Chapter 270: Business or Pleasure

Name:BloodStar Author:
Chapter 270: Business or Pleasure

The flames of the torches along the cliffside cave entrance flickered in the sea breeze as both the man and Xenia stared at one another. Xenia giving the man time to process her sudden appearance and offer. The man taking his time to decide on a direction of action.

The man clenched his jaw in thought, “She’s beautiful, confident, and smart. Judging by her relaxed demeanor, she is no push over either. Though she likely has no idea how powerful I am.” He grinded his teeth together and unintentionally grimaced at Xenia while in thought.

Xenia smiled back at him, “I’m gathering that my being here is a problem. Whatever is going on here. Maybe we should head back to your ship first.”

Xenia then put her hand to her chest, “I’m Xenia.”

The man nodded slowly, “Xenia what?”

“Until you get to know me better, just Xenia.”

The man continued to nod, “Fine. Then I am just Tiber. Until you get to know me better of course.”

“And I so hope we reach that point, Tiber. A strong name for a strong man.”

Tiber grunted as he walked past her to the cave opening. He then jumped out of the cave landing some 30 feet below crushing the rocks beneath him as he landed. Without looking back at Xenia, he continued marching forward, still frustrated at the situation.

Xenia jumped right after him landing softly upon the rocky surface, quiet as a feather. She then tracked behind him keeping a distance of 5 feet.

As they reached the small boat at the beach head, Tiber yelled to his men, “A girl, Xenia, will be following me. Once she arrives, take us back to the ship.”

Four men standing guard of a small wooden boat, looked past their captain to Xenia.

“Hello, boys. I’m Xenia.”

Tiber whipped his around to see Xenia, “Yes. This is Xenia.”

As they boarded the boat, Tiber sat in thought, “She’s quiet. And fast. Who is she?”

Tiber’s men couldn’t help but to steal glances at Xenia as often as they could. From her long legs, to her snatched waist, up to her big chest, up further along her graceful neck line, and lastly to her beautiful face, there was simply just too much to take in upon one glance.

Tiber himself left the admiration of Xenia to his men as he keenly watched the beach head for any activity, of which he saw none. He breathed a sigh of relief and began to wonder, “Is she really just a lone wanderer? Why is she out here by herself? No one visits the eastern coast if they don’t have to.”

As his men rowed the wooden boat, they began to approach a large wooden ship with massive sails. Xenia looked up at it in awe of its craftsmanship and beauty.

Her gaze did not go unnoticed by Tiber who smirked at her appreciation of his ship, “Welcome to the Neptune, Miss Xenia.”

She reflexively began to correct him, “It’s Emp-” before cutting herself off and covering for herself, “It’s impeccable.”

Xenia couldn’t help but to wonder in thought why an old wooden ship would be used by such a powerful captain, “Is this the peak of modern nautical technology in this world?”

As the small boat came alongside the Neptune, a ladder was let down. Without a word, Tiber began to climb aboard his ship. Xenia looked to his men that he had left behind who remained seated, and they laughed, “Captain Tiber is old school. He likes to climb aboard. You are welcome to do so yourself.”

Xenia politely smiled back, “And if I don’t?”

Xenia nodded, “Very very interesting.” She then looked Tiber in the eye, “And then there’s you. Somewhere in the middle.”

“Something like that, maybe.”

Xenia rested her hand on Tiber’s kicked up leg and maintained eye contact, “I felt a very powerful force in that cave. Something I felt very recently somewhere else. Would you tell me if I were right if I could guess what it is inside?”

Tiber nodded, “It’s no secret what’s in there.”

“A mana stone. Isn’t it?”

Tiber nodded, “Correct. The West has three mana stones under lock and key. No one knows for certain, but rumors say the East has just as many. One being in that cave.”

“And what do you know of mana stones, Tiber? Do you know where they come from? I do.”

Tiber began to laugh, “Record keeping is piss poor at the end of the war that shaped our current world. It wasn’t even that long ago, hell, I was alive and worse off for it. But yes, I know where they come from. Maybe not who they come from though.”

Xenia leaned towards him, “And you need it for more power? Who are you after then? The West?”

“Something like that you could say.”

“Well then. I’ll have many more questions; I am sure of it. But before we get to those, let me ask... do you still want my help in obtaining it? That was our deal, wasn’t it?”

“Look. Xenia. Mana stones aren’t always hidden to everyone. I found this one by word of mouth. Others are sure to know of its location. The reason they lie in wait is because they are very well protected. I am sure you are confident in your power; however, I am not sure you would be of help. I would ask that you help me by staying out of the way.”

“Oh, Tiber, that would be a mistake. I could walk in there and walk out with your mana stone while you rest on the beach waiting for me. We could really use each other to one another’s advantage.”

Tiber stood from his chair pushing it back as he did, and he sternly said, “Stay out of my way! I brought you back here to remove you as a complication from my objective. I am not the only one who covets such a stone. Those who can’t retrieve it instead will do all they can to stop others from getting their hands on it. Honor your word and help me as I direct you.”

Xenia raised her eyebrows as she leaned back on the bed on her outstretched hands looking up at Tiber, “A big mistake. But your mistake to make, darling.”

After a moment of silence between the two, Xenia continued, “I’ll stay out of your way, sure. But you aren’t in the slightest bit curious why a girl like me has so many fundamental questions?”

“A deal is a deal, remember? No questions asked is best for both of us I gather. I have my domain at sea. A mysterious land girl is none of my business.”

Xenia inched back as she pulled her legs up on to the bed, “You’re making me want to be your business.”

“You would regret getting in my business, Xenia. I have shown you utmost courtesy. Don’t test me.”

Xenia continued inching back on the bed until her entire body was on the bed. She then laid back into the pillows stretching her arms above her head showing her body off.

Even a man of Tiber’s composure couldn’t help but to look down at every perfect curve of her toned body as she made herself comfortable in his bed.

After stretching, she quickly looked up at Tiber catching his lustful gaze of her body, “You misunderstand me, Tiber. Let me rephrase. If I can’t be your business, can I then be your pleasure?”