Seeing this scene, Meng Zezhi vaguely felt that his heart seems to be beating a little fast. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything. 

How to say? 

When he was young, it was not that he did not have a longing for love, even several elders also helped him arrange many dates with women but all ended up unsuccessfully somehow due to various reasons.  When he got older, his feelings become dull, and he immersed himself in scientific research and remained alone until he died. 

So Meng Zezhi never felt that he is gay, but if the other party is Zhu Zhengqing...

Meng Zezhi raised his head and glanced at him, his heart got warm, he has to say Zhu Zhenqing looks really fits his eyes. 

But he is here to do the task, and he may leave the world when he finishes the task, so why delay others. 

But at this moment, a cold mechanical sound suddenly sounded in his mind: [ DING...  Hello host. In order to improve employee welfare and to increase the enthusiasm of employees for work, Lord God recently formulated and launched a new policy. Host, you can stay in the mission world for one year and so on if you can pay only 20 points of merit. We hereby inform you that there are no restrictions.]

Hearing this, Meng Zezhi's heartbeat slowed for a while. 

Neither of them spoke, as the phone rang unscrupulously. 

Meng Zezhi's silence overwhelmed Zhu Zhengqing's last trace of composure. He got flustered and his mind was chaotic. 

Fortunately, Xu Yehua appeared at the right moment here and saved him. 

Xu Yehua waved a magazine and rushed into the laboratory with people and shouted out of breath: "Professor  Zhu, Professor Zhu, something happened . . ." 

Zhu Zhengqing regained his senses abruptly. He raised his head, glanced at Meng Zezhi, the corners of his lips pursed into a straight line, and he turned and left the cubicle. 

Meng Zezhi calmed down, grabbed the phone and turned off the alarm clock and got out of the bed, and followed out. 

"What's happing? "

With a solemn expression on his face, Xu Yehua gritted his teeth and handed the magazine in her hand to Zhu Zhengqing: "Just look at it."

Zhu Zhengqing took a look at the magazine, and what caught his eyes was a Title on a page,           " Effect of CX3CR1 in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells and Its Mechanism"

In simple words, The study of the effect of chemokine receptors on human liver cancer cells and its mechanism. 

Zhu Zhengqings expression changed slightly, and he continued to look down. 

Except for the author, which he doesn't know, the entire paper including the experimental procedures and experimental data, is exactly the same as the paper he is about to finish. 

"This journal just arrived this morning," Xu  Yehua said with a sullen  expression: " I checked the author of this research paper, He is an  assistant professor at  a Pheasant University in the United States."

Obviously, the research results have been stolen. 

"Check!!" Zhu Zhengqing said coldly. 

He would never tolerate that his hard work over the past two months got stolen, He felt so frustrated.

The Author Note:

Zhu Zhengqing: Because I look good, even if I molest others, they will only call me cutie