CH 2

Name:Bottom A, Top O Author:
Translator: Abo Dammen

The following morning, Nie Zihang arrived at his workplace promptly at 9 am. He sipped coffee while typing in their staff chat group. 

[How are the preparations for tomorrow’s case coming along, Liu Xin? Are all of the materials ready?]

[How did things go with yesterday’s client, Chen Dong? Can you handle the case? If you ever have a question, just approach me.] 

Immediately after, a series of texts poured forth.

[Holy shit, boss suddenly respawned!]

[Boss? You really here?]

Nie Zihang was rendered speechless. 

These shitheads. Obviously they were just up-to-date on the events of the previous day and were unaware of his personal arrangement.

He lifted his fingers and typed: 

[What’s all the hubbub about? What do you mean I’m really here? Today’s a working day. Of course I still have to show up for work even if I am the boss. What, you’ve never seen a boss go to work before? Ignorance at its finest; please don’t flaunt about being your father’s offspring in public.]

Within seconds, many more heated responses emerged from the group: 

[Sure, it’s a working day, but it’s also a working day in jail! How’d you get your phone, boss? Boohoohoo, boss, you’re already inside, but you haven’t forgotten about our firm’s descendants. We’re reeeeally moved… Dad, please rest assured! After the morning’s work is over, we will plan a team building trip to the jail, and we will also let a few young interns say hello! Please don’t worry about what’s going on here at the firm. Dad, keep your chin up over there!]

[Don’t be sad, boss. Everyone has done the math, and as a consequence of your actions, you will only spend two years in prison max!  After two years…. Will our firm still exist in two years? Dad, son can’t lose you!] 

Nie Zihang was irritated, but he also found this bunch of oddballs amusing.

He kicked open the firm’s entrance. 

“Welcome to the FaHang Law Firm… Boss?!”

The front desk girl interrupted herself mid-sentence with an exclamation. 

Everyone looked up at the door right away.

Nie Zihang arched his brow. “What, are you surprised to see me? Or maybe you’re all disappointed that you can’t go to jail for team building?” 

The shitheads shook their heads. “Definitely not!”

Chen Dong’s fawning hands held a stack of documents in front of him. 

[Boss, there was such big news yesterday. The entire internet denounced the omega for what happened. All night long, we, your grandkids, went to a virtual world war with the netizens! I’m not sure how many troops and horses were lost, and we didn’t even gain an edge in the hands of our adversary. But you, our granddad, entered the police station alone and managed to escape unscathed in a single night. Worthy of being our great dad! Dad, please help me take a look at this document. Can the case be accepted? Is there any bombshell?]

Rlf Iltjcu rflhfv atf vbmewfca jcv ktjmxfv la bc atf mgbkc bo tlr rxeii. “Cmmfqa la. Xb yjmx jcv rajs qea alii oegatfg cbalmf.” 

Chen Dong fawningly opened the door for him. “Okay! Dad, I didn’t expect our connections to be so great that the big case over there could get a clearance. Father, this is you in your son’s eyes!”

Lf ujnf tlw j atewyr eq. 

Nie Zihang kicked his trousers that left a foot mark. “Don’t put a hat on your dad. Get back to your workstation.”

Jtfc Gbcu uglccfv jcv gfqilfv, “Ktjcxr, Gjv”, jcv atfc tfiqfv tlw mibrf tlr boolmf vbbg. 

Rlf Iltjcu rqfca atf fcalgf wbgclcu vfjilcu klat tlr qlifv kbgxibjv.

It was nearly 12 noon when he looked up from the stack of paperwork. 

It had come to his attention yesterday at midday that his omega, Shi Zhiyuan, had cheated on him and had even ostentatiously led the alpha window shopping at the city’s most opulent shopping mall. The delay in his job was due to his plans for that evening to capture the adulterer in the act.

Attorney Nie massaged his brows, exhausted by this morning’s labour. 

What about love, or seeking for omegas? In the presence of an alpha, every one of them felt an overwhelming want to fling themselves at the alpha and have their napes licked.

Did he really have to catch him cheating in person? What a waste of time, it fucking delayed his work. 

As his displeasure grew, his phone rang.

The number began with 002. If you scoured through the entire H City, this number was also used by the police department. 

Nie Zihang pressed the answer. “Hello, it’s Nie Zihang.”

The phone was answered by a stern masculine voice, “Mr. Nie Zihang, my name is Yu Jingxuan, and I was in charge of your case yesterday, badge number 39520. The case had recently been taken to court. He Cheng, the alpha who had released suppressive pheromones to you, has confessed to his crime and admitted to violating our country’s Omega Protection Law.. The precise information will be forwarded to the Procuratorate for investigation and punishment. Your omega boyfriend—” 

“Ex-boyfriend.” Nie Zihang cut him off.

The speaker on the other end of the call paused before correcting, “Your omega ex-boyfriend, Shi Zhiyuan, has not broken any rules or regulations, so we decided to release him. If you are available this afternoon, please come to the police station to sign.” 

Nie Zihang glanced at the paperwork left on his table and said, “Okay, just right on time, it’s lunch. I’ll head over there right now.”

“All right.” 

He hung up the phone when he finished speaking, clearly unwilling to continue the conversation.

Nie Zihang recalled with bewilderment the moment yesterday when he threatened Yu Jingxuan and the fleeting helplessness on the other’s face. 

Tch. He was clearly an alpha, so how could he feel threatened? He reminded him of a kid who got caught red-handed.

Nie Zihang cheerfully sipped his coffee, reached for the car key, and got to his feet. 

