In the morning, I also called Uncle Cha, whose voice was very loud. They always thought that it was Mrs. Cha who left first. Her heart failure was very serious. They had been looking for a hospital to prepare for a heart transplant. They also thought that if the heart failure was relieved, they could make a stent.

Uncle Cha left first. Where's aunt cha? Can she stand the blow? How can the heart with heart failure bear the sudden death of his wife?

"What, what?"

"Prepare for the future."

"Do you want to talk to the tea lady?"

"Don't embarrass you. You can't do it. I'll come, I said. You'll watch. If aunt Cha faints, take medicine and send her to the hospital."

Fang Zheng agreed, but he couldn't say. For such a heart failure old lady, any news might kill her. Fang Zheng didn't dare and couldn't say it.

This is a fatal blow. Tea lady can't bear it.

Xu Haodong hung up Fang Zheng's phone, smoked a cigarette outside the hospital, finished it with force, and rubbed his face.

Call aunt cha.

Fang Zheng saw that the blood color of aunt Cha's face disappeared. She shook her body a few times and closed her eyes. Hurry up with an arrow to put medicine into the tea lady's mouth.

Aunt Cha was very short of breath and was about to fall, but she didn't faint.

"Dongzi, bring your uncle back."

"Auntie, auntie, I, you and me, I will provide for you, and you will treat me as your son."

Xu Haodong didn't know how to comfort him. There was no way to comfort him.

"Well, good, good."

Tea aunt mouth with a wry smile, said good, hung up. Look at this teahouse. It has been in operation for many years.

"After that, the teahouse will be run by Dongzi. Dongzi has been very busy for us. Without him, your uncle and I would not have been able to cope with so many things. He said that he would buy the teahouse. Our old couple have been running the teahouse until they don't want to. He is taking over. In fact, people are gone. What's the use of asking for money? "

Xu Haodong brought uncle Cha back.

At this time, the men, women, young and old village branch secretaries of Tengyun town also sent people to handle the matter.

Tengyun town has a better point. No one cares what to do when you get married. If someone is gone, especially this kind of lonely old man, it is the village committee of the town government who helps.

It's too hard for the old couple. The neighbors all offered to help.

Fang Zhenghua is also busy with Xu Haodong.

"Am I dead or is your father dead? So many of you are filial to others! Who are you, son! What's the matter with you? What are you? Is it bad luck for you to attend his funeral? You went to the funeral. What are you pretending to be filial? It's none of your business "In the face of my milk!"

"It's none of your business that you've died long ago!"

"Mom, you can't be too ungrateful!"

Fang Zheng hung up and had a cigarette.

He will never go with his parents.

Xu Haodong carries the coffin, while Fang Zheng carries the other side. Many young people take the coffin with them. Paper money is flying all over the sky and they are sent to the old cemetery for burial at sunset.

After a noisy day, no one was in a good mood. After settling down, Mrs. Cha asked her to take medicine again and again, and they both came back.

Xu Haodong saw Fang Zheng's shoulders were red.

When carrying the coffin, there were sixteen people, each of whom was carrying a large piece of wood with thick wrists on his shoulders. Fang was very delicate and had never done any physical work. It took him an hour to walk from the town to the old cemetery, let alone carrying the coffin. His shoulders were worn out along the way.

Put the medicine on him quickly.

Stop painting. I'm in a bad mood today. I'd better have a rest early.

Xu Haodong said that he would get up early tomorrow, go to see Aunt Cha and help her clean up. After the first seven days, he would pick her up.

When Fang Cong got the news, he sighed and said that she would clean up her room upstairs and give it to Aunt cha. She must be in a bad mood and let them have a good education.

But it's late at dawn.

Xu Haodong got up at more than five o'clock and went to the tea lady. He thought she couldn't sleep, so he knocked on the door. After a long time, her old sister rubbed her eyes to open the door, saying that she was asleep and that she had slept early last night. Tired, said the heart is not comfortable.

Xu Haodong looked around, but he didn't find the tea lady. He felt a thump in his heart. It was broken!

Out of the tea aunt's house, almost all the people in the town got up. When they saw Xu Hao's fiery wind, they asked him why you were going. Xu Haodong said that she had lost her!

All the people in the town were clapping and looking for it.

Xu Haodong rushes directly to the old cemetery, and the tea lady lies beside the old man.

The old couple are living and dying together.

Two days later, the old couple of tea uncle were gone. Xu Haodong had a contract to buy a teahouse. Tea aunt wrote a misspelled letter. It's very simple. Xu Haodong has been helping them not only to run the teahouse, but also to take good care of them. They have no children, so they leave the teahouse to Xu Haodong.It touched everyone.

I don't know which comes first, tomorrow or accident.

