No matter how deeply you love and how much you like, isn't that impossible? As the saying goes, lovelorn is equal to a rebirth, to forget the past, so we should drink the water as Mengpo soup. It's been seven or eight years since he came back. Mengpo's soup is filled with coriander and sesame oil. I don't know how many barrels he has drunk, and I'm jealous.

Be careful. I'm a man with such a small mind.

Take a deep breath. If you want to put this picture book back in place, you can treat it as if you have never seen it or found it. No matter what, Fang Zheng is in love with himself now. They hug and kiss each other. They eat and sleep together. They live together. What are they jealous of after so many years? Who hasn't got a secret yet?

As for people, there are always many regrets in this life, many of which are missed and can't be retrieved. Then give him a place to keep this thing, not to mention a person who has been in love before, those who have divorced for various reasons, don't they look for new happiness? Is it because he's divorced that he doesn't love? Shouldn't it be more inclusive? Love his previous suffering, and then give him better happiness, forget all kinds of last relationship.

If you love him, you should love all of him. It's just a first love. It's nothing. In the past, the present is the main thing. Now, Xu Haodong is with Fang Zheng.

How far should he go? If you meet the ex one day, you can say that the ex brother is good.

Instead of holding on to Fang Zhengwen, do you love me or him!

That's stupid.

He doesn't blame Fang Zheng for concealing and remembering his first love in this way.

As long as Fang Zheng is in love with Xu Haodong, the past is not a matter.

Self enlightenment, found a piece of fall out there is a thicker book. It seems that there are many newspaper clippings.

Open a look, the time span is very long, the content is also very rich and colorful, or the picture book of this handsome guy, like a separate collection of this handsome guy's information book. There are many award-winning photos of this handsome guy. There are a lot of news about this handsome guy. There are very short reports in the newspaper, and some of them seem to be printed out. The time span is at least ten years.

Also witnessed a handsome guy who was still very handsome turned into a fat artist.

It's a shame.

It's really good. At the beginning, he was very handsome. He was tall and had deep eyes. Although he was a bit old-fashioned at that time, a handsome man was a handsome man, which made people feel good at first sight. Slowly, the handsome man became an uncle, still a little greasy uncle.

Look at the first picture, and then look at the last picture, it is difficult to believe that this is a person.

A young man of literature and art, Yushulinfeng, is growing a beard. It's not suitable for everyone. It's like someone wearing black sunglasses is like a blind ah Bing, and someone is like a star.

The beard makes this handsome man change in a moment. It looks like he's 523 at the age of 256. Then he began to grow his hair. Fang Zheng's hair was longer and slightly curled to the shoulder. He tied it into a small braid. It was cool and elegant. Sometimes his hair was scattered and slightly bowed. His slightly longer hair was hooked on his chin. The lining of Fang Zheng's face was like white jade.

This person can't do it. His hair is greasy and getting longer and longer, reaching his shoulder. Then, he pricked a Liu Huan's head. It looks very big.

Body began to lose shape, is no longer a straight pen a handsome guy, waist thin legs long, into eight months pregnant belly.

Xu Haodong is very proud of his chest. Although he is thirty-five this year, at first glance, he is thirty years old. He is in excellent shape! Some people are getting uglier and uglier, others are getting more and more handsome.

Hum, even if he had a relationship with Fang before, I'm 8600 times more handsome than you! Our family Fang Zheng likes to draw for me now! Because it's handsome!

Does Fang Zheng dislike this man's ugliness and collect information, always be alert not to become a greasy uncle.

As he became uglier and uglier, he became more and more famous.

The last one is the news a few days ago. This man held a personal painting exhibition and was interviewed by the reporter. He has a bitter and bitter face. The interview manuscript is attached below.

The profile of this handsome guy.

At the age of 25, he won the second prize in the new artists competition.


Xu Haodong said, second?

In the same year, his paintings went on tour. You can't take it back.

What are the outstanding young and middle-aged painters? What are the individual art exhibitions, studios, and entries? They have won awards continuously and entered the painting and Calligraphy Association. Then a new art exhibition was opened, with the theme of our beautiful home.

His interview said that painters need more beautiful scenery. They can't let years of beautiful scenery disappear from their eyes, so that future generations can only see in our paintings that the original scenery can still be so beautiful. There was once a close friend, who was also a painter, who made an appointment to travel all over the country. It's a pity that I'm getting away from him. I had to take his wish for a walk. Over the years, I have traveled all over the world and collected wind everywhere. What I feel most is the ecological damage. So I drew such a theme to show how beautiful the great rivers and mountains of the motherland are.

It is not a personal exhibition, but a caring environment.Who is it? It's so forced.

Find out what the name of this disabled uncle is, Ning Bo.

Who is Ning Bo? Why does Fang Zheng collect his news? The latest news is just a few days ago.

Xu Haodong turns to the last news. There is no other news.

After that, I flipped again. A book was almost finished. I thought there was nothing left. I was about to put down my finger and hook the last few pages. I turned to the end.

