CH 6

Name:Bottom A, Top O Author:
Translator: Abo Dammen

Nie Zihang contacted a substitute driver to transport Yu Jingxuan and High Pony-tail. Jiang Ming walked alone home because he lived in a nearby neighbourhood. 

After the driver pulled up, Nie Zihang opened the door and climbed into the co-pilot seat, letting the two alpha bffs Yu Jingxuan and High Pony-tail take the back seat. He couldn’t stand the noise of this high pony-tailed alpha. He kept yelling that he wanted to drive the car.

Nie Zihang pondered it. If he sat in the front, it would be very easy for him to give directions, so just let him sit there. 

He pushed High Pony-tail into the co-pilot and closed the door for him with great difficulty. He cast a glance behind him. The other  person was lagging behind.

The alpha was deafeningly quiet. As he stood upright, he resembled a cornerstone. He was only a few inches shorter than the alpha, but his eyes followed his figure and he was inexplicably more obedient.

“Officer Yu, do you mind if you ride with me in the back of the car?” Nie Zihang said, then he opened the car door and gestured towards him.

Yu Jingxuan looked at the fairly spacious back seat and shook his head exasperatingly slowly. When he had his leg raised, ready to enter, he suddenly stopped and backed away, without so much as a word. 

“What’s wrong?” Nie Zihang asked.

The alpha held his shirt with his fingertips, gently tugged it forward, and said methodically, “Omegas first.” 

Nie Zihang glanced at the hand on his waist, then looked at the earnest and serious Officer Yu.


He’s drunk, but he still hasn’t forgotten to prioritise omegas. He wondered, who was saying that them and omegas were forever class enemies just earlier?  

Nie Zihang wasn’t modest to the drunkard and got into the car directly. 

The entire ride, High Pony-tail was instructing the substitute driver to turn left and right, chattering non-stop for a while.  

Yu Jingxuan remained silent. Even in his inebriated state, his behaviour was commendable. 


The alpha just fell asleep. He should be tired. His eyes earlier blinked slowly, then another slow blink… His head drooped bit by bit afterwards.  

The fragrant orchids wafted through the confined space.

The next second, a hairful head hit Nie Zihang’s chest, and the scent of orchids wafted through his nostrils. 

He dipped his head and saw the culprit blink his eyes and stare at him blankly. His eyelashes still had a trace of mist on them. He looked sleepy.

Leaving aside the alpha’s pheromones, his drunken appearance really looked… a little fluffy. 

Nie Zihang lifted his hand, intending to move him back, but then dropped it.

Then, he whispered, “I’ll wake you when we arrive.” 

Ktf wjc byfvlfcais qliibkfv tlr tfjv bc Rlf Iltjcu’r atlut jcv mibrfv tlr fsfr.

Rlf Iltjcu atbeuta tf kjr jriffq, rb tf cb ibcufg ybatfgfv tlw. Lf mibrfv tlr fsfr jcv gfrafv tlr qjiwr bc tlr rilutais atgbyylcu afwqifr, ifjclcu yjmx lc tlr rfja. 

Lf’v ubaafc abb ilaaif riffq atf qgfnlber akb vjsr. Ccv yfmjerf tf tjv pera mbcrewfv jimbtbi, tlr tfjv yfujc ab jmtf.

Suddenly, his thigh got rubbed against…. 

After a while, the man shifted his posture and rubbed once more.

There was a hushed voice in the space between his thighs that muttered, “Attorney Nie…” 

Nie Zihang froze, opened his eyes, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

He seemed to be having trouble sleeping. He doesn’t want to vomit, does he? 

The man’s nose nudged his abdomen, and he sniffed lightly, “You smell nice…”

Nie Zihang’s face immediately darkened. 

An alpha was rubbed against the omega and even sniffed him! After he caught a whiff, he said the other smelled nice?

This is naked harassment, okay!

Sure enough, alphas weren’t good creatures. No matter how gentle and soft they seemed, they were still an A after all! An alpha who turns into a beast when meeting an omega!

“You fucker…”

Halfway through his curse, he felt a wet feeling on his abdomen.

The alpha’s forlorn voice came to his ears through his clothes, “That omega, are they as fragrant as you… Omega pheromones are very fragrant, more fragrant than mine…”

Nie Zihang suddenly lost his voice and remembered this man’s drunken words in the eatery: His omega had abducted my alpha.

He couldn’t help laughing inwardly. 

It seemed that his and Yu Jingxuan’s experiences were too similar. After he got drunk, Officer Yu substituted the people in his story and collabed their broken love life stories into one.

Although Nie Zihang didn’t know Yu Jingxuan very well, judging from their interaction  the past two days, the alpha was cooperative and respectful, and his whole body had an air of pride.

