Chapter 50: Art Fairy

Chapter 50: Art Fairy

Murong Lin could sense the obscene gaze coming from Murong Ding behind him, instantly sending a chill up his spine.

This big brother of mine, can’t be that, right?


Murong Lin’s pace quickened, he wanted to meet with Murong Liu, who was, unfortunately, walking even faster than him, seemingly in a hurry. Murong Lin didn’t even have time to call for her before her figure disappeared in his line of sight.

Without a choice, Murong Lin could only stroll around the garden.

By nightfall, Murong Tong had wanted to arrange a meal with his three children. However, he was promptly rejected by Murong Liu, who not only had a straightforward attitude, but also showed off her nasty temper as she did.

Seeing this, Murong Lin also rejected Murong Tong, citing that he had other matters to attend to. After all, he wasn’t Murong Tong’s real son and he had no feelings towards him.

After two rejections, Murong Tong lost his initial excitement and returned to his study in despondence. As such, Murong Ding, who had actually wished to dine with Murong Tong in an effort to become close to the emperor, had no choice but to leave angrily.

Murong Lin simply took care of his meal in the palace alone.

He was given the modest courtyard where he had spent his childhood years to rest for the night.

Murong Lin had no one he wanted to visit in the imperial palace, considering that his childhood was spent mostly within this small courtyard.

In the morning, Murong Lin stared at the somewhat dilapidated residence with some emotions in his eyes, and with the circulation of his spiritual power, he destroyed the building and left.

The patrolling guards of the palace immediately ran over, asking him, “Your highness the third prince, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”

Murong Lin waved his arm and responded with an indifferent expression, “Nothing, I just had a bit of trouble with my cultivation and accidentally destroyed this courtyard, find someone to repair it.”

The guards looked at each other, creases forming on their foreheads.

Trouble with his cultivation?

Could he be any more untruthful?

However, they didn’t dare to stop the third prince from leaving.

With an eased expression, Murong Lin walked towards his sedan chair, spotting Bai Lao Bo waiting for him there.

Murong Lin waved his arm, “Let’s go, let’s return to the residence.”

Just as he finished speaking, Bai Lao Bo walked forwards and presented an invitation to Murong Lin, speaking respectfully, “Your highness, this is an invitation sent by the men of Wang Ren Mei of the Wang clan.”

Glancing at the blue letter in Bai Lao Bo’s hand, Murong Lin gleaned its contents with his divine senses.

Murong Lin had little interest in art, and he simply sat in his seat as everyone else rushed over to marvel at Wang Ren Mei’s painting. Suddenly, sensing a gaze on his back, he turned his head immediately to no one.

Staring at the building behind him, Murong Lin’s brows were furrowed as he turned back to think.

There was no possibility of his sixth sense failing him, there was definitely a spy watching him earlier, or possibly watching everyone.

With his divine senses in the Manifestation realm, he surprisingly couldn’t sense a thing. There was no other explanation other than the target being much stronger than him, or that they wielded some kind of mysterious spiritual skill.

Murong Lin sat normally, with no intentions of moving recklessly.

He waited.

He was sure that this was why Wang Ren Mei had invited everyone here today.

Finally, she clapped her hands as the people crowding around her gradually dispersed, shouting, “Everyone, I’m sure that all of you are aware of the recent events that have transpired. The reason why I have gathered everyone here today was to have a discussion.”

After a slight pause, the crowd started whispering amongst themselves.

“What is the Art Fairy saying? Does she want our help in finding the Blood Spirits?”

“No way? Despite how weak the Blood Spirits are, the offence that they have committed this time is far too grave, every single influential force within Yan is hounding their members in the capital, why would she need to drag us into this?”

“That’s right. I feel that the Blood Spirits entered the capital this time because of some great secret!”

Wang Ren Mei watched as the crowd discussed before powerlessly adding, “While this incident does not involve any of you, it is best for all of us to work together in finding the Blood Spirits to rid ourselves any future danger. After all, the Blood Spirits will definitely bury themselves in the capital like a land mine. I hope for everyone’s assistance in this matter.”

Someone quickly asked, “Art Fairy, how can we help?”

The boy quickly lowered his head shyly as everyone turned towards him.

The corners of Wang Ren Mei’s mouth rose as she clapped her hands, “This matter, will require everyone’s assistance.

Come out, sister Hai Miao, brother Tang Can.

Also, your highness the seventh prince.”

Translator’s note

Yikes, poor guy (Tang Can).

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