A piece of paper fell out, and Fang Zheng's handwriting was still on the last page.

Xu Haodong didn't look at the paper. He looked at Fang Zheng's words.

It's Fang Zheng's style. The painting is beautiful and the font is very good.

You are still a teenager in the photo, but everything has changed.

I still remember that when we were collecting wind together, we fell into the water and went swimming with our backpacks.

Remember to revise the painting and stay up late together, the bread you gave me.

I still remember the night when you sent me little porcelain man and asked me if I would like you. I snuck your finger in the middle of the night.

Interest makes you forget all kinds of common experiences in those years, and makes you change overnight.

Have you ever been possessed by evil spirits? There's no evil spirit. It's your devil.

I wanted to express myself to you, but I was calculated by you. It's hard to believe that you should have done such a thing.

At the beginning of that time, when I walked out of that door, I was afraid of being surrounded and ridiculed. When someone was laughing, I thought it was me. My sister is afraid that I have problems. She takes me to see a psychologist. I have no psychological problems. I just find it hard to accept that you hurt me so much.

You let me make a fool of myself, make me ridiculed, be advised by the teacher to stay out of the limelight, the future will be destroyed, you still use my sister to threaten me and force me back to my hometown. Why is fame so important to you? It's important enough to hurt a classmate and friend who has been with you for more than three years. You know that I like you and use me. My failure to be filial to my grandmother caused me a lifelong regret.

Over the years, I have been complaining about myself and gradually closed down. Although I am trapped in Tengyun Town, I feel comfortable here.

Look at your appearance, more utilitarian, a sigh. You've become more hateful.

I can't live in the hurt you give me all the time. I want to live happily. You can't affect me for life.

People need to look forward to achieve themselves and surpass you.

"Bah, scum!"

Xu Haodong spat.

Knowing who this middle-aged greasy uncle is, it turns out that Fang Zheng was ridiculed and ridiculed. He also stole Fang Zheng's paintings and took them to the exhibition. He was an out of control scum.

Jealousy is so strong, clearly is a good friend, but also stab people in the back, hurt Fang Zheng these years will not laugh, see who do not speak alone. I'm in a bad mood and I've been carrying guilt.

This virtue and appearance are deceptive at first sight. Fortunately, Fang Zheng and he are just ambiguous and have no confession and are not together. Otherwise, Fang Zheng would regret it so much. It's a good guy to be like this. It's a good character and evil intention.

This jealousy is really a knife. It kills people invisibly, villains and scum. The

side is trying to collect his information and make complaints about it when he wants to see what time he will fall.

It seems that since Fang Zheng fell in love with him, he didn't care so much about this bastard's news. Although in his opinion, it's still a little late. If they don't care about this asshole when they go on a blind date, it will prove how charming they are.

Come on, such a jerk is too far away to start. If we meet, we will definitely break his arm and make him unable to hold the brush all his life!

Bah, scum, disgusting!

I didn't care. Hum hum, I found that there was a gorgeous picture album on the ground, which looked like a castle. It was all in English. Looking back and forth, it seemed like a school? It looks very advanced anyway. He can't speak English. He gave it back to the teacher long ago. I don't understand. It is estimated that Fang Zheng will translate it for him.

How clever Xu Haodong is. It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand. He can find a mobile phone translator.

Download an English Chinese translation, then take a picture, translate.

It was translated very quickly.

Oh, a particularly awesome art college. I checked the school online, which is the castle like teaching building in this picture book. What has a long history? How many painting masters have a long history? Anyway, it's such a powerful school.

What do you mean.

Xu Haodong is a little bit confused.

Another piece of paper was opened. It was a letter.

Fang Zheng, old friend, it's good not to see you for many years. Seeing that your paintings are often sold, you can know that you're good from the paintings you've painted together in Jiang Xiaobai's microblog.

I'm sorry for the mistake I made many years ago. I'd like to say sorry to you.

At that time, I was young and arrogant. I didn't want to make a fool of you until I lost to you. I thought it was a joke, but it seemed to have a great influence on you. Please forgive me for the joke.

Later, I was not reconciled. I was very angry at your sister's beating. That's why I treated you like that. In fact, the teacher and I have always felt very sorry. If you didn't have these things at that time, you would have developed better than me. Now you are living in a small place, depressed.For many years, the enmity should be over. I really want to get back together with you.

In order to express my apologies to you, I entrusted my relationship to find the Maryland Institute of art in the United States, and gave you an opportunity to study abroad, where I can further accept the teaching of world masters. It's very suitable for you who are creative and artistic.

Please accept my apology and my kindness.

I have no intention to you, I just want to recover to the original with you, can talk about everything to be a good friend. Share each other's achievements in art.

I still remember the porcelain doll that was used to celebrate your birthday. Do you still have it?

Let's shake hands and make peace. Let's start again. I hope we can continue.

Author gossip: this book is published exclusively by Liancheng reading, please do not reprint!