"Shit! Who? He shakes hands with you and continues the leading edge. He's as ugly as Zhu Bajie's second uncle. He wants to eat swan's head, embryo, shameless! "

I wish I could tear this man's mouth. What do you mean to start shaking hands again and make peace with him, and then continue to fight with him? Can you cheat us out of our dispute?

Harboring evil intentions!

Great test!

Xu Haodong has a total of this knowledge. The idioms he knows are all used by this scum.

You know how much we fight, right? More than 30 years old, young and beautiful? Is this word appropriate? Suitable, no change in appearance and twenties, no fat, long legs, thin waist, outstanding temperament, beautiful, good painting, such a good person, do you want to look back? Bah, I'm blind, and I don't pee. Look at your old face.

We are proud and stubborn, and will never compromise in your small favor.

Maryland? How far are you from Malan mountain? It's not a high school.

Don't be ignorant. Anyway, we don't care about Malan University.

Mutter, open the inside of the paper, or a full English table.

Admission application form, Fang Zheng will never agree

There is a signature on the application form.

Xu Haodong sat there with a white face.

He thought that Fang Zheng would not forget the past for this small favor.

This Ningbo almost destroyed Fang Zheng, made him from cheerful to silent, and made him afraid that the crowd didn't like to be surrounded. He stole his paintings to participate in the competition. Fang Cong was almost charged with intentional injury, and his grandmother fell out of bed and died because there was no one to take care of him. This kind of hatred can be understood if Fang Zheng dies with him.

Such a person who harbors evil intentions, after so many years, he came back to ask for a book, and Fang Zheng ignored the past? Did you accept his peace again?

Where is Fang Zheng's arrogance? Cheap or not?

Or, because there is this nimbo in my heart?

Xu Haodong just wants to smack himself. He's really stupid.

Obviously, Fang Zheng still has him in his heart.

Why else have you been collecting information from nimbo? Even if he has a disgusting face and a greasy face, and has been collecting information for so many years?

And this sketch book, drawing is what they have experienced, that is, in memory of ah.

He had been secretly in love with him, and he hated him. Therefore, this letter of peace from Ning Bo was easily forgiven by Fang Zheng. Accepted his kindness and wanted to leave Tengyun town to study abroad?

Xu Haodong thought he was lucky all the time. Fang Cong strongly supported him. Jiang Xiaobai cheered him on, but he didn't meet any opponents who supported him so much. He let go of his arms and legs and pursued Fang Zheng.

Is Fang Cong and Jiang Xiaobai alone in Fang Zheng's life? Can they take care of Fang Zheng and make his life better?

Their starting point is to fight for the good. Don't care if you love, just care if you love?

In other words, Fang Cong and Jiang Xiaobai don't care who they are. As long as there are people fighting for each other's sincerity, they don't object. Support is not their own, support is their own, the other side for a good point of mind?

He always thought that Fang Zheng wanted to stay in Tengyun town and give up so many good opportunities. He repeatedly invited his parents to go to the county or live outside. He was reluctant to live in the comfort of Tengyun town. He was reluctant to give up his grandmother and was attached to himself.

In fact, Fang Zheng probably wanted to leave for a long time. What he was waiting for was this opportunity to soar to the sky? Now it's time for him to go!

Well, what about yourself.

His seven or eight years of infatuated protection, silent company, to now self righteous love, are all shaved pick a head hot, his imaginary?

He can't give him the opportunity to study abroad, so he can't become a famous painter master. So, Fang is going to go away for fame and fortune?

As long as someone can be kind to him and relieve his loneliness, doesn't it matter to Xu Haodong?

Whether it's a fight, a bed, a hug or a kiss, he's just a toy when Fang is bored? Nanny?

from the beginning to the end, I'm just a self entertaining and self righteous fool.

When Fang Zheng rejected him for the second time, he said, "don't be interested in me. I will hurt you. My heart is dead. I won't fall in love with anyone.".

Yes, he didn't fall in love with himself. He just found a toy to kill his loneliness.

And this toy can wash clothes, cook and take care of people, so he left himself around.

Fang Zhengzhen didn't cheat. He said that he would not fall in love with himself!

Well, Xu Haodong is a fool in Fang Zheng's mind. Give him a fool who can amuse himself.

"What are you looking at?"

Fang Zheng's voice at the door was a little nervous. Xu Haodong seldom moved his things. Even if he put aside the random paintings, Xu Haodong was afraid that the important ones would be lost. He was also afraid that he would disturb the order and would not move. He had to inform him in advance when he moved.But now the picture books, newspaper clippings, University brochures and application forms in his hand are all hidden by himself.

