Mrs. Wang looked at the clothes of her two sisters-in-law again – they were all gray and old clothes, there was no jewelry on their hands and head, and their expressions were also miserable, and the tears never stopped since they met.

Was it really a misunderstanding?

Without waiting for Wang Shu to think about it, Mrs. Zou’s eyes fell on Gu Yin, and she exclaimed, “What a beautiful little lady! Is this your daughter-in-law?”

With a slight smile on Mrs. Wang’s face, she said, “Second sister-in-law guessed right. She is my eldest son’s wife, and half my daughter. She has been raised by me since she was a child.”

Mrs. Zou and Mrs. Zhao looked at each other, and they understood that Gu Yin was a child bride.

Both of them praised Gu Yin, and then Mrs. Wang introduced Xiao Wu’an to them and asked him to greet them.

After the emotions calmed down, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou sat down with Mrs. Wang to talk.

The sisters-in-laws asked Mrs. Wang why she came to her hometown. Although Mrs. Wang was feeling up and down at that time, she still knew what to say and what not to say, so she didn’t mention Li Daniu, and only said that there was a flood in her hometown. In the disaster, the three escaped by luck.

Mrs. Zhao and Zhou Shi took the handkerchief to wipe their eyes again, exclaiming that they were distressed.

Afterward, Mrs. Zhao said, “It is reasonable to say that you have escaped hardship, and we should entertain you. But you are not an outsider, and the plight of the family is not hidden from you. It is really impossible to open the pot… But you have good luck. Next door to Yuanshan County, they are recruiting female workers here, not only do they provide accommodation and meals, but also pay 6 yuan a month. You and your daughter-in-law are smart people, and you will definitely be selected.”

Mrs. Zou also took out a small silver bracelet wrapped in a coarse cloth handkerchief from her arms, and said, “Yuanshan County is five or six days’ journey away from us. This is for my sister.”

Mrs. Zou’s father was an old scholar, and he failed the exam all his life. When she got married, the family only gave her that fine silver bracelet as a dowry.

Mrs. Wang had an impression of that bracelet, and she felt more uncomfortable. How would she accept her sister-in-law’s dowry?

After another refusal, Mrs. Zou stubbornly put the bracelet on Mrs. Wang’s hand, and said, “I really don’t have anything decent at home, only this dowry silver bracelet is my favorite, and I haven’t given it up for many years. If you don’t accept it, I’ll think you still hate us because of what happened back then.”

Mrs. Wang had to accept it.

Later, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou also said that Mrs. Wang had not returned for many years and was not familiar with the affairs of the town.

Seeing that they were old and frail, but still were happy to accompany her around, the last trace of resentment in Mrs. Wang’s heart was suppressed.

The kindness was difficult to accept, and Mrs. Wang was about to agree, but Gu Yin suddenly coughed at that time.

She frowned and held her heart, coughing out of breath, and her already pale face became more bad.

Xiao Wu’an hurriedly poured water for her.

Mrs. Wang slapped her forehead and said, “Look at my brain! I just heard what my sister-in-law said, and I just thought about earning money. I forgot that my daughter-in-law was seriously ill before. Although she can get out of bed and walk around now, I’m afraid it’s hard to work for her yet.”

There was a brief pause in the smiles on the faces of Mrs Zhao and Mrs Zou, but soon Mrs Zou said again, “What a poor child. Sister, don’t blame me for being so talkative, go to the county town for the sake of this child. There are good doctors there. The medicinal materials are not comparable with our small town. Don’t leave the root of the disease. “

Mrs. Wang thought about it seriously, nodded and said, “Second sister-in-law, you are indeed right, but we’ve been on our way for a month, and I can’t bear to let her run around again. I’d better let her rest for a few more days.”

Mrs. Zhao wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mrs. Zhu’s gesture.

The two sisters didn’t stay any longer, they told Gu Yin to have a good rest, and they would come to visit the next day.

Mrs. Wang sent the two away, and when she came back, Gu Yin had stopped coughing.

She glared at Gu Yin and complained, “On the way here, you kept saying that you were fine, but you fooled me, right? If it weren’t for your papery body, I would have already gone to the place where they recruited people to work. It’s a good job which can cover and pay monthly money, and I know that I won’t have a chance if I went one step later!”

But despite the scolding, Mrs. Wang still took out an old purse containing all the money from her close-fitting clothes, and was going to go to the street to ask a doctor to prescribe medicine for her.

What could Gu Yin do? She could only look at her helplessly.

If she hadn’t deliberately coughed and interrupted their conversation, this stupid mother-in-law would have been sold!