At that time, in Hanshan Town, hundreds of miles away, Mrs. Wang was talking to Gu Yin, but suddenly sneezed more than a dozen times in a row, and scolded, “I don’t know which turtle son is talking about me!”

Immediately, she thought of her man and son, as well as those old acquaintances in Batou Village. Except for Gu Yin and Xiao Wuan in front of her, who else would remember her?

After they came out of Batou Village that day, it rained heavily for several days. It was not convenient for them, an orphan, widows and a mother to travel at night. They carried a lot of luggage in large and small bags. They stopped and heard about the disaster in Batou Village.

This time, they didn’t dare to stop, they accelerated their pace, and finally arrived at Hanshan Town a day ago.

The three of them were tired. When they arrived in the town, Mrs. Wang led them to find a cheap inn and stayed overnight.

On the way there, Gu Yin asked her future plans. She was reluctant to say more, but when she arrived in Hanshan Town, she had to tell her some things.

Mrs. Wang told Gu Yin about the past.

It turned out that Mrs. Wang’s family was considered a wealthy family in the town. Regardless of Mrs. Wang’s current situation, she was also a young lady from a small wealthy family back then.

The second elder of Mr. Wang gave birth to two sons before, and only got a daughter in his later years. He raised her like a jewel, and regarded her as more important than anything.

Until Mrs. Wang was fifteen years old, the two elders were not willing to marry off this precious daughter.

It was in that year that Mrs. Wang met Father Wu, who came to a different place to make a living.

Father Wu was a very handsome young man back then. After his parents were gone, he and his fellow villagers came to Hanshan Town to do business.

Because of the limited capital, what he did was a business.

At that time, Mrs. Wang was the age when she liked novel items including jewellery and makeup, so the two of them knew each other after meeting back and forth.

After a lot of contact, Mrs. Wang took the initiative to express her intentions.

Father Wu was flattered and felt that he was not worthy of her, so he rejected her at the beginning.

But Mrs. Wang was stubborn and said that if Father Wu didn’t want her, she would shave her hair and become a nun. Father Wu already liked her. Hearing the girl he liked say that, naturally he didn’t hesitate anymore. The two fell in love.

Mrs. Wang’s temperament was very straightforward, and after falling in love, she told her family that she would marry.

That made her parents angry.

It was not that they were stubborn—the town’s atmosphere was simple and honest, and they knew about the families who lived close by, but Wang Shu loved a foreigner!

When they asked about the situation of the Wu family again, they came to know that his parents died, and he had no relatives, so they got even more angry.

But Mrs. Wang was determined, and she threatened to go on a hunger strike if the family did not agree.

Mrs. Wang’s parents were also distressed for their daughter, and finally came up with a compromise solution to let Father Wu join the Wang family. He was alone, wouldn’t it be just right to join the Wang family? In that way, Mrs. Wang’s wish would be fulfilled, and they could keep their daughter by their side for a long time.

But Father Wu was not willing.

It was not that he didn’t like Mrs. Wang enough, but that after joining the family, he had to give up his surname and become part of the Wang family.

Their Wu family was not prosperous in the early years. The court levied heavy taxes. In order to continue their incense, both parents saved food for him to eat. It could be said that his parents starved to death for him.

How could he give up his surname and cut off his family’s inheritance?

Afterward, things were deadlocked, and Mrs. Wang hanged herself.

That time, Mrs. Wang’s parents were really heartbroken. They immediately kicked her out of the house and told her not to return to Hanshan Town in the future.

Mrs. Wang married into the Wu family like that, and the later fields of the Wu family were bought with her jewelry at that time.

Father Wu was down-to-earth and willing to work hard, and Mrs. Wang also learned to be the master of the house. The days after marriage could be described as harmonious and beautiful.

But Mrs. Wang was ashamed to go back to her parents’ home, so she could only have people bring home letters and small gifts back every once in a while.

After two years, Mrs. Wang’s parents lost their anger, and just as Mrs. Wang gave birth to an eldest son, they sent a letter saying that when their eldest grandson got a little older, she should return to Hanshan Town to let them see him.

When Wu Qingyi was half a year old, Mrs. Wang ruched back to her parents’ home with her husband and son, but was shocked to hear the sad news of the passing of both the parents.

There were two older brothers. At that time, they were having a lot of trouble over the family property. When they saw their distantly married sister come back, they thought she was also there to get the family money. Naturally, it was a shame.

A lot of ugly words were said, and Mrs. Wang was also arrogant. After the parents’ funeral was over, she left with her husband and son, and never communicated with her parents’ family again.

The most recent correspondence between her and her family was probably the time when the imperial court forcibly recruited strong men five years ago.

A strong man was worth ten taels, and she could keep her husband and son for twenty taels of silver.

Wang Shu didn’t expect her brother and sister-in-law to be so generous to give out all the 20 taels. She just thought that she still had 8 taels in her hand, and then if she got more than 2 taels of silver, anyway, one man could escape.

But they never responded to her message and in the end it was over.

Mrs. Wang was really annoyed. If it wasn’t for the incident earlier, she might never have returned to Hanshan Town in her life.

Of course, these past things were not glorious, and even a little deviant. She had never even mentioned anything to one of her own two sons, let alone tell Gu Yin.

But she thought about having to deal with her family in the future. Rather than letting the two sisters-in-law make up the story, it would be better for her to tell her honestly.

It was also a shame that Mrs. Wang got through so early, because just after she finished talking about these things, her two sisters-in-laws came to her door.