Mrs. Wang frowned after hearing that.

She didn’t care about her reputation, but it sounded dangerous to go to sea to seek a life. What if you were not used to it and got sick outside? Even if there was a doctor on board, but the person was overseas, could the medicinal materials be complete? 

Moreover, Wu An was only five years old, so it was extremely unsafe for such a young child to be left alone on land or go out to sea with her.

It was a good thing that she only got to know so much after slowly inquiring about it. If she just listened to the words of the two sisters-in-law and reported their names and signed the contract, it would be too late!

Mrs. Wang frowned, let alone Gu Yin.

It was indeed normal for a company to recruit people to go out to sea, but what did it mean to recruit female workers?

Women were naturally weak, and they were not as useful as men. Even if they went to the ship to take care of the boatmen’s food and clothing, they didn’t need so many people.


With a dignified expression on her face, she inquired again, and after knowing that the ship was run by the godson of the court eunuch and the formalities were complete, she did not ask any further questions.

That world really wanted to eat people!

After leaving the pharmacy, Gu Yin proposed, “Mother, although the work introduced by the aunts is not reliable, since we are out, we should visit the uncles’ house.”

Mrs. Wang was still recalling the two sisters-in-law who encouraged her to become a female worker, and when she heard the words, she responded, “They are doing so bad. They have to spend money to entertain us when we go there. If we don’t inform them beforehand and go in a rush, we will have to trouble them to prepare now.”

What Gu Yin wanted was just such a “rush”. If they told them in advance, it would have been meaningless to come to the door. 

She said calmly, “It doesn’t matter. You, my uncles and aunts are of the same generation, but Wu An and I are juniors, if we don’t go to see them and perform a meeting ceremony, we won’t have a complete set of etiquette. Besides, I am also curious about what your other relatives are like, and want to see if they are as good as you. “

Mrs. Wang was smoothed out by her words, although it was strange that her daughter-in-law suddenly talked about etiquette, she still reluctantly bought half a catty of oranges and half a catty of pears on the street, “Then let’s go, sit down and talk for a while. If so, don’t eat there.”

Afterward, Mrs. Wang asked passers-by and took them there according to the location of the old house in her memory.

After half an hour, the three finally arrived at the Wang family’s old house.

Mrs. Wang didn’t lie. Back then, the Wang family in Hanshan Town was one of the few people who were wealthy. The second-entry house had white walls and black tiles, wide doors and high walls, and it was very imposing.

Unfortunately, it had really fallen over the years. The house was still the same house, but the eaves and corners of the roof and the roots of the walls were a bit tattered.

Mrs. Wang thought that most of the house was sold to others, so she didn’t know if she could find out their new residence and knocked on the door.

After a long while, an old housekeeper responded slowly, and when he saw her, he was pleasantly surprised, “Miss, you’re back!”

Mrs. Wang was overjoyed, “Uncle Zhong!”

Uncle Zhong cheerfully responded, and quickly pushed open the door to invite them inside.

At that time, in the Wang family’s house, the eldest sister-in-law Zhao and the second sister-in-law Zou were sitting and talking together.

Mrs. Zhao looked at Mrs. Zou with some resentment, and said, “Why didn’t you let me persuade her to apply for the job earlier? Once the contract is signed, we won’t have to care about her.”

Mrs. Zou looked at her stupid sister-in-law, but at the moment they were worried about the same thing, so she didn’t say anything about her, only explained, “Although our little sister believes in us, her daughter-in-law is ill. If we say more, it may reveal the truth!”

“What can she reveal? She hasn’t come back for so many years. She has been a peasant woman for half her life. What can she know?”

They said that it was a good job, the ocean-going shipping line to recruit female workers, but Mrs. Wang was better informed than the average person. She was told that the ocean-going shipping line had recruited people from other places a few years ago, and the result was that those female workers never returned, and not even the dead body was brought back.

Later, the family members of the female workers started to make trouble, but the ocean-going line only said that there was a plague outside, so they didn’t even dare to bring the corpse back.

Afterward, they were paying a sum of money, and with the endorsement of the power and eunuch in power, they put all the troublemakers in jail, and the matter was over.

Because the ocean-going shipping line was notorious in such big places as the capital and prefecture, they had to go to such small places as Yuanshan County and Hanshan Town to recruit people.

“Sister-in-law, don’t be in a hurry.” Mrs. Zou picked up the tea cup and slowly dipped the foam with the tea lid, “Let our men go there later, just because they heard that her daughter-in-law is not well, they went to take care of her.”

Mrs. Zhao also thought about it, the words of sisters-in-law were naturally not as useful as real brothers.

It was at this time that Uncle Zhong’s excited voice came from outside.

The old man was really happy, and shouted, “Your honored guest!”

“Why did this old lunatic come here again?” Mr. Zou put down the tea cup heavily, frowning in displeasure.

Uncle Zhong was an old servant of the Wang family, and he followed the old man of the Wang family since he was a child.

Since the death of the second old man, the old servant had lost his mind and couldn’t listen to people’s words.

The family wanted to drive him away, but the elders had no choice but to remember him as a good person, so it was not easy to do such a heartless thing. They only drove him to live in the firewood room, gave him some cold food and was kept as a watchdog.

When they heard that Mrs. Wang was back, Mrs. Zou had already explained to the concierge that if someone came to look for them, they would say that the master had changed.

“I don’t know who’s here.”

While talking, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou went out of the house, and the rest of the family also came out when they heard the noise. After a while, everyone in the family arrived at the gate.

The two families were three generations in the same house, and there were twenty or thirty people in total.

Mrs. Wang couldn’t help laughing when she saw Uncle Zhong’s cheerfulness at first, but when she saw the clothes of the twenty or thirty people, she couldn’t laugh——

When she saw Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou, who were the first, were still wearing the same old gray clothes, while the other younger daughters-in-law’s clothes were all made of silk and satin, and wearing thumb-sized gold and jade bracelets.

That was what her two old sisters-in-law said about the house where they couldn’t open the pot and couldn’t eat?!

Mrs. Wang gritted her back molars angrily.