Gu Yin lived in the room of the eldest son of the Wu family. Although it was the largest room in the family, the Wu family was originally wealthy farmers. In recent years, the family had lost two strong laborers. In addition, Gu Yin was seriously ill again. The most valuable fields were sold, and there was nothing else of value in the house. 

Gu Yin only packed a few of her own clothes.

Wuan quickly packed up his own small baggage, and his belongings were even smaller, the package was smaller than Gu Yin’s.

The two waited in the main room for a long time, but Mrs. Wang did not come for a long time.

When Gu Yun went to Wang Shu, she saw that she had already packed several huge bags, and was packing the pots and pans from the stove into a newly rolled wrapping cloth.

Gu Yin held her forehead helplessly. They were going out to escape! Packing up so many things, how could they carry it?

Seeing her hesitating to say anything, Mrs Wang said, “You don’t know how expensive firewood is! Although these things are old, they are of everyday use. As the old saying goes, it’s good to stay at home for a thousand days, but it’s hard to go out for half a day. Do you have money to spend to buy new ones?”

Gu Yin put Wuan aside, and then persuaded, “It is urgent to go, we are going out to move, how can we bring so many things?”

Mrs. Wang also knew that it was inconvenient to take these on the road, but she still said, “You don’t have to worry about it. I will take care of it myself.”

She did have that strength, so Gu Yin didn’t persuade her any further.

When it was dawn, the three of them were all packed up.

At that time, the rain was even heavier than in the middle of the night, and everything was covered with a layer of fog.

But because they were fleeing, Mrs. Wang and Gu Yin didn’t dare to stay. Mrs. Wang took the baggages from Gu Yin and Wuan’s hands on her backs, and gave Gu Yin a shawl.

Gu Yin was frightened and sweated all over the previous night, and by the morning, her illness had completely disappeared.

She was about to refuse, but was scolded by Mrs. Wang again, and finally she couldn’t help but tell her to put it on.

Gu Yin carried the little Wuan under her shawl.

The little guy was not happy at first, and said with his hands twisted, “I can walk by myself since I’ve grown up. Sister-in-law, you just got better.”

Gu Yin couldn’t do what Mrs. Wang did, although it was for the good of others, but she couldn’t force people, so she winked at him and said, “I’m just sick, and I don’t have the strength, so I have to walk slowly when I’m on the road. When the time comes, my mother will definitely scold me. If I carry you on my back, won’t I have a reason then?”

Xiao Wuan obediently laid on her back, but still did not forget to tell her, “If you feel tired, you must put me down immediately.”

Gu Yin stood up and held him, only to feel that the little guy on her back was not as heavy as a big watermelon.

The group of three went out of Batou Village, until the sky was bright, and the wind and rain were so strong that the umbrella in Wang Shu’s hand was overturned. In the end, they couldn’t continue, so Mrs. Wang found a broken temple on a nearby barren mountain to rest.

At that time, those things that Wang Shu brought in came in handy. She first gathered the hay in the ruined temple, then took out the fire rock to set it on fire, and then folded the branches to build a simple shelf, and finally put the clip on the shelf. She went to her own pottery pot, poured clean water from the water bag, and finally took out the ginger slices in the small cloth bag, and cooked ginger soup on the spot.

The water in the clay pot boiled not long, making a “gudugudu” sound, accompanied by the majestic and powerful sound of raindrops outside, Gu Yin felt relaxed.

At that moment, a loud “bang” sound suddenly came from the horizon, just as the dull thunder exploded in the ear, making all three of them tremble.

“This thunder is so terrible!” Wang Shu murmured.


This torrential rain lasted for half a month, and finally turned into a rain disaster.

The river dam in the upper reaches of Batou Village had been in bad condition for a long time, and finally it was overwhelmed..

The rebel army played the banner of “The monarch is tyrannical and is not tolerated by the heavens”, and its momentum had become more powerful.

And a month after Gu Yin and the others left, a group of men on horses in disguise quietly came to the vicinity of Batou Village.