CH 4

Name:Bottom A, Top O Author:
Translator: Abo Dammen

The street was deserted when Nie Zihang finally arrived at the barbecue joint at 11 pm. 

As soon as he parked, he noticed the beta waving at him through the window. The beta was dressed casually in a t-shirt and sandals. It was Jiang Ming, his childhood friend.

Behind the dumbass beta Jiang Ming was a slender and refined man dressed in a simple white T-shirt and jeans. He maintained his upright posture even in the bustling atmosphere of the barbecue joint. Isn’t that the Yu Jingxuan he met at noon today? 

Tch, this must be fate.

However, Officer Yu was not alone. Someone was sitting opposite him.

The guy’s hair, which was about shoulder length, was pulled back into a high pony, and he cut a cute figure.

Nie Zihang examined the man with a deadpan expression. Considering how delicately he is dressed, he must be an omega.

He couldn’t tell that Officer Yu, who didn’t resemble an alpha in the least, actually had an omega. One really couldn’t judge a person by its appearance.

Shortly after entering, Nie Zihang found Jiang Ming at his table and took a seat across from him.

“You’re here? I just ordered five pounds of crayfish, ten lamb meat skewers, two eggplants, and six chicken wings. Check to see what else you want to add. Would you like to eat some raw scallops and oysters?”

Nie Zihang pulled his tie before sloppily reclining in the chair. “It’ll do. Did you get some beer? Get a few bottles of Laoshan.”

“I’ve already ordered 8 fully opened bottles. You can always place another order if you feel like it’s not enough.” 

“That works.”

A trace of alpha pheromone wafted up to his nostrils as they conversed. 

Rlf Iltjcu vfrqlrfv jiqtjr atf wbra, jcv kjr qjgalmeijgis rfcrlalnf ab atflg qtfgbwbcfr. Snfc lo atfgf kjr bcis j agjmf bo la, tf vfafmafv la.

Lf rafgcis rkfqa tlr ujhf jgbecv. 

Ca atlr tbeg, atf gfrajegjca kjr gfijalnfis fwqas. Lf jcv Aljcu Zlcu rja ja atf olgra ajyif, atf kjlafg tjv alvlfv eq atf ajyif akb gbkr cfza ab atfw, jcv fnfc atf ilutar tjv yffc vlwwfv. Pa kjr bynlber atja atfs kbeiv cb ibcufg jmmfqa cfk merabwfgr.

Currently, the table closest to him was Yu Jingxuan’s, which was located behind Jiang Ming. 

He’d smelled Yu Jingxuan’s pheromone far too frequently in the previous two days. When he sat down earlier, he caught a whiff of it, but it was completely different from the one he was currently smelling.

“What’s up? What’re ya looking at?” Jiang Ming asked. 

Nie Zihang’s gaze was drawn to the young man opposite Yu Jingxuan, and his eyes squinted with interest. “It’s nothing.”

It turned out to be the young boy who had accompanied Officer Yu and whom he had initially misidentified. Unexpectedly, he was also an alpha. 

“Sorry to disturb you, here is your beer. 8 bottles of Laoshan, I’ll open it for you.”

The waiter arrived with a beer case, placed the beers on the table one by one, and skillfully opened each one.

Nie Zihang poured himself a glass and heard in passing that the next table had already finished their second round of drinks.

The high pony-tailed alpha raised his cup and lisped, “Come on, Yuyu, let’s drink some more! If there is wine today, then today is the day to get drunk. I’ll take you to a disco dancing when I’m drunk. Let me tell you, a scumbag alpha like that He whatchamacallit is not worth our sadness at all. He’s a piece of shit! If you don’t believe me, ask Chengzi and the others, does that He whatshisname deserve you? He doesn’t, he never will!”

He anticipated Yu Jingxuan to say something, but he wasn’t expecting the alpha to remain cheerless and cold.

After a while of silence, Yu Jingxuan finally raised his head, choked out a “yes,” and poured himself a glass of wine.

