They were a group of ten people, all dressed in black outfits, their movements were uniform, and they were well-trained.

The man at the head was in his early twenties, with strong arms, a burly stature, a tough face, and a thumb-length scar on the side of his face near the ear, which did not diminish his handsomeness, but added a touch of edge.

The group of them galloped all night, and they had seen countless tragic situations along the way, all of them looked solemn.

But the leader’s face was even more hesitant and sad, with a hint of defeat.

He jumped off his horse and threw himself into the ruins.

He stood in a panic in the devastated area, and began to dig with his sword first, and then he simply dug with his bare hands.

The blood fell into the mud along his fingertips, but he didn’t feel the pain at all. After digging for a long time, it was in vain.

The faces of the people accompanying him were unbearable. A young general with brown hair and deep eyes opened his mouth and said, “Cheif, we should go to the county magistrate here and ask to see how many casualties were there…”

In fact, when they came, they inquired about the news. The dam collapsed, and Batou Village bore the brunt of it, and no one survived.

The local officials had fled long ago, and the bodies of the people had long been swept away by the flood. So no one had come to count any casualties. But he knew that the small village in front of him had their leader’s family.

When faced with that kind of situation, people would always want to do something, and even if it were in vain in the end, they would feel better in their hearts. But no matter what, it was still better than being so crazy at the moment.

“Or your family happened to be on a long journey and avoided it.”

The man finally calmed down. He shook his head slowly, his movements sluggish like a puppet.

After a long time, the man said in a hoarse voice, “My mother came from a distant marriage. Because the elders were not in harmony, they had not communicated for many years. Besides, my wife is timid, and my small brother is too young to go somewhere else.”

When he said that, his voice became more low, like a rotten tree, and it was like blood trapped in his throat.

The people accompanying him didn’t know how to comfort him, so they turned their heads.

“The purpose of our trip is to find King Yi’s son. Because of me, you all traveled here with me. I thank all the brothers.” He closed his eyes in pain, “Now that… Now that we know the result, we won’t stop here. Let’s not delay the important matter of King Yi.”

That man was Wu Qingyi, the eldest son of the Wu family who was forcibly conscripted into the army.

It was winter when he left home, and he encountered heavy snow before he joined the army.

Heavy snow blocked the mountain, and more than half of their group died of freezing and sickness.

Delaying the timing was the crime of beheading, so the prison guard simply ignored these recruits and ran for his life.

They thought they had no way out, but they were lucky enough to meet King Yi.

King Yi rescued them, but he did not force them to follow him, but said to them, “A bad ruler or peaceful world, would you rather have a sense of justice? How innocent are the common people who suffer when the ruler is blinded by tyranny?”

The emperor of the dynasty was stupid. He only cared about his own pleasure, let eunuchs take power, and the tyranny was fiercer than tigers. The masses had long been resentful.

If it weren’t for helplessness, who would be willing to die for such an emperor?

At that time, Wu Qingyi and others had missed the military battle and were punished according to the military law. Even if they returned to their hometown, they would be labeled as deserters. They did not know when the imperial court would attack and implicate their family members, so they joined the rebel army.

But in the end, it was a rebellion. Wu Qingyi did not dare to communicate with his family, and only waited for the situation to stabilize before bringing his family to his side.

Unexpectedly, that wait was five or six years.

Over the years, Wu Qingyi had made many achievements, and he had won King Yi’s appreciation. He had been promoted from an ordinary soldier to a general.

So, he really wanted to take his family by his side, and it happened that a major event happened with King Yi; a child he raised in the countryside was lost.

In fact, it was not just lost, but had been lost for several years.

But King Yi, like Wu Qingyi, was born at a very low level, and was only a small corporal before his fortune.

After the uprising, he relocated his family to a remote place to remain anonymous, and only dared to return home every few years, lest they would be implicated.

It wasn’t until half a year ago that the rebel army was in a position to win, and the righteous king went back to pick up his family in person, and only then did he know that his son was lost.

The righteous King Yi was honorable. He was not close to women when he was out in the army, and he seldom returned home to reunite with his wife. The child was his only seed, and he naturally attached great importance to him.

Wu Qingyi was instructed to look for the child, but although the group were all elites, it had been many years since the incident, and they were looking for a young child, so they only had a rough range, and searched all the way to the vicinity of their hometown.

He had made up his mind to pick up his family, but he didn’t expect torrential rain and the river bank burst, another tragic disaster.

His heart was grief-stricken, but years of self-control had paid off in that moment. Now that his family was gone, he should help the righteous king who had been kind to him find his son, so that he could avoid the pain he was suffering.

After getting his order, the group got on their horses.

Wu Qingyi pulled the reins and turned the horse’s head. After a moment of looking at his homeland, he finally left with his subordinates.