Unlike the Dragon incarnated by Li Xingyun before, this time the dragon is not only solidified to the point of real body, but also has a round table shaped Rune in the center of its eyebrow.

In the dark gold script, the glow flows, and the little bits of light come out everywhere. It embellishes the mysterious and powerful dragon itself with a trace of non mortal aura.


after the appearance of the dragon, the chanting in the sky of Longkou was expanded ten times.

The broken sky, the collapse of the earth, the earth fire and magma swept against the sky all solidified in this moment.

In an instant, the space-time was completely frozen by the sound of the dragon. Except for Hongyi and the dragon, the time of all things was frozen at that moment.

This hand of Tian Long Yin also makes Hong Yi's face slightly change. Playing with the power of time and space is really God's ability.

Even if it is now Hongyi, it will take a lot of effort to do what Li Xingyun is doing now. It will not be so easy.

"A good way is not to know how long you can persist"

Hongyi doesn't talk much nonsense. He knows that Li Xingyun can change into the present state with his help. As long as the power of Li Yun Yun Yun is dissipated to a certain extent, Li Yun Yun Yun will be knocked back to its original form and become the little demigod left to him.

With Hongyi's attack again, the hypocrite halberd bloomed with splendor.

This piece of space-time, which was blocked and then solidified, was suddenly divided into two, from which a huge and ferocious crack was split.

The tip of the crack is naturally the Buddha dragon.

In a real sense, the battle to destroy the earth and heaven broke out. In the gap of

world dimension, countless bubble like fragments of the world are suspended, most of them are dead and silent. As a world in "history", there is no life in these places.

So even if it is destroyed and disappeared, it is difficult to affect the real secret world.

of course, if the bubble world mask is broken, then the memory and some rules in the secret world will also be lost.

and at this moment, a strange bubble world that seems to be blocked by what is in the gap of the secret world is constantly being twisted and changed as if there are monster inside to be born.

when the distortion of the bubble world reaches its height, the power of the ban is finally broken.

Then Hongyi and Li Xingyun, the incarnation of Buddha dragon, flew out of it.

At the moment, the two men who have already made red eyes don't worry about their environment. They cover the enemy with all kinds of powerful moves of destroying the world without money.

The battle aftereffect of infinite approaching God's realm spreads out in the space of dimensions.

the influence of countless bubble worlds, and some vulnerable world of bubbles have even broken down.

Hongyi and Li Xingyun have already ignored these, and their killing moves are not only not stopped, but more intense.

And the outer space of empty Xuan was also affected.

In the secret state of kongxuan, the two warring armies suddenly felt that the air around them became heavy, and the broken earth collapsed one after another.

Dark clouds in the sky, I do not know when a dark spot appeared.

These spots are like sesame seeds on sesame cake, covering the whole sky, even the dark clouds are scattered by the smell of spots.

Then everyone felt the strange energy radiated from the spot, which was invisible and colorless, but full of deadly breath.

When Xuan's energy reaches the secret state, they will not even be destroyed by the radiation, but they will not be able to get a chance to rescue them.

The state of the stars is also not good. After receiving the energy radiation, they feel that their life span is like being cut by death with a sickle. The breath of the whole person is withered to the limit, which obviously has damaged the foundation.

This kind of radiation attack is almost full of kongxuan secret place, and then it attacks all the creatures in this secret place in disorder, and the monsters also suffer heavy losses at this time.

This change not only temporarily separated the two warring armies, but also caused the reaction of kongxuan's secret place.

The monster God, who was sleeping in the deepest part of kongxuan's secret land, woke up at the moment of the change.

As soon as the ten scarlet eyes open, they can see Hongyi and Li Xingyun, who are at war.


the unique roar of the monster God resounded through the whole Kongyuan secret land. The black spots in the sky disappeared in the roar, and the deadly radiation disappeared in an instant. The broken earth and the sky full of battle traces were restored to their original state by powerful and irresistible forces in an instant.

The destruction caused by several armies in this world was completely restored in an instant. This mysterious and terrifying scene scared everyone.In addition, the spirit of the monster God spread, no matter the strong man of the demigod level or the ordinary soldiers of the planetary realm all showed a look of extreme fear.

Under the influence of countless times more powerful than natural disasters, everyone felt that death was so close.

Fortunately, the demon beast God did not pay attention to these small insects who dare to come around in his world. His eyes were always focused on the two people fighting in the space between the dimensions.

Li Xingyun and Hongyi felt the angry gaze at the moment when the demon and beast God woke up.

This vision across time and space makes them both feel that the fatal crisis is approaching rapidly.

At this moment, they no longer have the desire to fight, and escape becomes their only choice.

In the space between the dimensions, Li Xingyun's incarnation of the Buddha dragon and Hong Yi fly out one after another, trying to escape the secret land of Kong Xuan.

Xuan, as the guardian gods of the two gods, can they leave the secret place so easily.

In the deepest part of kongxuan's secret place, a hundred thousand mountains, which are covered with high mountains, suddenly vibrate wildly, and countless pieces of soil and gravel rise into the sky.

Then the true face of 100000 mountains appeared in front of all people. It turned out that so many high mountains were formed by bone spines on the back of demon beast gods.

When the spirit of the beast God broke through the earth, the eyes of all the people in the world hit him.

Bigger than the asteroid body is so majestic, every muscle, every scale seems to be filled with endless power.

Ten scarlet eyes about the size of a lake were scattered around the body, turning into red lights like searchlights, scanning the world which belonged to him.

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