Gu Yin made such a judgment, of course it made sense.

First of all, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zhou kept saying that their situation was not good these years, and they were dressed plainly, but they had no calluses on their hands.

Of course, it may also be that the younger generation in the family was filial, and they had not been allowed to do any work since the fall of the family.

But when Mrs. Wang invited them to sit down, one of them quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped the ashless stool, while the other frowned slightly, pursed the corners of her mouth, and sat down reluctantly.

Later, Mrs. Wang poured water for them in a large porcelain bowl, but neither of them touched it.

Gu Yin lived in the lower class room of the inn, with only a large bed, a table and chairs. The table and chairs were so old that they lost their original color.

But Mrs. Wang was a person who didn’t like dirt. On the day she came, she cleaned and scrubbed the inside and outside of the room.

How could people who had lived in poverty for half their lives be as particular as they were?

Also, ordinary people shed tears first, and then wipe their eyes with a handkerchief.

That pair of sisters-in-law was very good, first they wiped their eyes with a handkerchief, and then there were tears. When Gu Yin stepped forward to salute them, she smelled a faintly spicy scent.

Those tears were mostly forced out with a handkerchief soaked in ginger juice.

Finally, listening to what they said, did they really care about Mrs. Wang as they said? Even if the family was poor, they should let her go back to her mother’s house to reunite with the family first. The two sides talked about the situation over the years.

How could they not ask about Mrs. Wang’s situation, and just keep saying that their family was not doing well? Was it just to drive Mrs. Wang who had just returned to Hanshan Town for a day to a farther place?

Based on the above analysis, Gu Yin felt that these two were cheating!

Gu Yin pondered for a while, then asked, “Before my grandparents passed away, did they leave anything for you?”

Mrs. Wang was still counting the copper coins in the purse, and when she heard the words, she replied, “Didn’t I tell you that when I was going to marry your father, they were mad. My mother prepared a lot of dowry for me at that time. But the dowry furniture was cut by my father with an ax. Later, they died unexpectedly, and they left without leaving a word.” Her eyes darkened when she said, “Father wrote a letter which said that the several rooms that the family agreed to allocate to me have been cleaned, and I can go back to live for the first half of the year…”

“The rooms at home?” Gu Yin extracted some clues from her words.

“Yeah, my family used to be rich, and your grandfather bought a second-class yard, but the family was not very populated, and many rooms were empty. Although the one left for me faced north, it was very spacious and still with two bungalows and a small patio.”

Yes, Mrs. Wang thought, the two sisters-in-law only said that these years were not good, but they didn’t say a word about the wealthy mansion of the Wang family.

Was it already sold? But it was normal, if living was a problem, there was no need to live in such a good house.

“Okay, I’m going to invite the doctor. I don’t know if this amount of silver is enough,” Mrs. Wang touched the silver bracelet that Mrs. Zou had put on herself, thinking that if it wasn’t enough, she could only pawn the bracelet. She just didn’t know how much money it could make.

“I feel better now. I might have been excited when I saw your relatives.”

Mrs. Wang shook her head and insisted, “I’d better ask a doctor to take a look, and the old doctor at the beginning also said that high fever is dangerous for you and after so long, your body would be empty, and even if it heals, you have to take some tonics to warm up. It takes half a year to ensure that the root of the disease gets out. In short, it is better to be safe.”

Gu Yin couldn’t persuade her, so she said that she could at least walk around, so it would be better to go directly to the medical center, which would also save the cost of bringing the doctor back.

Mrs. Wang nodded, and the three of them left the inn together.

When she got to the street, Mrs. Wang sighed again, saying that in the past she would never get lost if she closed her eyes in the town, but she really didn’t know it anymore. They should just find a place closer to Batou Village to settle down.

Later, they asked someone and found a hospital.

The doctor who was in the clinic received them and checked Gu Yin’s pulse. He said that she was fine, but her body was badly depleted of energy and she had to take medicines.

Mrs. Wang glanced at Gu Yin, her eyes full of “Look, your mother is still your mother, what could be wrong?”.

Later, when it was time to prescribe the medicine, Mrs. Wang realized that the price of the medicine was doubled.

Because of the flood in Batou Village, Hanshan Town, which was far away, was not affected, but the transportation road was affected.

Mrs. Wang was so distressed, but she still paid for Gu Yin’s medicine for three days.

After taking the medicine, Gu Yin proposed to find someone to inquire about the recruitment of workers in Yuanshan County.

Mrs. Wang was also worried about money. Although she knew that such a good opportunity would not wait for others, they wouldn’t not lose anything if they asked. If it was still recruiting. Gu Yin couldn’t do the work, so she could do it alone, anyway, five or six yuan a month was enough to support the family.

After talking to the shopkeeper of the pharmacy, they learned that the recruiter was a ship company in Yuanshan County, but the workplace was not in Yuanshan County, but they had to go out to sea on the ship, and it would take at least two or three years to come back.

It was precisely because they had to leave their hometown that the treatment was so good.

People in that era were still very obsessed with their hometown, let alone leaving the land to go to sea to seek a life.

In addition, women who went out for several years did not conform to the dogma and rules, so people who value rules and reputation would naturally not do that work.

But in that chaotic world, there were a lot of people who couldn’t survive, so there were indeed many people who signed up.