Xu Hao turns to the East and stares at Fang Zheng.

"Xiao Huang..."

Jiang Xiaobai jokingly came over and wanted to say whether it was xiaohuangtu or not. At the door, he saw Xu Haodong's eyes were red, and his eyes seemed to eat people.

Ferocious venomous cold glare at Fang Zheng.

Take back the second half of the sentence.

"Ah, isn't this the book we used when we were learning to draw? You still have it. How many years ago, you forget everything you drew. Brother Xu, don't look at that. The painting is not good. Let me show you our latest picture book. "

Jiang Xiaobai knew that Fang Zheng had a picture book that Xu Haodong could not see, so he quickly made it over.

Xu Haodong suddenly stood up and came to Fangzheng.

"I want to clean the studio for you. I accidentally picked up a lot of books. I saw this."

Put the application in front of the competition.

"Tell me, what am I? fool? Nanny? "

"Brother Xu is not what you think. He doesn't have feelings for you. He..."

Jiang Xiaobai is a little worried. He is afraid that such a good Xu Haodong and Fang will quarrel and break up. Fang's temper is too awkward. It's Fang's blessing and luck that someone can treat him so well. He will never find such a wholehearted person as Xu Haodong. If they quarrel and break up, Fang will be miserable for the rest of his life.

Besides, Fang Zheng is not really emotionless. From the perspective of onlookers, he can see that Fang Zheng is different from Xu Haodong.

Xu Haodong takes a look at Jiang Xiaobai.

"You go downstairs."

Reach out to drag Fang Zheng into the studio and close the door.

"Brother Xu, don't think about it like that! Fang Zheng, don't pretend to be dumb at this time. You can explain easily. Don't make a fuss about your feelings! "

Jiang Xiaobai was so anxious that he jumped and yelled outside the door, but he couldn't even knock on the door. They were locked.

What can we do? After a long time, their relationship is getting hotter and hotter. At this time, everything is getting worse?

hurry to call Fang Cong downstairs. Is Fang Cong Xu Haodong's old classmate or Fang Zheng's elder sister? She will listen to what she says!

Xu Haodong throws Fang Zheng on the small bed of the studio and grabs Fang Zheng's chin.

"You and Ning Bo have been secretly in love with him for several years?"

Fang Zheng's face was a little white and looked directly into Xu Haodong's eyes.

There's nothing to hide now.


"But he calculated you! I'll hurt you! Let you make a fool of yourself. Are you cheap or not? He'll coax you with a few good words in return? "

Fang Zheng's lips turned white. He didn't know whether it was because he thought of the past or because he was scared by Xu Haodong's anger. His lips were a little trembling. But look at Xu Haodong firmly.

"I'm not, I'm not cheap enough!"

This is a secret that no one knows in his heart. His unsophisticated secret love is as sweet as the sweetest mouthful of ice watermelon in the refrigerator. But when I come back, it's the fear of being surrounded and laughing.

Green secret love, courage to say, but the most entertaining is to secretly hook his little finger at night.

And then there was tremendous change.

Regret, hatred, complaint, disappointment and despair fill every day.

Jiang Xiaobai doesn't think it's love, it's cheating!

"Not that cheap? Then why do you shut yourself in your room when he sends you this information? You have to sign it! You also collect his information! You're still drawing him in picture books! "

Xu Haodong roared, what is this? What are these.

"He hurt you so much, when will you think about him?"

Fang Zheng wants to retort, but he can't. these things are all in front of him. Do you think you don't care? Why do you collect information about him year after year?

Xu Haodong fiercely approached Fang to fight.

"What about me? What am I? "

"For a scum who hurt you and changed your temperament, you don't love anyone and don't move your feelings. Do you think you were scared by him and didn't dare to move your feelings? I think you are still in love with him! Since you think so about him, what are you doing kissing and hugging me? Are your emotions separate from your body? I'm your lonely and empty toy? I think it's harmful to the reputation of your great painter to keep one. So you see, I'm in a hurry to pursue you, I'm obedient to you, I'm cleaning, cooking and taking care of you, so you're reluctant to accept me? Nanny during the day, warm bed at night, I am not a person can ah! If you give me a good word and a smiling face, I can work for you with my tail puckered. I'm the fool who was used by you and praised you? "

"You bastard!"

Fang Zheng threw away Xu Haodong and turned red.

"Well, you call me a jerk. What do you mean by signing the application? What do I do to you? You don't want me for this scum! Are you cheap or not! You son of a bitchXu Haodong points out the application to Fang Zheng. What do you mean! Say it!

Author gossip: this book is published exclusively by Liancheng reading, please do not reprint!