not only turned their bodies into black water, but also failed to escape their souls. They were trapped in the black water and died in it.

The rest of those lucky to escape through the means of life-saving smart soldiers, before a breath of relief, found that their body again appeared a little ink.

At this time, the head of the burning burning army didn't dare to call up his magic weapon, and returned to his camp with the rest of the soldiers.

With the withdrawal of the commander of the burning army, the siege of the city was temporarily suspended.

The Black Unicorn, like a winning general, slowly disappeared into the void.

At the same time, those black water masses also completely devour the souls trapped in them, and according to the appearance of the dead people, they turn into black puppets, where they appear, and look covetously at the camp of the burning army.

"The reputation of Xuanshui soul biting beast is worthy of its reputation. The Xuanshui soul swallowing technique is really terrible. It not only devours the enemy soldiers, but also turns into his own strength. Judging from the appearance, this wave of attack can be regarded as withstanding"

Ma Ge looks at the scene outside the city wall and gives a breath.

If the unicorn elder of the demon clan is slow, he will use another card.

After temporarily solving the crisis in front of him, MAG began to urge his men to repair the defense array. All kinds of lights flashed on the exterior wall of the demon tribe like neon lights.

Those fragmentary defense arrays that were originally bombed gradually began to recover their original appearance.However, what everyone didn't notice was that when these defensive arrays were restored, many invisible bugs actually avoided everyone's perception and slowly intruded into these arrays, and began to gradually invade the walls of demon tribe tribe.

In this way, both sides in the fierce battle kept a strange silence for a time, both sides were observing the response of the response, trying to find out some clues through clues.

Ten minutes later, a shaky fire kylin Faxiang flew over the sky. After flying to the position of the burning army, the fire kylin Dharma minister could not hold on and broke down.

The exhausted and exhausted soldiers of the burning burning army quickly returned to their own camp to recuperate.

When the sergeants returned, the burning army began to organize a second round of attack.

See a group of strong sergeants out, they are riding a strong exaggeration of a powerful monster.

Under their control, these monsters are as obedient as horses, waiting for their master's orders.

If it wasn't for the vitality of these monsters, MAG and they would have thought that these monsters were corpse puppets made by them.

"Demon beast cavalry, prepare to attack"

another semi God regiment commander flew out of the burning burning army. Under his command, the powerful soldiers and soldiers riding on the demon beasts blazed their dazzling rays. , the fastest update of the webnovel!