At that time, Mrs. Wang had already finished talking to Gu Yin. Seeing that she had no words for a long time, she said, “Don’t you believe me?”

“I do,” Gu Yin replied.

They had returned to the realm of the Wang family, and there was absolutely no need for Mrs. Wang to lie to her.

And in retrospect, in her memory, although Mrs. Wang was a peasant woman, she was not as careless as other villagers. She worked quickly, kept the house spotless, trimmed her nails, rinsed her mouth every day, and changed her personal clothes. Even if she didn’t have decent clothes and jewelry, she had black hair that was neat and tidy. It was very clean and refreshing, and it also made the hygiene habits of the entire family very good.

It was just that Gu Yin didn’t expect that when Mrs. Wang was young, she had the style of a modern woman, daring to love freely and challenging dogma and stereotypes.

At the same time, this incident also reminded Gu Yin that Mrs. Wang’s temperament, who dared to go against her parents when she was young, was really stubborn, and even eight horses couldn’t pull it back.

Gu Yin already had a preliminary plan for the future, of course, she would still rely on her craftsmanship to earn money.

It was just that no matter how small a transaction was, it needed capital. Although the original Gu Yin was also nineteen and almost twenty years old, she had no money, not even a penny.

It was indeed difficult for Mrs. Wang to follow the advice of her daughter-in-law and provide her some capital.

It was at that time that the sisters-in-laws of Mrs. Wang came.

Speaking of which, Mrs Wang hadn’t seen the two sisters-in-law in twenty years.

The two older brothers were already in their old age. The two sisters-in-law were about the same age as their own man, so naturally they were no longer young.

The elder sister-in-law of the Wang family, Mrs. Zhao had a slender figure, looking a little dull.

The second sister-in-law, Mrs. Zou, was short and chubby, with a round face and round eyes, and she smiled at first when she saw them.

Both of them were grandmother-aged, with gullies on their faces and white hair on their heads.

Mrs. Wang didn’t recognize the two at first sight when she saw them.

But when Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou saw Mrs. Wang, they wiped their eyes with a handkerchief excitedly.

“Last night, we heard that they met someone very much like you at the gate of the city. We didn’t believe it at all. After thinking about it for a night, we couldn’t feel relieved, so we asked about the news and came over to have a look!” The second sister-in-law, Mrs. Zou, spoke first, her eyes were already red as she spoke.

Sister-in-law Zhao was also excited, “It’s good to be back, it’s good to be back!”

In fact, Mrs. Wang’s heart was somewhat estranged from these two sisters-in-law. After all, the separation of the family and the matter of borrowing two taels of silver later in the year made her very uncomfortable.

But they hadn’t seen each other for many years, and both sisters-in-law had grown so old. But they burst into tears when they saw her. Thinking of the fact that they were once a family, Wang Shu’s heart softened.

Before she could open her mouth, Mrs. Zou took the initiative to talk about what happened back then, and said, “Little sister hasn’t come back for many years, so you don’t know, our life has not been good these years. Back then, my parents suddenly left, and it took a lot of money for the funeral. Your two brothers were not good at business, and they lost their net worth in a few years. Later, the kids went to school, and it cost a lot of money every year. It was five years ago when the imperial court recruited strong men…”

As she spoke, Mrs. Zou’s face also showed a thankful and ashamed look, “At that time, your many nephews were also implicated and no one would bear letting their children leave! We spent a lot of money to bribe the officials, and finally keep them. I have given birth to a few children. When I received your letter, I really didn’t have any money left.”

Mrs. Zhao also quickly echoed, “Yes, at that time, I went back to my mother’s house overnight to get some silver, thinking of helping my sister-in-law’s family to tide over the difficulties.”

These two sisters explained the events of the year one by one, and Mrs. Wang thought it should be true. Before she got married, the eldest sister-in-law gave birth to two children, and the second sister-in-law gave birth to three children. Son, nephew and niece, the next generation had also grown up.

She herself did not want her husband and son to enlist in the army, and naturally they would not be willing to give up their own children.