Chapter 271: Make Me Behave

Name:BloodStar Author:
Chapter 271: Make Me Behave

Tiber looked down at Xenia as she sprawled out and stretched in front of him on his bed. He hesitated in confusion, and as he stood there attempting to decipher her motive, Xenia began to unbutton her top.

Tiber decidedly pushed his lust to the side and snapped at her, “You can be my pleasure by leaving my ship and making your self very scarce from my mission to obtain the mana stone in that cave. Anything less and I will have you tied and held as prisoner until our mission is fulfilled.”

Tiber then turned his back towards Xenia and made his way to the door. Xenia raised her hand almost reflexively towards Tiber’s back preparing to bloodbend him as she felt the disdain of being denied what she desired. Being told ‘No’ wasn’t something she was accustomed to.

However, before she bloodbent him, she thought to herself, “I still don’t know the significance, if any, of being a BloodStar in this world. How bothersome. I suppose I should only bloodbend those I intend to kill to keep my little secret quiet until further notice.”

She lowered her hand and swiftly jumped out of the bed quietly rushing up behind Tiber putting him in a chokehold, “And where do you think you’re going, Captain?”

Tiber pulled at her arm around his neck with both hands; however, he was shocked to find her strength was on par with his own.

She continued whispering in to his ear, “Did you not think to consider maybe I’m the kind of girl who would enjoy being tied up?”

He managed to speak through her tight hold of his neck, “You’ll regret this, Xenia. Even if you enjoy being tied up, I doubt you’ll enjoy the pain you’ve earned along with it.”

Xenia gasped at the mention of pain, “Pain?! Yes, please! You want me to stay out of your affairs? Want me to not interfere? I’m afraid I don’t take orders well, Captain. If you want me to behave, then you’ll have to satisfy me. You’ll have to fuck me. And you’ll have to hurt me.”

Xenia intentionally loosened her grip on Tiber, and he immediately wrestled out of her hold, turned around, and slapped her across the face sending her to the ground several feet back.

As he huffed and puffed to catch his breath, he looked down at Xenia whose hair hid her face. She then slowly looked up at Tiber, smiling with blood running down her busted lip, “A good start, but you’ll have to hit me much harder than that to make a girl like me behave.”

Xenia stood from the ground and walked over to a stunned Tiber in disbelief that she would shake off such an attack so easily. She grabbed his shirt and tore it off of him in one clean rip. She then began to unbutton his pants for him; however, before she could finish, he headbutted her knocking her to the floor once more.

This time he followed up by walking towards her and kicking her in the abdomen while she was down sending her flying a short distance back to the foot of the bed.

“Stay down!”

Xenia stood without much ado, and Tiber grimaced as she seemed completely unphased with a lip that no longer seemed busted. She walked over to him again while he hesitated in his confusion and began to rub her hands up and down his hairy chest.

“You remind me of someone I know, Tiber. You’re not quite as tall, and you’re not quite as strong, but your masculine body, your lush chest hair, and your air of confidence remind me of him. You have the air of a warrior.”

Tiber sneered, “I don’t care who I remind you of.”

“You should, darling. I am so patient to learn from you and so eager to play with you because I have no interest in killing you. I think the man you remind me of would quite like the challenge, so I’ll save your death for him.”

Tiber once again wasn’t immediately keen to play such a dangerous game, yet if he had learned anything, he had learned that he might not have a choice.

Xenia continued to softly run her hands along his neck muscles, “I’ll even give you a head start. Because you’ll need it. Ten seconds. 10... 9...”

Tiber knew he would need it, and he immediately wrapped both of his big, strong hands around her seemingly delicate and feminine neck. However, as he tried to wring her neck with all his might, he found her neck to be more akin to a concrete poll than the sexy slim neck he saw with his eyes.

Nonetheless, he continued to squeeze, wring, and choke with all his might while she continued to ride his cock unphased like a goddess of pleasure atop of him.

After ten seconds had passed, Xenia pounced her hands onto his neck squeezing and choking him. Both of their faces began turning red with bloodshot eyes. Despite his head start, Tiber was still the first to show signs of struggle as his body began to writhe under her chokehold.

As genuine asphyxiation set in, he also came to the precipice of his orgasm as Xenia continued to ride him without struggle. She knew he was so close, and she teased his cock on the edge.

“Don’t pass out just yet, baby. You’re so close.”

However, just as she spoke, Tiber’s body went limp as he went unconscious. Xenia threw his head down against the bed in disappointment as she continued riding him, and in the very next second she felt the warm gush of his cum inside of her. She moaned at the top of her lungs as his cock filled her up, and after nearly a minute of riding his unconscious body to completion, she finally came to a stop.

With Tiber unconscious, Xenia bloodbent him just enough to bring him back into consciousness.

He awoke with a startle, and he saw Xenia smiling down at him, “Tiber, you slept though the best part.”

He looked down to see her still on top of his cock with his cum oozing between their two connected bodies.

Before he could speak, Xenia continued, “Well, the best part for you. I’m so glad you’re awake for the best part for me.”

She then crawled up his body allowing his cock to slide out of her, and she quickly threw her full weight onto his face as she began smothering him with her cum-filled pussy. He grasped and pulled at her legs as she sat atop him riding his face and smearing his cum up and down; however, it was to no avail. As Xenia reached climax, the grip of her legs tightened, and she smothered him back into unconsciousness.

She then rolled off lying next to him in bed as she caught her breath, “Oh Tiber. I’m so glad I decided not to kill you. Mmmm, yes!”

She laid next to him with her body tingling from orgasm, enjoying the fruits of her labors for a moment until she finally decided to stand and dress. She then formed an exact clone of herself using her ki and controlled it, guiding her clone to cuddle in bed spooning Tiber.

After fully dressing herself, she then looked down at Tiber, “I had fun, but no one, especially not you, fucks me good enough to make me behave. You never had a chance.”

With a smile on her face, she quietly formed a void portal and stepped through it. She then stepped out of the portal at the entrance to the cliff side cave she and Tiber had met earlier.

She scanned the cave using her ki to find numerous guards inside, and she smiled with an evil grin, “You poor things. I’m just dying to bloodbend someone.”