With the changes of Li Xingyun's various patterns, his breath became more and more strong, and finally even distorted the whole battlefield space.

"It's not enough. Although the strength of Jiulong's reunification is strong enough to push my combat power into the level of hypocrisy, it's not enough to break the constraints of the time line and enter the past"

"it seems like a fight"

in the call of Li Xingyun, xiaojiong, who had just woken up from his sleep, vaguely lent all his strength to Li Xingyun.

Br >

the strength of Lee's sword in the nebula is like the power of Lee's sword.

At this moment, he is not a semi God friar who is forced to be promoted to the level of hypocrisy, but is really stepping into that realm.

Like the voice of tianlongfan singing from the void, Li Xingyun's figure finally disappeared in the space-time of this battlefield.

"Is this the time line of Kong Xuan's secret world, or is this the power of time hidden in the space between the dimensions?"

after Li Xingyun first entered the dimensional gap by relying on her own strength, she found that the "field of vision" was fundamentally different from before.

Now he doesn't have to go into the world origin to see the time line of kongxuan's secret world.

, the series of seemingly magical bubbles, the world's shadow, was frantically across his eyes. Li Xingyun's feeling was a little dizzy just in a moment.

However, the next "second" Li Nebula detected something different.

in the world of countless bubbles, Li Xingyun saw an unusual gray line. Following the gray line, Li Xingyun felt the smell of Hongyi.

"I've found you"

the bodies of the two dragons form the character of "I've found you."

after the text appeared in Li Xingyun's eyes, Li Xingyun's figure escaped from the dimensional gap.

When it reappeared, it was already in the middle of a snowy mountain.

Hongyi is looking at Li Xingyun with a grim smile.

"I didn't expect that you came so soon. You are indeed the strongest soldier under the goddess of demons, and this strength can be said to be unimaginable"

"but it's bad luck to meet me. Now I'll let you experience the difference between the real senior students and the novices in the black prison University"

before Hongyi's words fall, the mountains shake wildly Under the control of Hongyi, the ice and snow of Li Xingyun is shrouded in countless fierce murders.

At the same time, three semi God suit magic weapons appeared behind Hongyi, which naturally included the semi God suit magic weapons in the form of fairy palace before.

At the moment, Hongyi's power has been completely released by him, and the mountains erupt under the power that makes heaven and earth tremble.

Strange magma, hot enough to melt space, spewed out from the ground and twisted into chains into the sky.

"In the ice age, there is no place for you to escape from the forbidden time and space of burning spirit chain"

with the launch of various traps, the semi divine set magic weapons behind Hongyi also burst into bright light.

In addition to the already exposed sun giant spirit, a set of semi divine magic weapons attached to Hongyi, armed him to his teeth, especially the ice gun burning the flame, which brought a strong sense of crisis to Li Xingyun.

The last set of demigod set magic weapon, which turned into a virtual shadow behind him, turned into a virtual world.

This virtual world not only brings Hongyi the reserve energy of the whole world, but also projects a strong defense barrier on him. Unless Li Xingyun can release the power to break a world, otherwise, he can't be really hurt.

In the face of Hongyi, armed to the extreme, Li Xingyun's look has no way to change, even with a little disappointment in his eyes.

"Foreign objects are foreign things after all, even if they can't be turned into their own power, it's a burden."

Li Xingyun is disappointed with Hongyi's arming himself with various semi divine magic weapons.

He seems to have made a mistake about the divine power of Morgana and others.

Although moganna and others rely on the power of the artifact to use the fighting power of the divine level, before they can, they must really tame the artifact and make it become another source of their own life. Only by virtue of the power of the artifact can they forcibly elevate the combat effectiveness to the divine level.

It is not much less difficult to tame the artifact than to become a real deity. To some extent, it is even more difficult.

To make an inappropriate analogy, mogana and other children are equivalent to half of the age with a peerless sword, which is equal to the power of "adults" with ordinary weapons.

However, their behavior is obviously more dangerous than that of other "adults". If they can't make it right, they will be solved by the peerless sword before the battle starts.

Therefore, mogana and others have a much better control of power than many newly promoted gods.Once their accomplishments break through the existing limitations, they will immediately become the strong ones in the group of old gods.

Hongyi obviously misunderstands mogana and other people, believing that they have the super power only by virtue of the power of artifact.

Therefore, Hongyi's pursuit and dependence on foreign objects are beyond Li Xingyun's expectation.

There are at least ten demigod magic weapons in the three demigod magic sets. It seems that Hongyi has approached the level of gods in a short time after controlling so many demigod magic weapons.

However, over time, Hongyi's own power will also be contaminated by these demigod magic weapons. I'm afraid the end will not be so wonderful in the end.

Li Xingyun doesn't have the heart to wake up Hongyi, who is "possessed" by the devil. Now he has only one purpose, that is, to beat the guy in front of him.

Without any nonsense, Li Xingyun's death announcement was cut off.

Tianlong Sanskrit once again appears in this space and time.

With the power of a sword, the mountains under their feet will disappear completely. If not for the support of Hongyi, the ice and snow all over the sky will become "the past".

Finally, even in the virtual world behind Hongyi, there is an earth shaking Canyon crack.

Hongyi is also obviously shocked by Li Xingyun's sword. The speed from Li Xingyun's attack to his attack makes him a little bit unresponsive. If the shadow of the world behind him did not act as a barrier to isolate him from the sword's damage, he would have been hit now.

"It's a miracle that such a fast sword can reach this level under the restriction of time"

after seeing Li Xingyun's sword, Hong Yi knew that he could not be underestimated. Li Xingyun's performance has broken through his conventional understanding again and again.

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