They quickly alarmed the School leaders.

"Take out the monitoring." The Head of the Biology department forcefully suppressed his anger and shouted. 

He personally invited Zhu Zhengqing back from Harvard. Now that the scientific research results are stolen, Zhu Zhengqing won't be a thief calling out to catch the thief. The problem can only lie with the school. 

All the laboratories of Beijing University are equipped with surveillance video cameras. Surveillance videos are not allowed to display to the outside world but are stored in a special computer and only the person in charge of the laboratory can retrieve it with a password. 

Hearing this, the director of the monitoring room just rushed over with a dark face: "Director Tang, You forget, the school network system was attacked by a Hacker a few days ago. Our monitoring room was the first to fall because the download protection mechanism was triggered. Almost all the surveillance videos are automatically destroyed." 

It's worse.  But still . . 

The Head  Of the Biology Department looked ashen: " Can you recover them? "

The director of the monitoring room smiled bitterly and shook his head: " If I could recover, I would have recovered long ago."

The atmosphere quieted down instantly. 

If you want to get back the research results, you can only resort to the law. 

Although they have experimental records in their hands, this can only prove that they have done this experiment. 

Even more, because experimental records can be faked but surveillance video cannot be faked. without surveillance video, the other party has 10000 reasons for fraudulence, and even conversely slanders them for fabricating experimental records. . .

Finally, someone couldn't help it: "How can there be such a coincidence in the world, at the front foot hacker attacked  and destroyed the surveillance footage, and our research results got stolen on the back foot."

When he spoke, the anger of the entire project team got instantly ignited. 

"Yes, How can there be such a coincidence! "

"A dozen of us have been tossing about this project for more than three months, and how much effort we have put in, it is impossible for us to dig our own corner!!"

All of sudden, everyone agreed. 

"Lao Zhang is right. I was expecting to make some achievements in this project and be promoted to associate professor next year."

" Me too. My thesis task for this year has not been completed. This project is m only hope."

. . . . .

"That's is to say, the ghost is not present in our project team!"

"The problem is very simple, More than two-thirds of the computers in our laboratory are not connected to the internet. Basically, there is no possibility of being stolen by hackers. The gate of the laboratory building is closed at night and no one can enter or exit. So you can only steal things in the daytime, our laboratory locks have not been hacked, and there has been almost no theft in the laboratory some time ago. Who else can it be besides us? "

It was a thin, tall man with glasses who said this and he was probably the calmest person among the crowd. 

But the spear is directed at Meng Zezhi nakedly.

Everyone followed their gazes and then thought about it. 

The absence of surveillance video means that the results of this research can probably be taken back. This project a research funding or more than 10 million yuan. Someone must come out to take responsibility. 

Hearing this, Zhu Zhengqing frowned and said with a firm belief: " Professor Meng cant do such a thing." 

" How cant it---" from the corner of his eyes the man with glasses  glanced at the silent department head, his heart got determined and he looked indignant: " I think Professor You don't know.."

Don't you just talk about the old things from the predecessor, Meng Zezhi felt annoyed. 

"You can't wait to pour the dirty water on me? " Meng Zezhi interrupted him. 

The words got stuck in the throat of a man with glasses. 

Meng Zezhi's tone is not that good and his eyes are swept over the people present: "First, I am not stupid enough." 

Others are in the laboratory. If he really wants to steal Zhu Zhengqing's experimental results, I still need to play it like this. Why play tricks?

Wouldnt those who doubt him will be more stupid. 

The complexion of  Xu Yehua and others suddenly become unsightly.