He drove all the way to the police station, just in time for lunch. The lobby happened to have a policeman on duty.

Yu Jingxuan must have notified him ahead of time. He instantly welcomed Nie Zihang when he saw him. “Mr. Nie Zihang, correct? You should go to Officer Yu’s office and wait for him to return from the restroom. Turn right after going upstairs. It’s the next room over.” 

Nie Zihang nodded and proceeded up the steps.

However, he was barely halfway through when he heard an argument above. 

“Officer Yu, I’m not sure what type of weed He Cheng is smoking, but he’s been pressing on seeing you. Ai… Officer Sun was given custody of him by the higher-ups, but he’s still trying to cling to you. Ugh, he really irks me.”

“It’s fine, let him meet with me.” 

Yu Jingxuan’s stern voice was unmistakable. The alpha had a gruff demeanour toward Nie Zihang, but he was quite kind to his colleagues.

Nie Zihang’s pace slowed subconsciously, and he came to a halt at the top of the stairs. 

The stairwell saga continued:

“Hey, He Cheng, why are you looking for Officer Yu? Stop holding your fart and start chatting.” 

“Ah Jing… uhm, Officer Yu, can I speak to you alone…”

“You still want to talk to him alone? What’s on your mind? The police station is your home, yeah? Stop delaying Officer Yu’s lunch and speak up if you have something to say.” 

“Ah Jing, I didn’t mean to do it… You’re well-known around here, as for… As for my mishap, it’s not really a small thing, but it’s also not a big deal. Is there a room for you to set up…”

The eavesdropper on the corner, Nie Zihang, couldn’t help but wrinkle his brows at what he was hearing. 

Oho, looks like this alpha named He Cheng has had an unconventional relationship with Yu Jingxuan. He addressed him quite personally.

With one giant stride, he entered the trio’s field of vision. 

“Tsk, room to set up what? Allow the victim, which is myself, to participate as well.”

After he spoke, the trio standing at the arrival of the stairs were all caught off guard and looked at him. 

The shackled alpha gazed at him with angry crimson eyes and tittered back canines.

Nie Zihang strolled upstairs with one hand in his pocket, the corner of his mouth twisted into a provocative smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pick up on it. It’s ’cause you guys didn’t speak in a private place.” 

“What did you hear?” He Cheng probed.

Nie Zihang, “I heard you mention that releasing suppressive pheromones to an omega in public was no big deal. I also heard you planned to exploit your friendship with Officer Yu to accomplish something.” 

The alpha came forward and was going to pounce on him once more. The iron chains that hung around his wrists clanged. “You’re slandering me, I never said anything like that!”

The following second, he let out a pained howl the following second. 

The towering and strong alpha was caught backhanded by the police next to Yu Jingxuan, rendering him immobile.

“How many times have you told that, be honest with me!” 

Yu Jingxuan threw a light glance at the alpha and remarked, “Take that person back, Xiao Liu. Please refrain from bringing them to me in the future.”

Then he turned around and made an inviting motion to Nie Zihang, fully ignoring the alpha’s cries of being taken away. “I have Mr. Nie’s papers at my office. Come along with me.” 

He was still dressed in his police uniform from the previous day. He had definitely put in a lot of time grooming his appearance, but he now had noticeable dark bags under his eyes and a subtle coffee scent emanating from his skin. He should have been working on this case since the later portion of the night yesterday and hadn’t gotten any rest.

Nie Zihang followed the man into his office, where he handed him the case jacket. His knuckles were well pronounced, and his fingertips were pinkish in colour. His skin wasn’t as fair and transparent as an omega’s, but it was far more sublime than the average betas. 

Nie Zihang bit his tongue and averted his gaze, instead concentrating on turning over the statement.

Yu Jingxuan did not exhibit any bias at all. Everything mentioned in the statement was precise and unambiguous, with no hidden verbiage. Even in his last summation of He Cheng, he wrote: if he did not make an attempt to repent under odious circumstances, the punishment may be severe. 

“As I am affiliated with He Cheng, his portion has been allocated to my other colleagues. My statement and another colleague’s trial file will be handed to the Procuratorate. If there are no further issues, Mr. Nie, please sign on the last page.”

Nie Zihang took a pen, boldly scribbled his name on the last page, and then glanced up at him. “Professionalism is teeming throughout the writing. Does Officer Yu have a good relationship with He Cheng?” 

As predicted, Yu Jingxuan once again froze upon hearing it.

“It has nothing to do with you or the case,” the delicate-appearing alpha stated stiffly after three seconds of silence. 

Nie Zihang stood up and returned the document to him. “Indeed, it is impolite of me to question the relationship between Officer Yu and the offender. No disrespect intended, I just want to remind that regardless of your standing, whether he is a family or a friend, that alpha demanding that you protect him is not worth it.”

Suddenly, the man’s grip on the paper became much firmer. 

Nie Zihang understood his remarks had been heard, so he stopped speaking. He rose up, fixed his clothing, and prepared to leave.

As soon as he stepped outside, he heard a muffled voice behind him say, “Thank you.” 

Nie Zihang could hear the voice even though it was quite faint… He also detected a faint nasal twang beneath the steely voice.

Nie Zihang’s feet came to a halt, and he waved his hand behind him. “Don’t mention it. Officer Yu seems too easy to pick on. 

“Of course, it’s also for the purpose of cultivating goodwill, so that future interactions with Officer Yu will go relatively smoothly. Officer Yu, remember to introduce me to prospective clients if you find any. I am a rock solid individual. We have reasonable rates and treat our clients of all ages with integrity and honesty.”