"It's a pity that you met me"

with a grim smile, the burning ice gun turned into countless stars and disappeared in the void.

Li Xing yundun felt that the space around him was full of countless fatal crises, and the early warning function of death announcement sounded like an air defense alarm.

"Dragon Sword field"

in the light of the sound, countless swords and lightsabers soared into the sky, and quickly opened up a sword of their own in the forbidden space-time.

The next moment, the Dragon Sword field twisted and fluctuated, and countless stars exploded outside the sword area.

One after another similar to the explosion of the star's core of the huge fire group burst into the sky, the strange ice crystals condensed out, and in the extreme heat, emitted a breath of ice incomparable cold.

The two extremes of power mingle, burst out of incredible power.

Li Xingyun's Dragon Sword area is facing the biggest challenge at this moment.

"It's worthy of being an old-fashioned black prison college student. This method is powerful enough"

Li Xingyun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but the war spirit in his eyes became more and more vigorous.

At the same time, the sword of the incarnation of the declaration of death also sent out a thrilling sound, and the virtual shadows of the dragon in the Dragon Sword field emerged from the explosion. Simultaneous interpreting

's legendary dragon seed's gluttonous food, it has eaten up the flames and the ice crystals produced after the explosion.

Every time they devour a portion of their strength, the shadow of these dragons becomes more and more staring. Soon, nine ice crystal dragons surrounded by flames appear in the Dragon Sword area.

Not only that, after the Dragon solidified, the endless sword Qi and sword light in the Dragon Sword field poured into the bodies of Nine Dragons like swift.

In a burst of thundering sound of dragons, the Nine Dragons become virtual again, and in the way of rapidly becoming smaller, they wind together and become a virtual shadow of a magic sword with nine dragon patterns.

Li Xingyun holds the magic sword Xuying in his left hand and the death declaration in his right hand, and uses all his strength to combine the two swords together.

With the integration of the two swords, the form of death declaration has changed unprecedentedly. In the dark, the body of the sword blooms with dazzling golden light as if enlightened by the Buddha. The chant of dragon and Sanskrit sound resound through the whole world again.

"Dragon Sanskrit Sword form, enlightenment"

with the power of Hongyi, Li Xingyun has lifted her strength to a new height. Now he is no less than Hongyi in the realm of hypocrisy. Although this is only temporary, it is enough for Li Xingyun to play a part of the power of death declaration.

A series of changes in Li Xingyun's body can be said to be completed between the electric light and flint, which does not give Hongyi any time to react.

The speed of this change exceeds the time limit, even if Hongyi wants to stop it, it is difficult to do so.

When Hongyi reacts, Li Xingyun has a real sense of crisis. It belongs to the real God. Although there is only a trace, it is enough to make him feel extremely shocked.

"Impossible, a demigod, even if he is gifted, how can he break through that limitation and possess such power"

Hongyi looks at Li Xingyun in this form in disbelief, and then focuses on the magic sword in Li Xingyun's hands.

"There is only one explanation. The sword in this guy's hand is a artifact, and it is not a common artifact"

thinking of this, Hongyi's eyes show endless greed.

Over the years, he has paid countless costs for obtaining artifact. In the end, he has no choice, so he chooses the method of curving the whole country and intends to make a artifact by himself.

Now he has taken great pains to collect so many treasures in order to make that day come earlier.

But when a real artifact appeared in front of him, he found that his collection of treasures was not worth mentioning.

What is the artifact? This is the real artifact. People who are inferior to him in their cultivation realm touch the threshold of the divine realm in advance.

This strange and indescribable power can be called artifact.

After the explosion of Hongyi's greed, he broke through his final reason. He decided to kill Li Xingyun here by all means to get the artifact that had never appeared in any rumors.

"Dividing the boundary into labor, killing God with a gun"

Hongyi roars up to the sky, and the world behind him turns into a piece of Aurora like gorgeous ribbons around his burning ice gun. At the same time, the fairy palace is also surrounded by the ribbon, and quickly turns into an ice and fire compatible gun head, which appears on the burning ice gun.

The gun head of the burning ice gun itself is divided into two parts. The gun head with extreme ice attribute and the gun head with extreme fire attribute diverge.

After the final combination is completed.

A magic shape of ice and fire square sky painting halberd appeared in the hand of Hongyi.

After forcibly merging several sets of demigod suits, there is a trace of artifact on the halberd.

It is this breath that makes Hongyi sure that he is on the right path. Therefore, over the years, he will spare no effort to find rare treasures to smelt his own artifact.After taking out the strongest state, Hongyi's combat effectiveness has already stood at the peak of the false god realm, which is only a little worse than the true God's combat power. It can be said that in the black prison colleges and universities, they belong to the strongest group of people in the divine realm.

That's why Hongyi is so proud.

The number of students in black prison universities is not the elite among the elites who have survived many tasks.

And standing at the top of these elites, he has enough proud capital.

"Let's die. It's a great honor for you to die under my false halberd"

with a wild laugh and a gentle stroke of the long halberd in his hand, the forbidden space-time suddenly vibrates wildly.

The sky is gradually broken in front of the super power, and the earth has also split countless ferocious cracks. The magma in the earth's core seems to know the fate of the world's coming to an end, and crazily gushes up to lick the broken sky.

The whole world is on the verge of collapse with a single click of Hongyi. If not for its own time and space being blocked by Hongyi, maybe the world would end up in the end.

The power of God is revealed at this moment. Ordinary people have no choice but to wait for death in despair.

However, Li Xingyun is not an ordinary person. Now he has the same strength as Hongyi.

What's more, the biggest difference between Hongyi and Hongyi is that the power of the true God in Hongyi is only born on the blade in his hand, while Li Xingyun's real power of God is actually integrated with himself.

The voice of Tianlong Sanskrit once again reverberates in this broken space-time, and the figure of Li Xingyun is gradually changing in a piece of magic rays.

Until the last one hundred Zhang Long Dragon replaced the original Li nebula, where did it appear.

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