No one's mood had eased. The postman sent an express.

Fang Zheng shut himself in after receiving the express. Xiaobai and Xu Haodong are very strange. What's the matter with him? Fang Zheng closed the room for a long time, smoked two packs of cigarettes, and his face was gloomy when he opened the door.

Jiang Xiaobai looks at Fang Zheng with a bad face and a little dispirited.

"Or you can go out and play."

"No, I haven't finished painting. I'll go out for a walk after painting."

"Then take a break and walk around the town."

Xu Haodong winked at Jiang Xiaobai.

I touched Fang's hand. It was a little cold.

"Let's go around and have some ice cream."

"I guess I haven't eaten at this time. You two go to see what's good at home."

As long as Fang is happy, anything will do.

Fang Zheng has a meal, and Jiang Xiaobai follows him closely. Now both of them are not at ease to fight.

Xu's mother also received a call from Xu Haodong. She knew Fang Zheng didn't eat much lunch. When Fang Zheng came out, she even dragged her home to have lunch.

Xu Haodong took advantage of this time to clean up. He cleaned up the day before yesterday. He was called away in the middle of the day. What happened in these two days is as tiring as after two years.

Downstairs cleaned up. Upstairs cleaned up.

Fang Zheng and Jiang Xiaobai have been painting downstairs recently. The place is spacious, so the studio has been useless. They have taken all kinds of painting tools downstairs.

Those statues, too, were broken. They didn't buy them again. The studio was very empty. The paintings on the shelves were still there, and some books were neatly placed on the shelves.

Xu Haodong was afraid of dust, so he took a rag to wipe it. He was tall, and he was very careful.

Step on the bench, climb to the shelf and wipe the top of the shelf clean.

This shelf is a bit like a bookshelf, but only the top three layers hold books, and the bottom shelf is very spacious, with bound paintings.

As soon as his elbow accidentally touched many books, Xu Haodong quickly picked them up. Fang Zheng's picture books are full of pencils and colored pens. Don't get them dirty. He will get angry again.

There are many things on the ground. There is a book in the book. Xu Haodong is familiar with this kind of book. Xu Haodong has read this kind of book and knows that Fang Zheng is interested in him, because it's all about himself. Those who wear clothes and those who don't wear clothes can draw well. If it wasn't for Fang Zheng's pen, I don't know that he is the most handsome tough guy in Tengyun town.

Fang Zheng didn't often show him the paintings secretly. He hid them and enjoyed them.

Accidentally, the picture book leaked out. I'd like to know if Fang Zheng secretly painted himself during this period of time.

I'm a little secretly happy. They all say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Is it in his pen that he is Lu Bu.

On the first page, the secret joy turns into doubt. It's not the book Fang Zheng drew himself in. It seems that it's something else.

The book is very thick and almost full.

What did he do.

A picture fell out. Xu Haodong took a look.

A group photo shows Fang Zheng standing side by side with a handsome man with a beautiful face and a brilliant smile. It seems that Fang Zheng is not very old. It seems that he is in his twenties. Who is this man?

Open the picture book and have a look, it's all this handsome guy, with front, side and any posture.

Xu Haodong is a little strange.

Ah, well, look at Fang Zheng in this picture. He was in his twenties when he was at school. This must be his classmate.

Xu Haodong explained himself and rationalized this strange point.

Continue to turn back, the next content is very rich, one of the pictures is a back to draw, one sitting in front of the model.

Xu Haodong picked up a picture of this classmate and compared the people in Fang Zheng's painting. He easily recognized that one of the two people in the painting was Fang Zheng and the other was this classmate. Fang Zheng's paintings are realistic and vivid.

That's what happened between Fang Zheng and this classmate. These are all small fragments of them together.

It seems that the paintings are very casual. Sometimes it's the classmate's own. Sometimes it's Fang Zheng and the classmate riding, fishing, climbing and painting together.

Xu Haodong turns fast. These are two good friends.

In the past page, there are two little fingers hooked together. The little finger hooks the little finger. There are no characters, just these two little fingers.

Xu Haodong's face changed. He lit a cigarette and stared at the painting.

He seems to have understood something.

These little fingers are hooked together. It's really, too much of an eyesore.

Want to tear off, want to hook together the little finger burned, cigarette ends to put on it, want to burn off hook around the little finger, want to hook together in the place of hot a hole, Xu Haodong suddenly retracted his hand.He took a puff of his cigarette and gave a smile.

Watch your eyes!

Didn't Fang Zheng have a relationship before?

What is this, first love? I don't know love at all. I'm saying that the dispute between the two sides is not successful? There's nothing jealous about it.

Author gossip: this book is published exclusively by Liancheng reading, please do not reprint!