CH 3

Name:Bottom A, Top O Author:
Yu Jingxuan re-sealed the case jacket after Nie Zihang had gone without any haste.

A short message came from his phone:

[Xiao Yuyu, how are ya? Have you done everything you needed to do? How long until you get off of work? Do you want to eat or head to a bar to have some fun? It’s to help you to get rid of bad luck. This He Cheng is the greatest jerk in history!  It’s all right, it’s all right, the next one will be better!]

It was his best friend, Lu Feifei, an alpha.

Yu Jingxuan read the message. When he reflected on his experiences over the past two days, he could not help but sigh.

[I’ve been putting in extra hours since yesterday. In the afternoon, I’ll go home to rest.]

[Then we must have dinner! You can’t sleep until tomorrow on an empty stomach. Are you still upset? I mean, come on, it’s only an alpha, and the market is flooded with them! Just wait, I’ll introduce you to a couple more! It’s not worth engaging in a hunger strike for that scumbag alpha He Cheng.]

[Uh, there’s no need…  You can look around first for a place to eat. Let’s continue talking when we meet in the evening.]

[Roger that! I’ll start looking right away.]

After seeing the response, Yu Jingxuan shut off the phone’s touchscreen. Then he switched on the computer and accessed a short blog site.

He typed the password accurately and logged into the H City’s public security account.

The final short post on the account was still the forwarded news from “H City Publication.”

“The H City Police Department has begun an investigation; everyone is asked to wait for the results. //  H City Publication: It was reported today that an omega with the surname Nie hurled a potent pheromone extract into the crowded Shumen Hot Pot Restaurant in the centre of H City, forcing multiple alphas to go into rut on the spot and wreaking havoc with public order. No omegas were hurt and the event situation was handled expeditiously. The neighbourhood’s local police station has been tasked with investigating the associated crimes and offenders.” 

It was yesterday’s case which involved Nie Zihang.

Yu Jingxuan published a further notice: 

“According to the investigation, the alpha surnamed He initially imposed suppressive pheromone to a particular surnamed Nie in the Shumen Hot Pot restaurant. A certain surnamed He had confessed to the crime. Mr. Nie’s possession of concentrated pheromone extract was a pheromone medicine prescribed to omegas for medical purposes. Legality has been confirmed for the medium. The matter will be sent to the Procuratorate for additional assessment and judgement. After the hearing, the H City’s Procuratorate will regularly publicise the exact penalty findings.”

As soon as the article was published, multiple comments appeared underneath. Two minutes after it was posted, the one with the ID “Hang Law’s Attorney Nie” was already the most popular. 

“My sincerest apologies for disturbing all the police officers late at night yesterday. I am grateful for the people’s police for telling the truth. To some extent, I, as an omega, too have a pheromone condition. Last night, the alpha’s suppressive pheromone was too potent, and as it was an emergency, I was forced to utilise pheromone bombs to cause chaos in order to defend myself. Once more, I apologise for the inconvenience I caused everyone late at night, and I extend my sincere appreciation to all the police officers for their honesty and dedication.“

His tone was kind and soft, and his entire remark had a lungful of a victim’s grievance, complete with graphic descriptions of an omega’s frailty. 

Pa kjr ilxf tf kjr cba atf rjwf qfgrbc ktb rja bc j mtjlg klat tlr ifur mgbrrfv sfrafgvjs jcv gfrqbcvfv “yfmjerf la kjr mbbi” ktfc tf kjr defralbcfv jybea kts tf atgfk atf mbcmfcagjafv ybwy.

Te Alcuzejc ragfjwfv atf mbwwfcar jcv obecv atja Rlf Iltjcu tjv remmfrroeiis rtloafv qeyilm bqlclbc, jr fnfgsbcf kjr “xlrrlcu jcv teuulcu” tlw. 

Yu Jingxuan, ….

Sure enough, there’s no way to ever know the person on the other end of an anonymous online conversation. 

Imagining that hoodlum omega being comforted by kisses and hugs…

The hair on the back of his neck rose. 

But according to what he’d heard, the person was involved in OO relationships, and he’s the top…

Yu Jingxuan had never encountered OO relationships, therefore he had no idea what type of group it was. But if it was that person… He thought that it suited him quite well for some reason. 

The alpha’s cheeks reddened as he realised his thoughts were beginning to twist. He shook his head quickly to stop himself.

Why did he suddenly think about something so private as Mr. Nie’s life… Such rude conduct!

He felt guilt. Simultaneously, a message notified on his phone:

[Yuyu, I found a barbecue joint! This eatery is open 24/7. You can sleep a little longer, and when you wake up, let’s go eat there! When the timing is right, we can still have beer. Let’s get drunk and drown out our sorrows and grievances, and all our worries will fly away after!]

