CH 1

Name:Bottom A, Top O Author:
Translator:  Abo Dammen

The summer evening had drawn to a close and daybreak was close to approaching. The cicadas had long since ceased chirping outside, but the police station, which should have been peaceful at this time of night, was packed. 

A cacophony of pheromone scents lingered in the air amid the whirring of the ventilation system.

A long-legged omega was sitting on a stool with his knees casually crossed. He was encircled by three alphas dressed in police uniforms, but his expression remained unchanged.

Sitting across from him were an AO pair who were also detained by the police, but their expressions were much more grim.

Nie Zihang raised his eyebrows and cocked his chin to the other two. The corners of his mouth were elevated noticeably smugly. 

The alpha sprang to his feet, fists clenched. He launched straight at him.

However, the towering and powerful alpha police officers next to him stopped him before he could even approach. Nie Zihang, on the other hand, stayed still, without even a single strand of his hair messed up.

“What are you doing? Making trouble as soon as you enter the police station?”

An icy voice with vague hostility came outside the door.

The door was then pushed open, revealing a slender, tall guy holding a portfolio.

The badge on the man’s shoulder stood out from the other cops in the room. He appeared composed and gentle, but his eyes were razor sharp.

Nie Zihang’s nose twitched. He then turned away with contempt.

Tch. Another disgusting alpha. 

“Nie Zihang, come with me.”

Above him, a steely voice boomed.

When Nie Zihang looked up, his eyes collided with a man sporting a police uniform with his lips pursed.

He was undoubtedly an alpha and a police officer, but his face was as delicate as an egg white. At the edge of his eye rested a small brown mole, which shaped his already delicate face more effeminate. 

Judging from his looks alone, he really didn’t resemble an alpha.

Nie Zihang’s gaze lowered and swept over his chest badge.

Badge number: 39520

Yu Jingxuan

Tsk, his name’s quite imposing. 

“Why are you standing there looking dazed? Come create a record with me.”

When he didn’t budge, Yu Jingxuan couldn’t resist urging him, although his voice was considerably more calm than before.

After he spoke, he sent an irritated glance in the direction of the alpha who was about to cause trouble just now. “Behave yourself. See those handcuffs in the corner? If you’re tired of sitting then go squat over there.”

The alpha, who had been acting like a fiend only moments before, surprisingly became quite well-behaved. His focus was fixated on Yu Jingxuan’s figure, and he had a somber look, as if he had something he wanted to say. 

Dea Te Alcuzejc vlvc’a fnfc rqjgf tlw j uijcmf. Lf delmxis aegcfv jgbecv jcv fcafgfv atf lcafggbujalbc gbbw.

Rlf Iltjcu abbx qifjregf lc atf jiqtj’r qjclmxfv fzqgfrrlbc. Lf rabbv eq jcv ragbvf mbcolvfcais jmgbrr atf gbbw.


“Kfii wf, kts vlv sbe atgbk j mbcmfcagjafv qtfgbwbcf ybwy ja atf tba qba gfrajegjca?” Te Alcuzejc jrxfv jr tf ecrmgfkfv atf qfc mjq. 

That’s right, the city’s most renowned lawyer, Nie Zihang, showed up to the police station in the early hours of the morning because he had hurled a concentrated omega pheromone bomb in the busiest hot pot restaurant downtown.

The scenario devolved into chaos as the pheromone detonated. It was thrilling.

Since his omega partner had cheated on him with an alpha and the two of them had gone on a flashy date in the downtown area, he decided to take drastic action.

Oh yes, Nie Zihang is an omega, and he is also sexually attracted to omegas. He had been in a relationship with three omegas in total, and this was the third omega he’d been involved with. And what’s ironic was that all three of them had cheated on him with alphas. Above his head, a verdant grassland had already sprouted. He wasn’t a real person if he could take it! That’s why, as soon as he heard the news, he hurried to their location, armed with the concentrated pheromone bomb. 

Thinking of those pairs of AOs acting like dogs in heat and almost biting their necks in public, Nie Zihang scoffed, “Well of course it’s because it feels refreshing~ It’s my thing.”

The tone of his speech dropped. The person opposite let out a deep sigh. 

“Mr. Nie Zihang, please conduct yourself. Despite the fact that the government has given omegas preferential treatment, our country’s ‘ABO Constitution Law’ states that Mr. Nie’s behavior of releasing a large quantity of pheromones in public areas has significantly disrupted social order and caused numerous alphas in the restaurant to go into a rut. Your actions have allegedly disrupted public order and put national security at jeopardy.”

“I’ve looked into your personal information. Mr. Nie is a lawyer. You should be well aware of the repercussions of violating these laws. Now, I’m not asking you to let yourself be relieved of accountability. What’s more…”

His eyes travelled from above Nie Zihang down below as he talked. “Mr. Nie, as a lawyer, deliberately breaking the law isn’t good for you and your career development, right?” 

He had to say, Yu Jingxuan had really good self-restraint.

In the face of Nie Zihang’s evident provocation, his neck was clearly going red with rage, but he remained polite.

