CH 7

Name:Bottom A, Top O Author:
Translator: Abo Dammen

Nie Zihang did not speak as he observed the people who entered. The front desk clerk didn’t recognise Yu Jingxuan, but she did recognise Shi Zhiyuan. Her face immediately darkened.

Who in the law firm didn’t know that the boss’s omega had eloped with another alpha? For over a month, everyone worked carefully, afraid to offer any words of comfort for fear of upsetting the boss.

Good god, this shameless omega actually had the guts to come here when the boss was about to enter his heat.

The young lady felt that he either had a scheme, or he really had a scheme!

She immediately found a broom in the corner to sweep everyone out.

“Make way, make way! Times up, it’s cleaning time. We’re closing!”

The omega looked at Nie Zihang in bewilderment, then he took a frank step and grabbed Nie Zihang’s hand. “Ah Hang, I, I really have something to ask you…don’t let Xixi drive me away…”

Xixi was the girl at the front desk.

Nie Zihang threw off his hand, and took the hand sanitizer from the counter and poured it on his hands, his face full of disgust.

“What, you say you made the trip here to see me? Shi Zhiyuan, know your place. You’ve been with me for some time. Do you believe you can ask me anything? Leave, we’re closed.”

After realising that Nie Zihang wouldn’t back down, the omega retreated. He was taken aback when he saw Yu Jingxuan, but then he remembered who he was.

He grabbed Yu Jingxuan’s arm as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

“Officer Yu, help me out… Y-You work as a cop. You cannot disregard the common people’s safety…. I really have no other way…help me out, help me…”

The alpha who felt his arm being pulled froze in his tracks.

Today, Shi Zhiyuan sported a pastel pink shirt and a pair of denim shorts. Not gonna lie, he was great at highlighting his advantages. This attire highlighted not only his trim waist and long limbs, but also his diminutive stature and good looks.

Now, this petite and attractive omega had red eyes and a red nose, crying as he hugged the police officer alpha.

With such a pitiful appearance, let alone a police officer, any alpha on the streets with a sense of justice would help.

Nie Zihang sneered inwardly, and simply sat on the sofa at the reception and watched the scene leisurely.

The captured alpha lowered his eyes and clenched the folder in his hand tightly. His delicate and beautiful fingers bent sharply.

After a while, he spoke, “Sorry, today is not my work day. You can call the police or go to the police station if you are in trouble. I came to see Attorney Nie for personal reasons, so it is not convenient to help you right now.”

Shi Zhiyuan sobbed and looked at Yu Jingxuan in disbelief, probably because he didn’t expect to be rejected at all.

“O-Officer Yu…”

He grabbed the alpha’s arm in a panic, tears streaming down his face.

Dea Te Alcuzejc bcis ogbhf, atfc delmxis qeiifv tlr jgw bea ilxf tf kjr j qijuef.

Rlf Iltjcu jgmtfv tlr ygbk. Ktlr gfjmalbc abbx tlw ys regqglrf. Ciatbeut atja vgecxjgv Llut Ubcs-ajli tjv jrrfgafv atja atfs jcv atf bwfujr kfgf obgfnfg rbmlji mijrr fcfwlfr, Te Alcuzejc kjr cba atf asqf bo qfgrbc ktb kbeiv yglcu tlr qfgrbcji qgfofgfcmfr jcv vlrilxfr lcab tlr qgbofrrlbc, frqfmljiis rlcmf tf kjr ralii j qbilmf boolmfg, j qeyilm rfgnjca.

“Officer Yu,” he called.

The alpha immediately looked towards him.

He didn’t know if he was hallucinating, but there was a sense of relief in the alpha’s eyes.

Nie Zihang couldn’t help laughing.

He disliked omegas a lot, but last time, he slept on my lap when he was drunk and sniffed my scent a lot. 

However, judging from the situation, most likely Yu Jingxuan drank to the point where he could not remember anything.

Nie Zihang calmly shifted his gaze to Shi Zhiyuan with a smile on his face. His eyes, however, were cold when he looked at the omega.

“Officer Yu, If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with our receptionist first. Of course, if you must speak with me personally, you can also talk with Xixi first. I’ll come over after I finish dealing with my personal matters.”

The young lady at the front desk heard the order and hurriedly went over to invite Yu Jingxuan.


After Yu Jingxuan had been enticed away, Nie Zihang raised his legs and looked down at his ex, Shi Zhiyuan.

“First and foremost, you disrupted my vacation. Second, you made my guest watch a joke. You are no longer mine, Shi Zhiyuan, so I am not obligated to accommodate you. I am not like those alphas who will love and protect you as soon as you emit pheromones. While I’m still in a good mood, I insist that you leave my firm immediately.”

He didn’t want to go through the trouble of looking for this omega. Fortunately for him, the trouble came to him.

Fear of Nie Zihang paralysed Shi Zhiyuan. He took two tentative steps towards him, but didn’t dare to go any further. He buttoned his sleeves and said, “I, I… He Cheng appears to have offended quite a few businesses, and they wish to sue him for compensation… But no lawyers are willing to accept his case… He threatened me with coming to…a-a-ask you…”

Nie Zihang almost laughed in anger.

His trashy ex encountered an unsolvable problem, and he even had the face to come to him to beg him.

Did these two people not know about the word “shame”?

“No one took his case, so he came to me, didn’t he? In the hopes that I will take it?”