[Smoke World Barbecue · Public reviews]

Yu Jingxuan clicked the link to take a look. It was very near to his apartment. After reading it, he responded with “fine.”

The reply from Lu Feifei was immediate: [This is it, then? Call me when you wake up!]

[Mhm, alright.]


On the other hand, the Hang Law’s law firm.

After responding to the short blog’s notification, Nie Zihang dove into the document. 

Tomorrow, his disciple Chen Xin had a lawsuit. To comfort his young disciple, he laboured hard till 9 o’clock at night.

Lights on the otherwise deserted street could be seen through the window, despite the late hour. 

Nie Zihang shut the folder, yawned, and then addressed his young disciple, “Alright, I’ve reviewed all the documents, and the questions that the defendant may ask are virtually identical, so that’s about it. Don’t worry, the law will side with us, regardless of how skilled the opposing side’s attorney is, because we are the righteous side.”

The hair of the young man seated across from him burst fiercely. He pinched his fingers in dread. 

Nie Zihang, “What’s wrong?”

The young man looked at him with a pitiful gaze. “Shifu, if I lose this battle, will you still recognize me as your disciple….” 

Nie Zihang immediately raised his foot to kick the other. “Lose, my ass. Go take back what you said word by word. Laozi and Laozi‘s firm have never lost a battle, same goes with Laozi‘s apprentices. If you have nothing else to do but act mopey, then get out.”

Chen Xin hurriedly avoided his feet, still holding the folder as he rubbed against the chair, not wanting to leave.

“Anything else to say?”

The young man sniffled. “No more… Shifu, you’re really great! I will definitely win tomorrow!” 

Nie Zihang burst out laughing at his teasing. “Okay, got it. Go home, have a good night’s rest.”

Chen Xin then went out with the document in his arms, and when he closed the door, he turned back and bowed deeply to him, “Thank you, dad! Dad, you’ve worked hard! I wish my dad’s next wife to be on his best behaviour, have a long life, and to never cheat!”


The roller shutter slammed shut, and the echoes could be heard halfway down the street. 

He massaged between his brows.

He tasted romantic disappointment belatedly. 

He arched the corner of his mouth in mockery. Third one cheated in the same way as the first two. And, like them, he was so completely enslaved by an alpha that not a shred of his soul remained.

In the past, he would constantly criticise alphas as mongrels who only think with their lower body, but it seems that omegas would not be outdone. 

He retrieved a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, ignited one with a lighter, and took a deep puff.

Just as he entered his car, his phone rang. 

It was Jiang Ming, a young male beta.

He put on his earphones before answering, “What’s up?” 

He had a somewhat raspy voice. Maybe he talked too long this afternoon without taking any water breaks.

The other line was alarmed and pressed him fast, “What happened? It’s not the first time you’ve experienced a breakup. How did it turn out like this? Oh fuck, Nie Zihang, are you crying secretly yourself? Wait, where are you? I’ll go find you.” 

Nie Zihang’s eyelids jumped. He pressed the gas pedal.

The car sped away. 

“I’ll….go—Nie Zihang, what are you doing? Listen to me, leave the car first. You shouldn’t go behind the wheel with your current state of mind. We can easily look for another one now that the omega is gone, don’t do it! Really, you’re better than this!”

Nie Zihang, .… 

“Keep making shit up about me again, Jiang Ming. Do you believe me if I say I’ll run you over in front of your house with my car?”

“Okay okay, cool down. Are you cranky because you haven’t had anything to eat yet? My family has a new barbecue joint. Would you like to come there? I’ll buy you food and booze.” 

Nie Zihang checked his watch and leisurely exhaled a ring of smoke. “Too far, won’t go. Hanging up.”

“Heyhey, don’t hang up. My residence is pretty near to your law firm, however it’s a little further away from yours. We can dine together and then you can sleep over at my place, then head to work in the morning. You just lost your old found love, what are you gonna do when you go back? Watch the things that make you think about that guy?” 

Nie Zihang tightened his grip on the steering wheel, and the cigarette between his fingers glowed orange-red as it flickered.

“‘Kay, I’ll be there in 20,” he said. 

It’s not that he’s afraid of seeing things that remind him of that person. It’s because his house was so big that whenever he’d drive home, there wouldn’t be a light in the house. He could hear echoes when he’d come in and take off his shoes.

Although he had lived like this every day, for some reason, he didn’t want to go back home tonight.

Lu Ming’s tone on the other end of the phone obviously relaxed, and he agreed with a smile. “Kk! I’ll pack up and go out right now.”

“Hmm, see you at the door of the barbecue joint. What’s the name? I’ll put it in the navigation.” 

“Smoke World Barbecue. I’ll send you the location on Fetion.”


The author has something to say:

Officer Yu: I was brokenhearted. My friend asked me to eat out and drink 

Atty. Nie: What a coincidence, so was I.