The young shopkeeper nodded, and did as she said, and it didn’t take long for dozens of bags of rice to be distributed.

The guy who made trouble had a weird face, but he didn’t smile and said, “I had eyes but can’t see Mount Tai. I didn’t know the little lady is actually a middle-class expert.”

The young shopkeeper also showed a look of surprise, and quickly apologized, “It’s my clumsy eyes, thank you little lady for taking care of me.”

Gu Yin didn’t even look at that guy. She just chuckled at the young shopkeeper, “You don’t need to thank me.”

She did not take credit. Although she knew how to distinguish ingredients from a young age in her previous life, she owed more to the convenience of the Internet in later generations. This industry knowledge that was kept secret in the era was available online in modern times.

And when she saw the guy’s weird look, she guessed that he did it just to embarrass the new shopkeeper on purpose.

As she said before, Gu Yin bought two big bags of new rice that she had divided.

When paying the bill, the shopkeeper insisted on giving a 20% discount, and said that as long as she came in the future, it would be calculated at that price.

20% was almost the profit from selling rice.

Gu Yin was about to decline, but she heard the other party lower his voice and say, “The little lady knows what’s going on today, the matter of profit is small. Just on the first day I took office, the rice shop was unable to do business and I lost face. I’m not the owner, but I can still do this. Letting this little bit of profit be regarded as the little lady’s hard work, and it is also to let these guys know that I am a person who rewards and punishes right. So, little lady, don’t worry, just keep it.”

Gu Yin didn’t say more, and after thanking him, she left with Mrs. Wang.

The young shopkeeper sent them off in person, but when he turned back to the shop, he was stopped by a young man wearing a brocade blue round neck silk shirt.

The young shopkeeper hurriedly saluted, “Why did the eldest young master come here in person?”

The person who came was Sun Wenlang, the eldest son of the Wen family’s eldest son.

Wen Lang stretched out his hand to hold him up, and a folding fan in his hand rattled, “After I received your message, I went to invite the old shopkeeper from the other rice shop. Let the old gentleman separate the rice first, and then take care of those dogs that dared to embarrass you!”

Wen Lang entered the shop after speaking, but the scene inside was different from what he thought. Although there were indeed dozens of bags of rice, they were divided into two batches, which were obviously already divided.

Wen Peifeng followed him into the shop and explained, “Before you came, there was a little lady who helped me.”

“What little lady? Does a layman know this?”

In order to make sure nothing went wrong, Wen Lang asked the old gentleman who he invited to check it again.

The result was really right.

After the results came out, Wen Lang and Wen Peifeng looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

In the past, the eldest son’s household of the Wen family followed Mr. Wen as an official in the capital, while the second son’s household operated ancestral property in the original place.

In the past, when Mr. Wen was in Beijing, he never checked the accounts of his second son, and said to his eldest son in private, “The second son has no brain for reading, but he can do some small business and make a living with my official place. It stands to reason that you should also share the inheritance of the family ancestors. But your brother only knows this, so don’t care much.”

The eldest son of the Wen family was also a serious second-ranked scholar. He had been famous in Hanlin Academy for a lifetime, and naturally he would not care about such a matter.

However, a month ago, Mr. Wen and the eunuch had a big fight in the courtroom and he resigned in anger. He directly released Mr. Wen’s officials, and also exempted the eldest son’s officials of the Wen family

Mr. Wen brought his eldest son back to Hanshan Town. Naturally, he had to find some livelihood for the big family, so he let the second son’s household divide some of the property.

The second son was no longer willing. He used to rely on his father and elder brother’s shadows to do well for so many years, and they never encountered any hardships. Now that the big tree in the family had fallen, and they had offended someone, he didn’t know how their business would go in the future.

But the head of the Wen family was still Mr. Wen. The second son picked and chose the few rice and noodle shops with the thinnest profit and gave it to them.

The elder son of the Wen family didn’t care about the advantages and disadvantages, and quickly let his confidant go over to take over.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of taking over Daxing, the people below would dare to deliberately stumble on them like that.

He didn’t want to keep the people in the shop, but if they didn’t, people would say that he couldn’t tolerate people trained by his brother.

A little layman could tell the difference between new rice and old rice. Couldn’t the guys who had worked in the rice shop for many years do that? Then it was better to switch careers as early as possible and do something else.