Nie Zihang bonelessly reclined back in his chair, then extended his palms extended towards Yu Jingxuan. “Bring it here.”

Yu Jingxuan was taken aback. “What?” 

Nie Zihang, “My cell phone~ Didn’t you wanna know why I did it? How can I show you without my phone?”

Yu Jingxuan, “….”

“Xiao Chen, bring him his phone.”

The guard stationed at the door instantly obeyed the command and soon returned with a clear bag. 

As soon as Yu Jingxuan took the bag, he chucked it in Nie Zihang’s direction. “Don’t even think about playing tricks. The interrogation room is equipped with 360-degree high-definition recording surveillance with audio and no blind spots.”

Nie Zihang rolled his eyes. “Is Officer Yu new around here? Don’t worry, I’m way more familiar with this room than you are.”

Once he was done talking, he then expertly selected a clip from his phone’s album, hit the play button, and slid the device in front of Yu Jingxuan.

A chaotic sound came from the phone. 

In the video was the AO pair who was sitting in the station’s lobby just now.

The phone’s speaker picked up Nie Zihang’s voice:

“I’m filming ah. How can such a wonderful event not be commemorated, right? This is a professional trait I possess as a lawyer.”

In the video, the other omega, with an anxious expression, reached over to grab his phone. “Zihang, please stop!”

As a result of his action, the camera lens whizzed by. It shifted, and zoomed in again, this time focusing at the nearby alpha.

“Stop? Why should I stop? When did I ever stop when you asked me to, hmm? Didn’t you like it most when I don’t stop? We can also ask the person present with us. Am I wrong?”

With a livid expression, the alpha stood up and smashed a beer bottle on the table.

The entire restaurant fell silent, leaving only the alpha’s angry, twisted face and rough huffs in the video.

Then, someone called out, “The alpha is releasing suppressive pheromones! How dare you! Isn’t that against the law?”

The camera jerked around, and Nie Zihang appeared in the frame.

The alpha was clearly directing the suppressive pheromones to him, but he didn’t panic at all. The edge of his lips were even marginally lifted.

Such a micro-expression… Yu Jingxuan was too familiar with it. Without a doubt, Nie Zihang’s plan had succeeded, and victory was in hand.

“You’ve guys seen it, right? It was the alpha who used pheromones first to suppress me.”

The omega in the video articulated every single word with a powerful momentum.

Which gave rise to an echo, “Yesyesyes!!!”

After that, he watched as Nie Zihang took out a crystal sphere from his pocket and smashed it hard on the table.

It was the concentrated omega pheromone bomb.


“How about it? Is Officer Yu satisfied with the video? Need a copy of it? I’ll add you on Fetion and send it to you straight away.”

Nie Zihang retrieved his phone and calmly opened the QR code of his business number.

“In accordance with the ABO Protection Act, my actions were lawful as self-defense. Officer Yu, you should not show unprincipled favoritism to wrongdoers simply because you are an alpha, okay? Oh yes, forgot to mention. The alpha outside, who used pheromones to suppress me, has violated the “ABO Protection Act”. Officer Yu doesn’t have to check the law anymore with me here. A 15-day jail sentence and an administrative fine of 5,000 yuan are warranted for his actions. You’re welcome.”

Yu Jingxuan, “Mr. Nie can directly send the video to my email.” 

Having said that, he scanned the QR code.

Nie Zihang pressed the accept button. “As a boss of a firm, I have to always think about expanding my business. There are a lot of people trying to make a living at my office. If Officer Yu ever encounters cases with uncertainty in the future, remember to recommend me~ I’m not going to pay you any sales commission. Rest assured, I rely entirely on good reputation for my profession, so I would never resort to underhanded methods. I’m a professional in the field of administration of justice.”

Yu Jingxuan rubbed his temples. “Asking someone to help you canvass clients for free with such high-sounding rhetoric. Lawyer Nie is indeed deserving of being a boss.”


Nie Zihang smiled. “You’re flattering me, Officer Yu.”

After he said that, he sorted his belongings, preparing to leave.

Half his foot that had just stepped out of the door retreated.

Yu Jingxuan, “Is there anything else you left, Mr. Nie?” 

The rascal omega nudged his chin up at the camera etched on the door frame. “Speaking of, there’s one thing I forgot to say. Since there’s surveillance here, it saves me the effort of recording any more videos. Officer Yu has a good relationship with the alpha outside. Avoid bending the law to help an acquaintance~”

The upright alpha’s eyelashes suddenly trembled.

The corners of Nie Zihang’s lips twitched. He smiled meaningfully. “Officer Yu, you didn’t think I couldn’t tell, did you? Like I said, I’m a great professional in the field of administration of justice. Taking note of micro-expressions is a basic skill.”

Author’s Feed:

Passionately writing late at night.

Niche OA love, the main attack of the novel~

Cutting leg meat on your own~

Translator’s Feed: 

Welcome to another ABO pit, everyone! This is a freshly dug hole by yours truly. I’ve seen this novel on twitter. When I read that both protagonists were gay (in their world) and that the O is the gong and the A is the shou, I immediately read it. And now, here we are~ You’ll love them, honest!