Gu Yin closed her eyes, stabilized her mind, and then leaned down to check Li Daniu’s breath and pulse, “Don’t be afraid, he is not dead.”

Mrs. Wang was so frightened that she could not stand still, and only stabilized her body by holding on to the stove.

Seeing that she was so frightened that her face was pale, Gu Yin turned to praise, “Mother, you are really strong. I just said that, but it was an expedient measure that you could react to immediately.”

When Mrs. Wang received the praise, she trembled uncontrollably, and said proudly, “You were raised by me, how could I not know you?!”

Just now, when she heard what Gu Yin said, she felt that it was very wrong, as if she was deliberately angering her.

After she rushed over, Gu Yin gave her a wink, and Mrs. Wang immediately understood, and the two scuffled together.

Later, Gu Yin led her all the way to the edge of the stove. Before she could reach out, Mrs. Wang swiftly grasped the kitchen knife in her hand.

Thinking that her daughter-in-law, who had always been cowardly and only knew to hide behind her when encountering an accident, was quick-witted that time, Wang Shu realized that even being a mother-in-law could not be at a disadvantage, so she forced herself to calm down.

Seeing that the fear on her face had disappeared, and she could listen to people talking, Gu Yin first handed the kitchen knife to Mrs Wang, “Our kitchen knife is small, only the tip of the knife is stained with blood.”

Immediately, she squatted down again, pointed to the wound on Li Daniu’s chest and said, “This wound is not deep, and the amount of bleeding is very small. It can only be regarded as a skin wound. This person should have fainted from fright.”

Mrs. Wang looked down, and the wound on Li Daniu’s chest turned out to be not serious, and the blood was no more than smeared on the front of the shirt. The bleeding stopped on its own when she spoke, and it was less than the blood flowing from her mouth!

“Amitabha! I thought I killed someone!” Mrs Wang stroked her chest and gasped, and the hanging heart finally fell back into her stomach.

Gu Yin couldn’t help but glance at Mrs. Wang.

In fact, at first, what she meant was that she wanted to find an opportunity to use a kitchen knife to scare Li Daniu away – after all, no matter how strong Li Daniu was, he was only bare-handed, and he was alone against the two of them. Mrs. Wang had always been strong, and ordinary men couldn’t compare to her in work. She would restrain him so easily. As long as she got the kitchen knife, Li Daniu would not do anything bad to the two of them.

And in the original owner’s memory, Li Daniu bullied the weak and feared the strong. Knowing that the Wu family’s men were gone, he went there alone.

But she didn’t expect that her mother-in-law would grab the kitchen knife and stab Li Daniu hard.

She tried to kill but was frightened like that.

“Then what should we do now?” Mrs. Wang, who was relieved, asked Gu Yin unconsciously.

Gu Yin went to the corner of the kitchen to find a hemp rope, and while tying Li Daniu, she said, “We’ll tie the person first, and then take him to the officials when it is dawn.”

Mrs. Wang had regained her composure at that time, and she felt that she had lost face with her chaotic appearance. After hearing that, she spat blood at Li Daniu and hummed, “This beast won’t admit it. He has someone protecting him! He was injured in our house today, no matter whether it was his fault or not, if our family falls into their hands, we will have to retreat even if we didn’t die!”

Saying that she also started to help, and the two quickly tied Li Daniu firmly.

After a while, Li Daniu’s eyes moved, and he was about to wake up, but Mrs. Wang picked up the laundry peddler that Gu Yin had dropped before, and sturdily hit the back of Wang Daniu’s head, knocking him out again.

After Gu Yin cleaned up the blood in the stove and Mrs. Wang wrapped a cold towel on her face, the two returned to the house.

At that time, Xiao Wuan in the room had already woken up. Seeing that they were all coming back from outside, he rubbed his eyes and asked them what they were doing.

Mrs. Wang covered her injured half of her face with a towel, and told the child it was not his business.

Gu Yin comforted him warmly, “It’s nothing, it’s just raining heavily outside. Mother and I were worried that the roof would be damaged, so we went out and took a look.”

Wuan was so sleepy that he couldn’t open his eyes. He was quickly infected by Gu Yin’s calm mood, and laid back in the bed and fell asleep again.

Seeing that he was fast asleep, Gu Yin pondered and thought of the next countermeasures.

At the beginning of her time travel, her understanding of that era came from the original owner’s memory, and the original owner was young and knew little about the outside world. Only one thing was certain, that the court was rotten to the core from top to bottom, otherwise it would not be able to forcefully recruit all the men of the poor family, and leave the b*stard. Not to mention that the people quietly supported the rebels and looked forward to the situation where the rebels overthrew the imperial court.

It was really useless to send the thief to the official.

“Let’s go back to my natal house!” After being relatively speechless for a long time, Mrs Wang said, “There are many thieves, we can stop one but how can we stop thousands? Your father-in-law and Qingyi are gone, and our family has nothing to worry about in this Batou Village. Now that this kind of thing has happened, we should simply move away. No matter how big the Li family is, they could do nothing if we leave this village or this county!”

Mrs. Wang was used to being a family person, so she would listen to Gu Yin when she was in a panic. But since she made up her mind, she didn’t say anything more. She also woke Wuan up, didn’t explain anything to him, and just made everyone pack their belongings.