“Our Yuyu is so great! He can cook, do housework, and is gentle and caring! Even with a bright lantern, a wife of this calibre is difficult to find. That rotten alpha found him after much difficulty, but instead of cherishing our Yuyu, he backstabbed him and marked an omega! A gigantic twat!”


The two then had another drink.

Nie Zihang and Jiang Ming didn’t even take a sip. They watched helplessly as their neighbouring table ordered round three of drinks while they were only given one plate of meat skewers.

Roughly after drinking to their heart’s content, the next door high pony-tailed alpha stood up staggeringly, and spoke boldly, “Alphas are bastards! Come, let’s raise a glass to the truth we barely found!”

Even more outrageous was the fact that the upright Officer Yu stood up and coldly echoed, “Alphas are bastards.”

They clinked their cups after speaking, but neither of them moved to drink.

The high pony-tailed alpha blinked, a little incredulous. “Yuyu, that didn’t sound right… Both of us are also alphas.”

Yu Jingxuan’s confused voice also transmitted, “… What’s going on?” 

“Were we scolding ourselves just now?”

“Hmm? Were we?”

Nie Zihang couldn’t hold back and burst out laughing.

He had never expected that Officer Yu, who negotiated with him in a very business-like manner just this noon, would be like this when drunk. 

Jiang Ming looked up puzzlingly. “What are you suddenly laughing at?”

Nie Zihang raised his cup in a good mood, and made a toast gesture at the next table. “I’m just happy.”

Jiang Ming: ….

Nie Zihang and Jiang Ming did not procrastinate in eating. They finished their meal in just over an hour. 

Both of them were also very good at drinking. Even after eight bottles of beer were poured down their throats, they still looked normal. Neither of their complexions changed colour.

But their neighbouring table, where Yu Jingxuan and his companion sat, were the complete opposite.

Officer Yu, who always sat upright with his back straight, was completely paralysed in the chair. His elbows leaned on the table, supporting half of his head drooping bit by bit, obviously drunk.

The high pony-tailed alpha opposite him was still chattering non-stop. 

“Yuyu, let me tell you, the rogue alphas found outside are too unreliable. As long as the species called omegas still exist, there will never be anything for us. No matter how many husbands you find, they will hook them up!

“Huhuhu, alphas and omegas are no good….

“Yuyu, let’s just find betas. Let’s ask other people if they’re willing to be with an alpha. Let’s just find betas huhuhu…. We are independent, adorable, and not clingy. What a good wife material… 

“Or, Yuyu, perhaps we can just internalise! Anyways, see, you’re an alpha and a policeman. Don’t you have a lot of muscles? Let me see!” 

After he spoke, his hands already started to make a move on Yu Jingxuan.

Nie Zihang, who had already settled the bill and was about to leave, twitched an eye. This guy is too drunk. Is he prepared to do it with his “best friend”?

At the other end, Yu Jingxuan, whose whole face was lying on the table, knocked off the high pony-tailed guy’s perverted hand.

“I-It won’t work… I don’t want…to be on top….” 

Nie Zihang: …

Is this something that he, an ordinary person, could listen to? Wouldn’t he be silenced? 

The guy at the neighbouring table was also shocked.

His cheeks reddened, then paled, and after a moment he bit his lip and asked, “T-Then I’ll top you, is that okay? L-Laozi is also an alpha, isn’t it just topping? I can do it!” 

Yu Jingxuan raised his head, first glanced at the high pony-tailed guy, and then his blurred gaze gradually moved to his lower body.

Bystander Nie Zihang: ….???

Uh, is he going to personally witness the drunk sex of the two alphas?

The next second, he heard the alpha’s dazed voice say, “Y….You won’t do… Huu, you’re too small…..” 

After he spoke, with a bang, his face fell on the table.

Passed out.

In the absolutely empty eatery, the high pony-tailed guy’s sobbing voice soared like he was scammed by romance, “What did you say?!!

“Yu Jingxuan! Don’t you have manners!” 


The author has something to say:

Atty. Nie: Seeing the different side of my wife when he is drunk is really adorable.

Translator’s Feed: 

I forgot to schedule this. I just got back to my hotel room so after posting this I’ll go to sleep. Have fun reading ^^