Such a prideful alpha actually came to ask the ‘ex-boyfriend‘ of his ex-boyfriend’s mistress if he was not as good as that mistress’ omega fragrance…

Nie Zihang felt resentful. Even if he’d been cheated on by omegas three times, he still thinks that those omegas had bad eyesight. They were all beasts who couldn’t rein in their instincts. He, on the other hand, never felt that he had that problem.

But Yu Jingxuan actually doubted himself because of the same matter.

“Yu Jingxuan.” He called out.


“Other alphas bully you, and you also bully yourself. Why are you so easy to bully?”

The alpha looked at him at a loss. “What…?”

Nie Zihang didn’t expect a drunkard like him to understand, so he put it in a more straightforward way, “He doesn’t smell as good as you. You are more fragrant than that omega, and you are also more fragrant than me.”

The man lying between his legs went silent. He probably fell asleep again.

Nie Zihang lowered his head and saw the droplets of tears smeared on the alpha’s eyelashes. He couldn’t hold back and flicked them with his fingertips. 

Although High Pony-tail’s words are unreliable, there was one thing he had said right: He was such a great wife, that asshole Alpha didn’t deserve him. 

If his wife had been so obedient, he’d be able to wake up from dreaming with a smile. 


His house was in an old neighbourhood next to them. The two neighbourhoods were only separated by a wall. 

After he sent them both to the door of their apartment, High Pony-tail grabbed Yu Jingxuan’s arm and waved to him at the door. “We’re home! Thank you, you’re a good omega. Unlike those wild, untamed omegas outside!”

Nie Zihang watched them until the door closed, turned around and went back to his home. 


The day he met Yu Jingxuan seemed like an insignificant episode in his life. Although the two had added each other’s WeChat, they had no interaction after that. 

Yu Jingxuan didn’t come to thank him. Nie Zihang had an intuition that he must have been black out drunk so he didn’t remember meeting him that night at all. Else, with Yu Jingxuan’s character, no matter how embarrassed he’d be, it’d be impossible he’d not visit as an act of courtesy.

Nie Zihang was sitting in his office, fiddling his signature pen. 

Two days ago, he had helped a businessman fight an economic case and won 30 million in compensation. The firm got 30% of the commission so these past two days, Nie Zihang has been in a good mood.

The firm had a flexible working system. They had no cases to fight in the past two days, so the brats were all on vacation at home. He and the one manning the front desk were the only two people in such a large office. One watched dramas, and the other read books. It was quite leisurely. 

Except for the slight abnormality on his nape…

Nie Zihang looked at the calendar on the table. Before he knew it, it was already the beginning of September. Speaking of, it’s clearly the beginning of autumn, but H City was quite warm so everyone still wore short sleeves. They couldn’t feel the change of seasons at all. 

He didn’t notice. It was almost his heat cycle.

Nie Zihang’s shorter-than-average omega heat cycle would occur at the start of the month, once every three months. Usually, an omega’s heat cycle would be over in three days. However, his starting cycle would be longer. It would take at least a week for his gland to feel a slight tingling sensation before entering his heat cycle. He basically wouldn’t personally participate in any cases during this period of time. 

He touched the gland on his nape and calculated with his fingers. Looks like it’s time to take another vacation.

So while tidying up, he sent a message to their office group chat: 

[Children, Dad will be taking a holiday starting today, about 9-10 days. While Dad is away, you will take turns working shifts if there are no cases. You’ll only go to work if there is a case. Contact me on Fetion if you have any questions. Important physical documents will be sent to my home. Reply if message is received.]

Several beeps immediately came from his phone. 

[Received. Have a good vacation, dad!]

[Received. Dad, you have us at home, please be at ease!]

[Received. Wishing dad a pleasant heat cycle!] 

The corner of Nie Zihang’s lips hooked in satisfaction after reading the reply of the brats.

After he packed his things and left his office, the girl at the front desk greeted him, “Boss, are you heading home?” 

“Mhm. It’s 3:30 now. If no one comes by around 4:30, you can just close the firm and leave. You can get off work two hours early today.”

The girl jumped up and pressed her hands together. “Thanks, boss! Have a good vacation, boss! An nio hei ka sai yo!” 

Nie Zihang: …

“Watch less K-dramas.”

As the two talked, the door of the law firm was pushed open. The wind chimes issued a tinkling sound.

The one who entered was a familiar thin figure.

Before anyone could speak, a faint scent of orchids floated in the air.

It was Yu Jingxuan who he hadn’t seen for more than half a month.

“Nie Zihang… There’s something I need your help with.” The alpha said. 

Coincidentally, as his voice just fell, another followed behind…

It was also an acquaintance of his. It was Nie Zihang’s ex-omega. Shi Zhiyuan.

“Ah Hang… I-I came to see you.”

Nie Zihang: …