Chapter 49: The previous emperor’s passing

Chapter 49: The previous emperor’s passing

Murong Lin sat quietly in his study as he read.

Suddenly, bustling footsteps could be heard outside, quickly followed by Bai Lao Bo’s shocked voice, “Your highness, your highness! The great ancestor has passed on!”

Murong Lin almost fell from his seat as he responded, visibly astonished, “What did you say? Murong Dao is dead?”

Bai Lao Bo swiftly made his way over to his side with a shocked expression, nodding, “Yes, the news came from the palace, the great ancestor had passed on in his courtyard today.”

“Damn!” Murong Lin dropped the scroll in his hands as he paced around the room, “Leave first, I need to think. Right, I will arrange for some people to stay in that residence, be mindful.”

Despite the strange expression on his face, Bai Lao Bo simply nodded and left.

Murong Lin had tasked Bai Lao Bo with finding a suitable house within the capital discreetly before he had left to suppress the southern beast wave. Aside from them, no one else was aware of this matter.

It seems that now was the time to utilise that house.

Closing the study door himself, Murong Lin turned around and spoke, “What is going on? I don’t remember instructing any of you to do this.”

Three figures slowly revealed themselves within the room.

They were dressed in green clothing as they knelt on the ground.

They were the floor masters, Qing Miao Lou, Qing Sha Lou and Qing Long Lou.

These three people had limited their activities to the capital ever since Murong Lin had summoned them, their responsibilities were concealment, assassinations and replacing their targets.

The floor master Qing Sha Lou responded, “Master, it was not us. Murong Dao had probably died due to natural causes, adding in the news of the deaths of the four princes, he had coughed out blood and became gravely wounded, agitating his aged, hidden wounds of the past.”

Qing Sha Lou’s main responsibilities were assassinating and replacing the members of the Murong clan. To this date, more than a hundred Manifestation and Origin realm experts had already died by his hand and were swiftly secretly replaced by his own subordinates within the palace.

“Is that so? Hahahahaha! It seems like the capital is getting livelier! Hahahahaha, right, how’s the investigation going?” Murong Lin chuckled.

It was fine if it was an accident.

He was concerned that all these situations would implicate yet another protagonist.

“Master, I have planted my men around Murong Liu and enticed her into stealing the soldier tokens of the Eight Guards of the Xiao Academy that are close to duke Sheng. She had sent them outside of the city in the name of suppressing the other great influential forces, and currently, the security in duke Sheng’s residence is at its weakest.

The men we have planted in the four great clans are pushing for action against duke Sheng. I believe that aside from the Xue clan and the Wang clan that is already in the capital, the men of the two other clans are rushing over. The only thing we need now is a reason to take action against them.

Aside from that, the helper that we had arranged to meet with Zi Lin has already convinced her to refine the Dragon God Crystal, but we do not have the specifics. Sheng Yi, the person you have told us to keep an eye on, is very hard to get close to. Additionally, duke Sheng seems to be in the midst of painstaking cultivation, we do not know if he is on the verge of breaking through.

Lastly, the South Village King, Ning Wei Wu, has left his seclusion. Our men are ready to create chaos in the 32 counties at a moment’s notice, but they will not survive for more than three days in the areas under the suppression of the greater influential forces and the army of the imperial court.” Qing Miao Lou reported.

Reaching the Sky Reaching realm increased a person’s lifespan to 300 years, but in actuality, once they were at the later stages of their life, the amount of time that was spent on their seclusions would increase dramatically, causing their social circles to shrink and their hearts to become colder.

Furthermore, Murong Tong was the emperor, a position where he was required to be cold-hearted and logical.

That was why his expression remained cold, even despite the passing of his own father.

Even despite how haggard his heart had felt in recent times.

Turning back, he quickly spotted his children in the crowd with a glance, slowly speaking, “Ding’er, Lin’er, Dao’er, come forward and pay your respects.”

He called for his children to come forward.

Murong Ding respectfully walked forwards, despite his watery eyes, his back remained straight as he displayed the proper demeanour of the eldest child. He stopped at Murong Tong’s side, nodding towards him.

Murong Lin walked forwards calmly, dressed in ordinary clothes. There wasn’t sadness or joy in his expression, it was just tranquil.

On the other hand, disgust hid in the depths of Murong Liu’s eyes as she walked forwards unwillingly, standing between Murong Ding and Murong Lin, never once meeting Murong Dao’s eyes.

The three bowed and paid their respects.

Murong Tong watched from behind them, shaking his head, “Ran’er will return in the next few days. Stay in the palace for tonight.”

“Yes.” “Okay.”

Murong Ding and Murong Lin responded with one word and excused themselves.

And Murong Liu didn’t utter a word before leaving.

Murong Tong watched the leaving figures of his children, sighing with displeasure before he left as well.

He needed to take care of the South Village King’s matters.

After all, the South Village King was promoted by his father personally, he wasn’t someone that could be easily dealt with.

Murong Ding stared at Murong Lin’s back, unlike his previous humble and respectful expression, the corners of his lips were raised slightly as he laughed coldly in his heart: Third brother, oh third brother, I was truly wrong, I’d never expected you to have caused such a great problem, and you even dared to allow the Blood Spirits to enter the capital?

However, heh, thanks to you, those irritating bastards have all died in the valley.

Once eight brother returns, I’ll have to trouble you further, hahahahaha.

Translator’s note

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