“He Cheng said, he is sorry… But he’s already been detained for a month and punished. Can… uhm, the previous grievances be bygones… He wouldn’t mind the losses you caused him, and you wouldn’t have to worry about him stealing your omega… Simply treat it as a normal partnership in which you can set the price…”

When it came to the end, Shi Zhiyuan lost the confidence in his voice, and it gradually weakened. 

“He really forced me to do this… He asked me to come and tell you this… Ah Hang, if you don’t want to pick it up, don’t pick it up. I… know it’s wrong. But at that time, he used his pheromone. I, I just… I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I didn’t do it out of my own will. Ah Hang, let’s start over, okay…”

Nie Zihang was playing with a recording device in his hand. The red light was on, indicating that it was recording.

Shi Zhiyuan obviously saw it too, as his face turned pale immediately.

“Shi Zhiyuan, you said He Cheng used pheromones to force you. You didn’t do it on your own volition, right?” Nie Zihang slammed the recorder on the table as he spoke. “Your words have a lot of weight upon reflection. A detention fine at best awaits the person who releases suppressing pheromones to an omega. However, if he is forced to mark an unmarked omega, he will be sentenced to ten years in prison under the [ABO Criminal Law].”

The omega was so frightened that his legs were trembling, and his face had no blood at all.

Who would have thought that just a conversation with his ex would be recorded and used as a testimony in court.

He was now in a dilemma. If he said “yes”, with Nie Zihang’s character, he would definitely take the recording and report it. Both he and He Cheng would inevitably be investigated.

But if he said “no”, then he would be blatantly lying… If it spreads… If it reached He Cheng’s ears…

“I….I…..” Shi Zhiyuan knelt down in front of him and cried out: “Are you really gonna force me to do this…Ah Hang, I know I was wrong, please forgive me…”

Shi Zhiyuan was performing a bitter act on this side. The chairs on the other side of the firm made a sharp sound.

“Hey hey, Officer Yu?” The reception girl called out in a hurry.

Nie Zihang followed the voice and saw that the long-legged alpha had already hurried over.

Then, right before his eyes, he stepped between him and Shi Zhiyuan.

Holding a document with slender fingers, he slammed it in front of him.

“Attorney Nie, this is the case I wanted to entrust to you.” He said.

After he spoke. he felt it was a bit brusque, so he added, “It’s urgent.”

Nie Zihang’s eyes fell on the portfolio. The alpha’s neatly trimmed fingers were slightly pink.

It looked pure and harmless.

However, this was the first time he saw Yu Jingxuan lose control and was so anxious.

But due to his nasty personality, he raised his eyebrows and decided to tease him.

“Officer Yu, although you are my guest, I am currently dealing with my personal matters. Moreover, my heat cycle is coming soon, so please keep a distance from me. I didn’t post suppressant patches.”

He placed the file on the table. “I told you when I finish my private affairs, I will attend to your matters. If Police Officer Yu can’t wait for such a short time, you can go to another firm.”

The alpha pursed his lips tightly, his gaze fixated on the file. After he regained his frozen limbs, he retreated to a safe distance. “Sorry.”

Nie Zihang tapped his knee rhythmically with his fingers. “Alright. Give me a reason to take your case. If Officer Yu can convince me, I’ll take a look at it right now.”

Yu Jingxuan pursed his lips and said, “Mr. Nie abhors alphas. I want to sue my ex-boyfriend and ruin his reputation. This should also be what Mr. Nie wants to see.”

Nie Zihang picked up the file and covered his snicker.

He said something messed up. If this was really on the negotiating table, he’d be verbally bitten to the brim by now.

However, seeing that the alpha was so nervous that he was about to break the skin of his lips, he finally stopped his bad thoughts and looked down at the document.

He held it firmly until he turned to the first page. He lost his grip, and the document fell to the floor.

Because, on the first page of the document, in big bold letters, was clearly written: Content Evaluation for Filing a Lawsuit against He Cheng.

Even Attorney Nie, who had braved countless waves and storms, was still unable to keep his ass at his seat.

What did Yu Jingxuan tell him just now? He wanted to file a lawsuit against his ex-boyfriend?

So… So, He Cheng is his ex-boyfriend? His third ex’s alpha was Yu Jingxuan’s boyfriend???


“The ex-boyfriend you wanted to sue is He Cheng?”

Yu Jingxuan also got a little confused by his question. “I thought Mr. Nie knew that…I’m his ex-boyfriend.”

Nie Zihang, “How would I know? You didn’t say…”

He lost his voice halfway.

Yu Jingxuan did say it, the day he got drunk…

-His wife kidnapped my alpha.

-My husband kidnapped his wife.

-My alpha, kidnapped your omega.

He said it thrice.

Nie Zihang thought it was all drunk talk and didn’t take it seriously.

He looked at the documents that fell on the floor, then at Shi Zhiyuan beside him…

The omega was already slumped silly to the ground.

Nie Zihang: …

He suddenly felt happy.  Fortunately, the most embarrassed one here was not me.

The author has something to say:

Nie Zihang: I was terrified at the time. 

w: What have I done… (terrified)

Nie Zihang: Oho? I almost forgot, what about you? Compared to you, my embarrassment isn’t up to par.

He turned to look at Yuyu: Do you remember lying on my lap and saying I smell good? Do you remember it all?

Yu Jingxuan: No! (clear and decisive, ears red)