Wen Peifeng nodded to indicate that he already understood, and Wen Lang stayed no longer.

Wen Peifeng sent him out, and Wen Lang exhaled a long breath when he reached the door, “Grandfather is also afraid that my father would be depressed, so he thought of finding something for us to do earlier, but I didn’t expect the second uncle to be so unwilling. You have to tell my grandfather, and don’t be wronged in vain.”

Although Wen Peifeng and Wen Lang were nominally master and servant, his father was Mr. Wen’s studying partner, and Mr. Wen regarded him as a half son, so he still knew the stakes and persuaded, “It’s just a small matter, better not disturb the old man.”

Speaking of that, Wen Lang also sighed.

Grandpa Wen had been an official all his life, and he had also been a teacher of the late Emperor. Unexpectedly, Yi Yifeng began to indulge in pleasure, delegating power to the eunuch, and completely ignored him.

Having worked hard for the royal family all his life, he ended up like that, one could imagine how angry he was in his heart.

The old man was in a bad mood and didn’t abuse the people around him, he only abused himself – since he returned to Hanshan Town, he hadn’t had a good meal, saying it was not fitting his appetite.

Although they all knew that the so-called “no appetite” was a problem regarding the old man’s heart, the children and grandchildren still invited famous chefs for that matter from everywhere so Mr. Wen could eat more.

“My grandfather has lost weight again in the past few days. My parents are anxious at home but they can do nothing. Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming in a few months, I don’t know where to go to invite a chief,” Wen Lang sighed and left.

For some reason, Wen Peifeng suddenly thought that the little lady’s mother just said that they were selling food. That little lady already had this kind of ability at such a young age, so her cooking skills shouldn’t be bad, right?

Thinking of that, Wen Peifeng shook his head again. Although the old man’s refusal to eat was a mental issue, his tongue was also really picky. After all, he was used to eating in the palace. That little lady was from a poor family, and she was not very old, so she didn’t seem to have that kind of ability.

He sighed again, and then went into the shop to deal with other affairs.


Gu Yin had a simple lunch after returning home, and was driven back to the room to sleep by Mrs. Wang.

She had been busy all morning, and she fell asleep shortly after lying down.

She slept until midnight, and it was so dark outside that she could not see her fingers, so she quickly got up and went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Mrs. Wang and Xiao Wu’an were sitting in front of the stove talking.

While burning the fire, Mrs. Wang spoke vividly about what happened on the pier for the past two days. First, she talked about how everyone liked the food Gu Yin made, and then she talked about how she smashed the table with one punch.

Xiao Wu’an rested his elbows on his knees and held his head in his hands, listening with relish.

Seeing that scene, Gu Yin couldn’t help smiling and said, “Why didn’t you call me, mother?”

Mrs. Wang turned, and smiled, “I was going to call you after I finish.”

Gu Yin started to work, and Mrs. Wang and Xiao Wu’an also got up from the small bench to help.

“Did you sleep or were you awake all this while?”

“I slept not long after you fell asleep. It’s just that this stinky boy pulled me to ask about our stall, and tried to sleep with me. I told him that this old lady had to get up to clean up, and he refused to sleep.”

Xiao Wu’an blushed with embarrassment, and quickly lowered his head.

Gu Yin and Mrs. Wang often gossiped, and they didn’t feel bored when they worked.

When the morning light was dim, Gu Yin’s steamed buns were all ready.

Aunt Ge was afraid that they wouldn’t be able to handle so many things, so she came to pick up the goods early.

Xiao Wu’an followed them like a small tail, and walked to the gate and watched them eagerly.

Gu Yin looked at him and couldn’t bear it. She and Mrs. Wang was busy early in the morning to noon every day, and when they came back in the afternoon, they were so tired that they would rest without saying a word. Such an older child did some housework at home every day, also was staying in an empty room with no one to speak to. He must be lonely, and he, who had always been well-behaved, would sleep with Mrs. Wang, and also get up together.

Seeing her son following her line of sight, Mrs. Wang asked him if he wanted to go with them.

Xiao Wu’an’s eyes suddenly lit up, and just as he was about to nod his head in a hurry, he heard his mother say, “No, it’s not safe on the pier, so you should stay at home.”

As she spoke, she glanced at Aunt Ge, apparently thinking of the abducted daughter of the Ge family.

Aunt Ge said, “It doesn’t matter, you can take the child if you want. Since the officials arrived at our place, there is no need to worry about the security in the town. Many people on the dock take their children, and I have never heard of wny child missing.”

Seeing her son’s pitiful appearance, Mrs Wang nodded and told him, “Then you are not allowed to run around, you must follow your mother and your sister-in-law.”

Xiao Wu’an smiled until his eyes turned into two little crescent moons, turned around and closed the door of the house, and followed them to the pier.

The two families also separated and went to work at their own stall.

At the beginning of the morning market, people began to come to Gu Yin’s stall, one after another. Mrs. Wang was in charge of selling steamed buns and porridge soup. Wu’an took the empty bowls, and the three of them cooperated more with less effort.

An hour later, a large group of people in the morning market passed by. Mrs. Wang asked Gu Yin to sit to rest, and she began to sell the rest of the food.

Suddenly, they heard a sudden scream from Xiao Wu’an outside!

“What’s the matter?!” Mrs. Wang quickly picked up the long-handled wooden spoon for scooping porridge and rushed out, and Gu Yin also quickly stood up.

Xiao Wu’an blushed with anxiety, and stretched out his little finger to point in one direction, “I was collecting the bowl just now, and then… that thing jumped out of nowhere, grabbed the bowl, hid under the table and started eating.”

“Why are you so surprised? There are too many wild cats and dogs on the dock!” Mrs. Wang hurriedly pulled Xiao Wu’an to her side and hit him on the head, “I thought you met a kidnapper!”

Xiao Wu’an touched the head that was beaten in pain, and said, “It seems… it is not a kitten or a puppy.”

Only then did Mrs. Wang and Gu Yin took a closer look, and saw that under the low table, a black figure was crawling on the ground, gobbling their food.

It wasn’t a wild cat or dog, it was clearly a child.